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Being a loner . . .


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. . . wow, first sex board topic I've made, here goes . . .

. . . . I've been thinking lately . . really being introspective and stuff on my life and I keep coming back to the notion that I just may be one of those people that's scripted to operate alone in this life . . . I dunno what it is, but over the last five or so years, I've found myself constantly trying for companionship and failing .. I understand much of this has to do with the fact that I'm overweight and classicly 'the friend' so to speak . . . but the more I try to fight against that, the more it seems to reinforce itself upon me . . .

. . . Eh, I'm babbling, but I guess what I'm trying to pose to yall's is : Are any of you feeling that notion as well about yourselves? . . ARe there indeed certain individuals in this world who are overly social, yet still meant to fly solo pretty much throughout all of their lives? . . . I'm not a loser, per se . . I mean, I'm not ugly and I'm certainly properly socially adjusted when I want to be, but It just seems like my number never ever gets picked out of the hat when it comes to finding companionship . . . .

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It's funny you talk about this mike, cuz i was thinking of the same thing about myself lately too.

Im also very social, but not into the whole "game-playin' relationship thing", and can spend lots of time on my own. It seems that if i was to find companionship, it wouldn't be till my late 20's/early 30's, since im still into that "explore the world" phase...

Sure it gets lonely sometimes, but if you can find peace of mind with yourself, that is indeed a great thing. Some people don't go out unless they're with friends, and i never understood that.

But who knows what time will tell. you might end up having a family and moving to Mars in 20yrs for all we know :laugh:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

It's funny you talk about this mike, cuz i was thinking of the same thing about myself lately too.

Im also very social, but not into the whole "game-playin' relationship thing", and can spend lots of time on my own. It seems that if i was to find companionship, it wouldn't be till my late 20's/early 30's, since im still into that "explore the world" phase...

Sure it gets lonely sometimes, but if you can find peace of mind with yourself, that is indeed a great thing. Some people don't go out unless they're with friends, and i never understood that.

But who knows what time will tell. you might end up having a family and moving to Mars in 20yrs for all we know :laugh:

. . . Its not even that george . . I can't even find chicks to 'explore the world' as you term it , with . . . Been trying for ages, it just doesn't work except in a specific type of circumstance that I WILL not lower myself to do again (and NO, for all you idiots in the penut gallery, I'm not talking about prostitution nor forcible violation here . . ) . . .

. . . What I'm saying george, is . . . I'm just not advancing in that world anymore . . I look around myself and almost all the males in my peer group have advanced beyond me . . . And I try to play catchup . . but it gets to the point of 'why bother' . . . I just don't want interaction with people in general anymore . . It's just too painful . . especially women . .

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Everything happens or is the was it is for a reason. Perhaps you need to be content with who and what you are before you can bring someone into your realm. I don't know if you are/not, only you do. I'm still not content mainly cuz I'm a woman and a bit hard on myself. Being solo has made me become a better judger of people - bullshitter/not a bullshitter. I'm 20 and never had a serious relationship. I've been pretty solo most of my life, also I'm the only child. I don't believe my looks play any role, modestly I'm "ok". I feel comfort in being alone. I do have acquaintances and one/two friends and I'm more than content with these #'s! Compainship is hard to find, it's built on trust and trusting someone is twice as hard.

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i can agree with all of you.

i'm the friend that hangs out with everyone on the weekends and parties just as hard..but otherwise, i am alone...doing my own thing, which is fine with me and everyone else.

just because people in a certain age group are in a relationship, that doesn't mean anyone should feel like a loser because they are not. i've never had a long term relationship,and in the short ones that i've had, i was always the one to walk away...maybe some people are just not meant to be tied down...

or, maybe you are lucky you are still single and can explore....most people have their whole lives to have families, children, etc...why not spend the time you're not doing all this with something fun/constructive/meaningful..ie. studying, traveling, partying, etc.

another thing is that a lot of people nowadays are just hooking up based on looks and superficial reasons, but nothing more...no wonder the divorce rate in this country is now above 60%. people don't take the time anymore to learn and discover things about each other, and end up marrying for silly reasons or shit like the girl got pregnant.

just my two 1/2 cents...

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