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3 possible terrorist subjects caught


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So it turns out that these two guys are US citizens and are also medical students that were on their way to Miami to party. They were overheard saying “We’re gonna blow up at that party!” and the waitress freaked out because she heard “blow up” from the two middle eastern looking guys and notified authorites….

Well now it's all over the news so check it.....they were coming down here for school actually......some dumbass redneck racist waitress from a Georgia Shoney's misunderstood whatever they were saying and, of course, since they were middle eastern lookin, she thought that for sure they were terrorists.......can't these poor guys sue or somethin'?.....What a joke....

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Originally posted by biznation00

btw, the space comment was meant to be a joke.. seems you can't say anything on this board without someone analyzing it a certain way.

Shed some light on the whole thing, cheer up. It's no wonder why our nation leads the world in head cases (mental health issues). yet, we have soo much more than many other nations...

Thanks Biz.....I was just getting ready to say the same thing...

People need to lighten up... no, terrorism isn't funny, but come on.... Move to Montana if u can't even go out for an evening to have fun without "freaking out"....

Hope everyone has a SAFE weekend:D and keep yur eye's peeled - they're everywhere:eek: :eek:


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I believe they found a powdery substance & some sticks that misteriously glow in the dark. a major cause for concern. the authorities are in search of the 4th suspect which is said to be the master mind of the whole operation. authorities claim this suspect might go by the alias "MikeydNY"...

Suspect might be in stricking distance of Spin/Space this w/end so please be advised...:eek:

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Originally posted by biznation00

you guys are right. I'm packin' up and headed for my bomb shelter till this whole thing blows over. I'll pack heavy in case I have to be there for the next ten years..

:laugh: :laugh: ....tell me that u are packing Roly and Oscar G cds, if u pack any Bellini Compilations u will pray for mustard gas to leak into ur bomb shelter, much more "humane" way of dying than listening to Bellini's cds....:tongue:

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Originally posted by biznation00

I believe they found a powdery substance & some sticks that misteriously glow in the dark. a major cause for concern. the authorities are in search of the 4th suspect which is said to be the master mind of the whole operation. authorities claim this suspect might go by the alias "MikeydNY"...

Suspect might be in stricking distance of Spin/Space this w/end so please be advised...:eek:

Excuse me, listen there guy, I dont play with glow sticks, so how about u take them and shove em up your fucking ass, dont bring me into this bullshit. I think your comment was fucking stupid personally, who gives a fuck about the almighty precious Club Space. I know people who fucking died on 9/11 and the last thing I wanna see on a message board is some nonsense jokes about Space. So ya know what, FUCK YOU, and im not gonna sit here and agree with your bullshit comments because people wanna be on your precious guestlist each week, so again go fuck yourself. Dont even reply to me, or say shit, what u said was not funny, end of story, fucking clown.

I made the decision to not post on this board anymore, and I barely have been, but almighty Biz wants to be funny.....move this thread hurry so no drama occurs.......:blown:

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Originally posted by djobby

Praise be to Allah and Islam.


On the serious side. It's crazy how these people can justify their acts to be a religious one. Did you guys hear our Presidents speech yesterday? Impressive huh? Sounds like a true leader.

it's inshallah, no need to be a racist fuck also.

it's amazing how people can think that a religion has to do with these attacks, nowhere in the Quran or anywhere in Islamic doctrine does it say "bomb Americans".

Our President is a true moron is more like it..what is this shit now he's saying about wanting a Palestinian state? all this time nothing happened and NOW he says something? please, he just wants to score points for his reelection, that is one of the reasons why this bullshit war with Iraq will eventually happen...

it really makes me sick to think that this country can be run by such sick, vicious, moronic people. we are surely going to see another World War on our hands, and who knows what will happen then...

God help us.

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Originally posted by phrankadelic

personally...i'm glad they did what they did. it's better to be safe than sorry.

yes it's no joking matter...but some of you need to get your panties out of your asses and lighten up.

thats whut im sayin !!:D :D
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