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raisin suspension ? for the physicists


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Is Raisin Bran a colloidal suspension or something? i mean, i thought that large particles are supposed to move towards the top and small ones towards the bottom (the flakes do this), but the raisins appear to be evenly dispersed throughout.

so my questions are:

1. do raisins simply defy the laws of physics?

2. or is raisin bran a selective colloid in which the raisins are suspended but the flakes aren't?


"knee deep in raisins"

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Your question is a good one-

For hypothetical reasons, we will pretend that raisins and flakes are uniformly shaped with the raisins being the heavier of the two. If the box of raisin bran was being passed around, lets say, the dancefloor, depending on the DJ, it wouldn't be long before the raisins were at the bottom. That is my assessment and I stand by it, dammit!

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ahh, you know, the rasin dillema you presented yourself with is similar to colum chromatography, a laboratory technique used to separate proteins

because the raisns are relatively the same size, if they were able to move through the matrix of the flakes, they would all be found on the same level in the box (ex. on the bottom,or in the middle of the box)

however, the flakes in the rasin bran interact with each other closely, and thus prevent the movement of the rasins toward the bottom of the box


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When the raisin bran is made, the raisins are placed in the middle of the package. Because the factory is not near the store where you buy your bran, the shipping process distributes the raisins throughout the box evenly. The boxes are shipped flat on the long side, and when they are shelved, the raisins are pretty evenly distributed still. You have to remember, that even if the shiping is as smooth as possible, the handling at the factory itself is pretty rough

And no law of physics is broken - you still find he crumbs of flakes on the bottom, while the whole flakes are on the top.

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Originally posted by Crackorn

Your question is a good one-

For hypothetical reasons, we will pretend that raisins and flakes are uniformly shaped with the raisins being the heavier of the two. If the box of raisin bran was being passed around, lets say, the dancefloor, depending on the DJ, it wouldn't be long before the raisins were at the bottom. That is my assessment and I stand by it, dammit!

you are correct, dr. crackornian-san. i especially liked your qualifier, "depending on the DJ".

however, this humble dr. would like to add a qualifer of his own: depending on the dance moves. that is, say for example, the subject is a breaker. if he does the backspin....as demonstrated in the illustration below...


...because of the centrifugal force exerted on the contents of the cereral box, and due to the fact that the raisins have more density...the result of this dance move will cause the rains to shift to the outer edges of the box (denoted by arrows).

however, when you stand this box upright...you're in for a treat: all raisins on the top, and all raisins on the bottom. :D


the humble dr. lochonian-san

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Originally posted by theory

Shannon.. I'm worried for peter.. next he wanna know if they actually pop "POPS" in the box before they ship it or do they pop while coming incontact of other pops

seriously. You know you're in trouble when you begin contemplating the physics of your cereal box.

Pete- If you're bored you can clean my room! :D

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i actually know the answer to the Pops ?: they heat them in transit where they pop - this way they assure maximum freshness. i researched that one last week. the raisin bran people aren't talking though.

as for the raisin theories - i think loch might be on to something. now the question is do you think we can convince the the door guy to let me in with a box?

on a related question:

THE CRACKERJACK CORELARY TO THE RAISIN COLLOIDAL INVESTIGATION: unlike raisin bran which has the tasty raisin treats evenly distrubuted, the peanuts in crackerjacks. Thorough and repeated testing consistently shows this trait to be widespread.

so, pocket einsteins - what's the dilly?

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Originally posted by loch

you can start by being the cereal box and let some centrifugal force be exerted... :whoa: :eek:


honey, you sure you got enough centrifugal force for this cereal box?! I dont think you can handle THIS little sugar smack! I'm a whole lot of fruity pebbles!

(or something to that effect.)


I need a nap.

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Originally posted by barvybe

Is Raisin Bran a colloidal suspension or something? i mean, i thought that large particles are supposed to move towards the top and small ones towards the bottom (the flakes do this), but the raisins appear to be evenly dispersed throughout.

so my questions are:

1. do raisins simply defy the laws of physics?

2. or is raisin bran a selective colloid in which the raisins are suspended but the flakes aren't?


"knee deep in raisins"

1. yes. raisins not only defy the laws of physics, they also defy the laws of good taste and just about everything sacred and holy in this world. they look like dried rabbit shit, and probably taste like it also.

2. raisins are suspended in milk, because milk, just like everybody else, fucking hates raisins. flakes are ok though.

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Originally posted by barvybe

i actually know the answer to the Pops ?: they heat them in transit where they pop - this way they assure maximum freshness. i researched that one last week. the raisin bran people aren't talking though.

as for the raisin theories - i think loch might be on to something. now the question is do you think we can convince the the door guy to let me in with a box?

on a related question:

THE CRACKERJACK CORELARY TO THE RAISIN COLLOIDAL INVESTIGATION: unlike raisin bran which has the tasty raisin treats evenly distrubuted, the peanuts in crackerjacks. Thorough and repeated testing consistently shows this trait to be widespread.

so, pocket einsteins - what's the dilly?

YOU have *officially* LOST IT.

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Originally posted by phatman

...i think you need to move beyond a two variable scenario...i happen to eat Basic Four Cereal...this cereal contains not only flakes and raisins but sliced almond, dried cranberry, dried prune, and walnut...bite on that for awhile...

can you give me some idea of the dispersal of these ingredients and there relative volume / weight (otherwise known as density)? as lav pointed out i'm kinda short on funds as i need a job so not sure i can afford additional research.

btw - how does this stuff taste?

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Originally posted by barvybe

can you give me some idea of the dispersal of these ingredients and there relative volume / weight (otherwise known as density)? as lav pointed out i'm kinda short on funds as i need a job so not sure i can afford additional research.

btw - how does this stuff taste?

...oddly enough, the dispersal is quite even...every bite seems to include almost each ingredient...perhaps bringing in a other variables with a variation in weight set up some strange balance...or the people at General Mills are just that good...

i like basic 4...with 2% milk ofcourse...it's what i eat after working out in the morning...by that time, i am literally starving so i couldnt tell you if my tastes are skewed by starvation...all in all though, i like it...

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your observations lead to a prelimarily conclusion that we have a cereal only anomaly.

can anyone indicate a cereal where ingredients of disparte densities are NOT evenly distributed?

i'm confident that this doesn't work for Crackerjacks or snack mixes (which are very similar to cereal) such as Chex Mix.

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Originally posted by LavenderMenace

fruity pebbles, sugar smacks (or even scooby snacks for that matter)...whatever floats your boat (or rather, suspends your cereal?)

it's not for me to supply the centrifugal force. you do that on your own. i will, however, supply the centripetal force...basic physics my dear: you supply the pull and tug (force going out), and i rein you back in (force going in). and 'round 'n 'round we go...a well balanced tension, and a harmonious one at that (you are the yin to my yang?) ...or something to that effect.


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signpost: and this is where you say, "accounting, chemistry, and physics. can i get poindexter glasses with that? MY GOD. you're more of a stud than i could ever imagined. :rolleyes:"

to which, i will humbly reply, "it's not money that makes the world go 'round. it's astro-physics."


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Originally posted by loch

to which, i will humbly reply, "it's not money that makes the world go 'round. it's astro-physics."


...you just reminded me of a scene from The Prophecy where Christopher Walken tells the students, "Study math! It's the key to the universe." or something to that effect...coming from an archangel, it was quite humorous...

...oh well...just babbling....keep flirting with LM...sorry for the intrusion...

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Originally posted by phatman

flirting? who's flirting?

in geekdomville, we call this the "geekdomville-poo-tang-paradox-axiom", where the probability of getting a piece of female "pi" is inversely proportional to the variable (x) in the function:

probabillity of female 'pi'=f(x), where x is the "geekness" variable. the higher on the geekness meter, the lower the probability...you get the idea.

and i...i'm OFF the geekness charts, baby.

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