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More Action.....less Talk!!!!!


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Well put together points. I have to agree with you in most of your points.

I am new at posting my views and comments to this board. There was a reason for it. I won't spend my time reading and writing without knowing what to expect of this message board. And being this the case, it took me weeks before I felt if it was important. Now I know it is important, because the weight of posts is diversing, some of the promoters are putting their word out there, and it becomes less of a one sided message board. And by this, for all of us music lovers, enthusiast DJs, or just post- chemical generation clubbers, it is extremely healthy to see that this board is not only obout Space and the events Space promotes.

Having clarified this, I have to congratulate first of all Space for the huge effort they have been making in bringing big talent. Their team of residents is of my highest respect, and encourages the less known DJs who happen to be playing at other venues to work harder. This will translate, in the long run, in new faces coming out of Miami. Same two thumbs up to Joe Budious for taking his risks to bring us Miguel Miggs to Nikki Beach. Great music in a beautifully underexploited venue for good quality music.

And even though it is a one time event I believe, our support to this quality event will encourage him and his team to bring us more events like that.

I personally go to Space at least twice a month. I intend to see the DJs who bring us fresh music, DJs who are contributing with their residencies to evolve house music. Space has lately taken a huge step ahead of Crobar in this sense. And when it comes to resident DJs, they are definetely ahead.

I back your support for Stryke. I respect him outmost among the local DJs. Being Miami as international and fast paced as it is, I know there is big fresh talent out there that needs exposure. Some of them are getting their chance. Others will need promoters like Stryke himself, Joe Budious, Big DJ Little Club, Phat Music Sessions, Blue... to show their talents.

For example, on Saturdays, you are spinning at Housessions, Crobar has normally one of their residents, and Spin I believe has hip-hop??

So what is the alternative? I try to see you when I go see another DJ you are opening for. Why? Because many of us don't have the wallets to spend every Saturday at Space. But I give you the time when you are the main act, I would say in a bi-monthly basis (will sound sarcastic, but tell LP to bring less DJs and I could see you even more)

I go to Lola on Saturdays as my best alternative. The music is well played, great sound and cozy venue. And best of all, is only $5 cover, which I'm more than happy to pay. Same thing I can tell you of the Friday nights there, for $5 I get to see two new DJ faces that are becoming my favorites. To the point where I might go there first and then swing to Crobar or Spin. And of course I try to support Stryke at Red, and hopefully at Space some time soon.

I believe that this winter, Miami clubbers will understand that the efforts of Space and Crobar can only please so many. As you said, Lola, and increasingly Spin are becoming the alternative. Big Dj Little Club posted us with the question, who we want them to bring to Lola on Thursdays. This is, every other Thursday. Hopefully they can give a chance to local talent there, on the Thursday they are not paying someone from outside Miami. And I mean new talent, those who can drop your jaw not only with the track they chose but with the programming, the reading of a crowd, the tight mixes... And we won't know who they are 'til we go out and support them. And this is the main purpose of a message board like this one, I believe. Sharing experiences, concepts, new venues, new talent.

I'm glad you started this post. It is only fair for the future residents of Space, Crobar, Spin, that we support our local DJs. And it will be easier to support them with smaller venues and less cost at the door. That is why I take my hat off on your gesture.

It is about the music. And loving music isn't an exclusive of a DJ or a promoter. Because I could plan your financial future or help you invest, but I won't tell you what vynil to buy. But like me, many CPrs love to dance to well played, non-comercialized music. And by now can tell when a mix is tight or not, or if my body just stopped moving because my DJ let me down.

Thanks again for your efforts, L. Puig, Crobar, Carmel, EdgarV, Spin, Stryke, DHM, Lola, Joe Budious, Blue... and specially all you Cprs. We are the ears of good music. And the words that will express the quality of what we see out there. Without $$$ to support us.



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Originally posted by biznation00

It's funny, just yesterday I was asked what I thought the new club trends would be..

I said...

"Music!! Not that I see Music as a trend, but because Miami isn't about the exclusive, Sobe-glamour scene anymore. With so many club owners tryin to snag a piece of the pie, successfull clubs have resorted & dedicated themselves to providing something more than just an alluring venue. Electronic/Dance music for example has taken big strides in this city over the past year or two. With the quality local talent we've "discovered" since & frequent visits by some of the world's best, quality music stands a chance @ becoming a staple in Miami, not just a trend."


I only hope I'm right about what I said.. Support our scene, support the music...

I have also noticed some clubs are caring more and more about the music and that's good. It looks like this Winter is gonna be really good down here.

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i would have to agree with oscar on some of the points he made ... im not a house , trance . tech fan !! im a music fan !! i like it ALL !! like ive said before a good track is a good track , no matter whut genre you put it in , its a good track !! too many people i see on here worried whut this n that songs genre is that they never get to enjoy it at the club !! those who know me & have partied with me know i love trance , house. tech etc.. some idiots will just say " that song sucks cause its trance & i hate trance "!! & ive noticed that these are usually the people who dont even dance at the club... ive noticed that the ones who love all the music are the ones who enjoy themselves more & get more into the music.. jmho peace

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True enough. If you go out rarely, make it count. Support the night you really like.

I'm out more than average, my little hobby takes me from club to club....I usually end up staying longer at the nights I really support. I'm really happy Stryke's night is going off well. When I do make it there, I usually stay until closing. Spin Fridays is another good thing...I usually show up twice a month or more...example being on Friday I will be at crobar for James, but I will be paying a visit to Spin, not only for Desyn, but I really support what Biz, Kris, and Louis are doing there. Space Saturdays too. I used to be opposed to going to Space unless it was for 'business', but again, thanks to the efforts of Team Space, they are becoming a friendly place to be again. Last Saturday I had a blast with Saeed and Palash, I'm sure this Saturday with Danny H. and Desyn will be equally enjoyable. Plus, Saturdays have Oscar on the decks, which is a guaranteed good ride.

I loathe these people who only go out to the trendy places, or only go if there is a crowd. I've seen plenty of people go to a club with a star DJ, only to walk out because it was 'dead'. Who cares if it's dead? As long as you're with your friends, you can have a good time :)

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I've seen plenty of people go to a club with a star DJ, only to walk out because it was 'dead'. Who cares if it's dead?

You have to remember that not everyone here is a specialist, music is meant to be broadcast for the masses...therefore, if it is good enough for the hardcore local legends, it better be good enough also for the masses...or else...it does not congregate enough people to bring the dough necessary to fuel these type of events.

Now...personally...if you are good enough to elevate me, put a smile on my face, sooth my soul and lift me up from the floor...trust me, you have and will have my most sincere support.

We are so incredibly lucky to have in this town not only very talented Djs available for our listening consumption...but...also...lots of highly motivated club owners and promoters whom together make it all happen...cheers to you all, you know who you are...no name dropping from me.

relax and enjoy, you can not always please everyone, the same way, you can not turn every average club goer onto a club legend...I hope I made myself clear...if not, well, let me rephrase...if you devote all of your time to clubbing, promoting, producing, Djing, etc...hey, be aware that you are not the majority, the general public is the majority...the more respect you show to your public, the better response and support your public will give back in return.

thanks for the post...very informative, keep the fire burning compadre.


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I feel the hole club scene is changing. the last time i went to space in was half full.. Business is just off for everything. My business included. People just dont have the extra cash.. Bush fucked up everything. we need Bill Back. Well me and the wife will be at space to enjoy you O.G. on the 26th, i hope it packed....:)

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