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MUGZ (& electro fans)- The Hague declares war on Gigolo

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The Hague declares war on Gigolo (9/3)

Today the complete The Hague underground removed their websites. The websites of Murder Capital, Viewlexx, Bunker, Global Darkness and Hotmix all have the same statement on-line. In this statement they refer to mainstream labels as a two-faced hydra that tries to assimilate electro. The statement holds DJ Hell and his Gigolo label responsible for "the carefully created eighties retro fad" as they write: "the jaded cynicism or the poser attitude of the fake Gigolos who only sell their asses to the masses. You can all follow your leader into the electroclash HELL!"

Read the full statement here

Text taken from the Global Darkness, Bunker, Viewlexx and Mudercapital websites:

Electro. Mediocrity has become the norm, the passion has been killed. Pretentious wannabe rockstars with inflated egos rule the mediawaves, cheap imitation clones with clown make-up on their faces rape the style, hyped up labels capitalize on it through slique A&R fistpuppets and mainstream culture - that two faced hydra - tries to assimilate it. Meanwhile white middle class consumerist kids with mohawks run around like lost chicken, eagerly lapping up the stale cum the corporate moloch spurts onto their spotty faces as their role models down another valium with a dirty brown sherry and drag themselves through the twilight of their miserable lives in front of a tv set where a video of Liquid Sky runs on repeat.


We dont need the hollow catchphrases, the carefully created eighties retro fad, the empty music, the jaded cynicism or the poser attitude of the fake Gigolos who only sell their asses to the masses. You can all follow your leader into the electroclash HELL!

The combined The Hague Underground has shut down the airwaves.








figured this would be right up your alley. ;)

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Originally posted by sleepiswaste

some people do not want their art to grow i guess...

but i can understand their points..and respect them for it.

basically what they said is

NO POSERS. :bigfinge:

-z "wishestechnowoulddothesame"

what he said.

basically, they're all pissed off cause they feel DJ Hell and his label, american Dj gogolo is taking their genre and homogenizing it, making it more "palatable" for the masses, so they can cash in on it.

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so...mine initial thought was this:

while it may suck that this is happening, it happens with EVERY type of music. always has, always will. but the people who are true to their sound can keep their integrity but doing just that: staying true to their sound. critical acclaim and being cited as an important influence often don't go hand in hand with stardom and dough.

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<<There are way better labels in this genre

than Gigolo. But Gigolo does have some great tracks>>


<<As long as people listen to what they love

and not give a shit about popular opinions about their

genre preferences, media hypes or fasion trends (Labels)

music will retain purity. It's a personal choise what drum one

dances to>>


<<Who gives a fuck about opinions or how the people

around you dress anyway..shut up and enjoy the DJ>>

(At least that's what I think

Mugz would have said)


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Word bug.

Plus one more thing yo, ELECTRO

first of all (TRUE ELECTRO) is about as far removed

from the NEW 80's wanna be shit that all of

Williamsburg got into these days. HOWEVER

in that light electro (and media labeled "electro-clash")

is meant to be "cute" and taken lightly.

In order to understand electro you have to

have a good sense of humor and

KNOW that it's meant to be "tongue in

cheek" (How can you listen to a song

remix of "Sun glasses at night" and think

it's serious.) It's all about nostalgia and fun.



because in all reality if they understood the nature

of this genre they would know that Nostalgia=s FUN.

Everyone loves to look back and go;

"Aweee remember when.." and chuckle..

"White lines" in a breaks set is a

perfect example of that feeling.

So to all the people that take this electro

thing too seriously I say chill the fuck out yo.

Some of us have been listening to a mix of this

and that and alittle bit of everything a looong long time

and know that fads come and go..

(There was good electro before the hype and there will

be good electro after...)

Mix it up.

(Sven vath's set is a perfect

example of this concept..keep it fun

mixed and interesting and you'll see that

you might realize that you've been dancing to sounds

that have been around for a loong loong time..

you just never knew what they where called until

they get a media spot light.)

*At least that's something else I think Mugz

would have said yo~



P.S: Those that are willing

to call people posers need to get

off their self righteous high horse and shit!

Music is for EVERYONE..

And it is it's nature to spread out like

wild fire to consume all that are in it's way.

the more the merrier!;)

*keep it real...

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Originally posted by beatz

P.S: Those that are willing

to call people posers need to get

off their self righteous high horse and shit!

Music is for EVERYONE..

And it is it's nature to spread out like

wild fire to consume all that are in it's way.

the more the merrier!;)

*keep it real...

Godamn boy you just made me proud!

(I think I have an errection now..

gotta go.)

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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