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worst Sopranos ever...


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Originally posted by zeeker

apparently the producers thought that the whole Native American storyline was more important. I don't get it.

....apparently so did michael imperioli because he wrote this episode.......disapointing.......thought it started out good...and well just didn't keep up the pace....................

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Originally posted by LogiKandReasoN

Man, it amazes me how people dont see symbolism nowadays. That speech at the end made the fuckin episode. You all should watch a bit more closely cause, like when youre reading, you shouldnt concentrate on what the characters ARE doing but the motivation BEHIND it.

...sometimes people are simply looking for entertainment....don't doubt that people are picking up on things......

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Originally posted by misk

...sometimes people are simply looking for entertainment....don't doubt that people are picking up on things......

I can understand what youre saying, I Just think people nowadays are looking for TOO much mindless entertainment rather than scratching deeper for substance. The mob has always been a fascinating institution for Americans, but to look at it as only entertainment pretty much says that you're only looking for the gratuitus violence and sex rather than trying to understand the motivations behind the villians that perpetrate the crime. Movies like Casino and Goodfellas are legendary because you start to identify with the characters struggles to exist in such and institution of chaos and pain. The violence goes from what it actually IS to a ballet of beauty that is more than the sum of its parts.

This episode of the Sopranos you could say was a 'thinking mans' episode of the show. I'm not saying that you guys arent, but people who are heavy readers, I would speculate, enjoyed this show more than the normal audience of TV faring boobs.

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Originally posted by LogiKandReasoN

Man, it amazes me how people dont see symbolism nowadays. That speech at the end made the fuckin episode. You all should watch a bit more closely cause, like when youre reading, you shouldnt concentrate on what the characters ARE doing but the motivation BEHIND it.

I agree 100 %... check out the Ralphie / Jackie Jr's mom / Janice relations....seems like Artie is getting f'd from all directions. (( no pun intended ))

...not to mention mounting hostility between Sil and Tony...even though Tony def extended himself due to a cause that Sil apparently felt so strongly about...

.. and about what about what's his face (( I'm bad with names today..forgive me, it's Monday )), Tony's guy who's in prison...leaking shit out left and right, costing Tony big $$$.

There's also Carmella, who definetly has some sort of thing for Silvio (( the guy with the ponytail )). And let's not forget about the effect of her presence at that church luncheon. She's thinking...definetly...the wheels are turning regarding her and her family's future.

Bobby's wife...do you guys think there was any signifigance there? I'm still working on that... can't decide.

...and...the kicker, which seems to be present in the past three episodes....there is so much more of an emphasis on money this season. There really is a strong presence of everyone feeling the crunch. Even Junior...at his trial...seemed less interested in his fate, and more interested in his phone bill, that the lawyer was jacking up....

...one last thing. Has anyone noticed that so far this season, they are showing a lot of scenes with all the guys together a lot more? Funny thing is, they aren't really getting along. Everyone is sort of bickering and at odds with one another. Something is going to happen here...definetly. The team seems to be hurting...and something somewhere is going to cause a huge erruption.

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Originally posted by LogiKandReasoN

Man, it amazes me how people dont see symbolism nowadays. That speech at the end made the fuckin episode. You all should watch a bit more closely cause, like when youre reading, you shouldnt concentrate on what the characters ARE doing but the motivation BEHIND it.

I think you're the one missing the point here. Yeah, they got a few new storylines into gear. Yeah, they gave you a closer look at some of the characters etc....but it was poorly put together and not entertaining in the slightest. A television show's purpose is primarily to entertain it's viewers. I agree, they're obviously setting up some pretty exciting episodes, but as for the one last night...it sucked.

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Originally posted by marcid21

I agree 100 %... check out the Ralphie / Jackie Jr's mom / Janice relations....seems like Artie is getting f'd from all directions. (( no pun intended )) . .

You make great points. Also, don't forget the Johnny sak/Ralphie feud. That comment about Johnny's wife's ass is gonna end up causing major issues in the future.

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...tony's mini monologue at the end did help culminate an interesting show...we've all come to expect a little more "edge" to the show which makes this episode more interesting to me...i can see how many will view it as flat or disappointing...at first, my initial reaction was the same...until you take a step backward and soak it all in....this show has so much going on, i find it difficult to have a complete initial reaction...

i truly can not stand Janice...i really wish they would just kill her and get it over with...i cringe anytime she's on the screen...

...one of my favorite lines was from her therapist,

"...tell him with the compassion and respect you are known for..."

bwahaha...then she throws his ass down the stairs...

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Originally posted by marcid21

.. and about what about what's his face (( I'm bad with names today..forgive me, it's Monday )), Tony's guy who's in prison...leaking shit out left and right, costing Tony big $$$.

There's also Carmella, who definetly has some sort of thing for Silvio (( the guy with the ponytail )). And let's not forget about the effect of her presence at that church luncheon. She's thinking...definetly...the wheels are turning regarding her and her family's future.

Bobby's wife...do you guys think there was any signifigance there? I'm still working on that... can't decide.

....puly walnuts is the one in jail.....his nephew is running back and forth ...he was the one christopher dumped the fbi chick on in the 2nd episode.....

....the guy u mean is furio......with the ponytail........

.....i think te signifigance of karen dying was to show how heartless and cold everyone is and how bobby bacala is not the norm........like at the funeral....all the guys bs'ing and carmella getting mad.....then jr. calling and she hangs up on him...also at the funeral when sil's wife was saying bobby was the only one without a goumada ....... and not to mention when bobby breaks down again in front of janice and she says she didn't even feel worthy in his presence...and compared to how she feels about the rest of the guys.....well...u get it.....

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