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I'm officially retired


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Originally posted by thepulse

From this board. In closing, I would like to thank all the positive and friendly people I met through this board, you know who you are and we will stay in touch. I just can't deal with the negativity and personal attacks and I really don't have time for it. I will continue djing, because it is something I love. But this will be my final clubplanet post.

Stop the Hate


Hey, I don't know you and you don't know me, but don't take things so seriously on a message board. In our own way we're all a bunch of assholes at times and then again at other times we're all pretty nice. So, keep doing what you love and realize that sometimes critisisms is just jealousy...........................

Have a good day:)

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Originally posted by thepulse

Blow me, the record is called You Are Sleeping by Scott Henry, and the first time I heard it was Presidents weekend 2001 when Deep Dish rocked it at Space, over a year and a half ago. You probably can't get $10 for head you loser, You want Fierceness experience some of mine, You want to fight lets go, I'm a Fierce motherfucker when you piss me off. Kosta P I like you, I only hear good things about you, Thanks for pushing me to come back. I won't be back as often but I'm sure not gonna a couple of little dramatic bitches that want to bash me when they live in glass houses get away with it. Thats right, and I'm not done yet, if people want to keep pushing, this will get really ugly, I still have a lot left, and tricks up my sleeve you never dreamed of. But if you want to go there I will. As for me liking/loving Laurie619, she has been nothing but nice to me since I met her. Some people are nice, some aren't, if you knew me, you would know how nice I can be, but instead, DRAMA QUEENS, you don't, You all should start your own little NEW JERSEY DRAMA CLUB. I personally believe it makes the board un-enjoyable. Now with that said, I believe I will end my postings again.


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Originally posted by stiffler

Hey, I don't know you and you don't know me, but don't take things so seriously on a message board. In our own way we're all a bunch of assholes at times and then again at other times we're all pretty nice. So, keep doing what you love and realize that sometimes critisisms is just jealousy...........................

Have a good day:)

Stiff you don't know the history behind this fool!!!

If you go back a couple of pages, you will see a post called......

"Platinum was great except"

Or it really starts a couple of summers ago.

Most of his post in the past ,were out of jealousy towards other Jersey dj's. He came with the negaive post first, when he bached dj's

Come on now, what makes a SAY NO TO DRAMA start Drama ?

A cosmicgate post again ?

A Tempkid punch every wall in his house when he just thinks about this guy?

Thepuls can be a great guy, but he does not show this with his terrible remarks to others. Untill he stops these childess games and just apoligies to the one's he has hurt. I will not support him, despite the fact that he is one of the best dj's in Woodbridge.

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Marshall - I hate to repeat myself , but DONT feed into this board...first of all your a great dj and from my dealing with you - you were nothing but professional both in execution of skills and logistic delivery of services. Now if that is just a taste of what you have to offer I would say you have nothing to worry about. You have 19 years in the industry...19 !!!, thats alot of fuckin hours spent in the dj booth. Also with that kind of time spent I realize that you were playing and promoting new music when alot of the people on this board were VERY small children...are you going to let them stress you out ? YO fuck that noize man, take the fuckin high road - YOU HAVE nothng to prove to any of the negative posters out here. I got my time put in myself in this industry and I can tell a fuckin sucker when I see 1 and your not....so kill the retaliation and learn to say "yeah whatever" to the criticism and jealousy displayed on this board. Be comfortable with yourself and stand secure..,.you know what youve accomplished and nobody can take that away from you. this board doesnt belong to anyone so if you want to post - you go right ahead. Thats what ts here for. You take care and NEVER let these people ruffle yer feathers...peace out yo, greg

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I'm having a good day, hope you all are too. My apologies to anyone who deserves them. I'm not jealous of any NJ djs, In fact I like listening to a lot of them, Richie Rydell, Richie Santana, Kirk Lopez, Denny, Manny, Unique, Calle, Rizzo, Nicky Sebilia. I'm a fan and supporter of all of them. I don't take the board that seriously trust me.

I'm out.

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Originally posted by gregwhite007

you were nothing but professional both in execution of skills and logistic delivery of services.

You have 19 years in the industry...19 !!!

My response to your first comment is that he is a DJ. Disc Jockey. He spins records or plays cd's. you make it sound like he's an engineer or rocket scientist.

As far as the second comment iF you have 19 years in the biz,



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Originally posted by gregwhite007

so kill the retaliation and learn to say "yeah whatever" to the criticism and jealousy displayed on this board. Be comfortable with yourself and stand secure..,.

Marsh - maybe you thought I meant you being jealous of others - NOT, what I meant was dont let others on this board (who may be jealous of you) get to you...in other words dont let the criticism and jealousy get to you...your the man pulse...ceeya, gerg

Kosta: Yes I know the man is a DJ and not a rocket scientist, yet my statement is valid...his skills aka "his execution" on the tables was polished and tight and his logistics aka "delivery of services" refferred to the fact that he found the hall where we threw the party and arrived early, then got out and unlocked his van and wailed out his gear by himself with no help and was setup on stage and running in less than 20 minutes including light setup and wire taping...his vinyl was in top notch condition and his booth manner was friendly, calm and corteous...his whole act was pro all the way...it was a pleasure dealin with him and I had never met him before that night.

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Originally posted by thepulse

I'm having a good day, hope you all are too. My apologies to anyone who deserves them. I'm not jealous of any NJ djs, In fact I like listening to a lot of them, Richie Rydell, Richie Santana, Kirk Lopez, Denny, Manny, Unique, Calle, Rizzo, Nicky Sebilia. I'm a fan and supporter of all of them. I don't take the board that seriously trust me.

I'm out.


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