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So who else is sick right now (seasonal cold?)


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Every year around this time the

same thing happens to me...

It's like Alergies and a chest

cold times ten!


(blows nose)

So much for me going out tonight..

looks like I'm spending the night

snuggling with a bottle of Robotosin.


Anyone else out there

with a nose running like a faucet?


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I just wokew up and I feel even worse..

(cooough hack)

I feel like I inhaled water

or something....

I was avoideing going to see the

doc but I neeeed DRUGS


Give me government issued

druuuuugs someone pleeeaaase..



(Now go-go amy's got it too)\


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yeah this time of the year I always tend to get sick ... Its like I get a cold after another.. I just got better two weeks ago, now its back again to my throat hurting, coughin, etc... arrghhh and what sucks is that it keeps going like this for fall and most of the winter... but it won't stop me from going out.. =)

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everyone is sick!! i'm sick, my roommate's sick, my boyfriend's sick, like 4 of my friends at home are sick, soooo many people in my classes are like sneezing and wheezing... it sucks :(

my roomie and i went on a cleaning/disinfecting spree today... we lysoled our whole room from top to bottom and got rid of all the dust... i can breeeeeeeeath finally...

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happy birthday, sweetie

i'm sick as hell too...woke up today and couldn't inhale at all, had to like struggle for air b/c everything is so congested and constrained

ughhhh i HATE flu/cold/sickness....especially when i get fever, i feel so shitty even when i walk around the house.

hope everyone feels better soon!!

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