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All Cp Miami Please Read..a Serious F'd Up Situation


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Ok, to all on the board im sgtfury..but during the day my name is gregg and i own a physical therapy home health agency...i have a patient who is 40 years old with cerebral palsy..his body is his only handicap...he is very intelligent and uses the computer all the time with the use his chin...this patient cannot walk and his only hope to ever move himself around on his own is to get a power wheelchair that he can control with movements of his head. Due to some bizarre governmental blunder...because he has Medicare and Medicaid..he cant get funding for the wheelchair that he needs..he was evaluated by a team of professionals and the chair he needs is pretty expensive...in December, the Miami Herald has a thing called the wishbook where they pick handicapped people and provide them with something that they dont have funding for...last year they picked my patient to receive the wheelchair that he needs....

the miami herald chose a company called DMR to provide this patient with the chair. (in other words they paid this company to give the patient the chair) on dec. 26, 2001 they delivered a wheelchair to this patient....the only problem was..it wasnt the chair that he can use...for some reason ($$$) this company just gave him a wheelchair and not the one that he needed...it was brought to DMR's attention that this chair was not appropriate for the patient and they tried to modify it..but..to no avail...

finally...the company admitted that they couldnt provide the patient the chair he needed because they werent given enough money by the Miami Herald..(so why did they ever take any $$ to begin with knowing they couldnt provide him with what he needs!!!)

it has been almost a year of frustration for my patient and i recently spoke with the Miami Herald and they claimed to know nothing about what had happened...today the head of the Herald's wishbook called me and they are taking the chair back and advising my patient to again seek funding from Medicare and Medicaid...


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Being a social worker/counselor/case mgr, I am pretty familiar with medicaid/medicare and I can tell you, it's probably gonna be a mission getting the wheel chair needed for your client. That is totally fucked up what these two company's did!!!:mad:

Is this a small agency??? Is it possible that maybe you could get some some contingency funds from some where??? I am sure you've tried your hardest but don't give up!!! Some one out there has the goods....it's just a matter of getting to it!!:confused:

I am gonna try and ask different people around my agency....maybe someone knows of something!:)


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It's called politics.. Seems to me that The Herald & that other company were'nt involved for kindness. But for the obvious political reasons. I can't think of anything worse that they could have done to your patient. Just imagine how hopefull & joyfilled he might of been at the point when the Herald chose him. Now imagine feeling his pain in regards to his dissapointment when the companies turned their back on him & denying their involment in the case.

It's a f'ed up world we live in if its that easy to turn your back on someone that lives life depending on the help of others... That angers me.

helpful sites:

http://www.cprf.org/default.asp << donations


Do whatever u can Greg, you'll thank yourself later for tryin' & a good deed always comes back.;)

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agreed... the system is fucked up!!!! This is one of the reasons I'm so hooked on the idea of anesthesia. I have no desire to deal with these agencies! I'd rather have a group manager do it for me and just give me a schedule and a check at the end of the week.

anyway, please, give me some contact info and I would be glad to write a letter on behalf of your patient. It would probably be good to have his name too. PM me and I will give you my email address so you can give me that info. :)

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that really sucks. that’s why we need a national health care system; like most other civilized countries. unfortunately we have to many burecrats, and greedy multi billion dollar insurance companies and their lobbyist. seeing that national healthcare never happens. in the meantime we completely drain medicare; to point where doctors have to sacrifice care; in the name of trying to stay within medicare appropriations. if you’re sick in this country,mentally or physically , and without insurance you become a victim.. it’s really sad, and somewhat embarrassing for one of the richest countries in the world.

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that is exactly what it boils down to...money, money, money...where is the love to be found in this concrete jungle...sadly, it is always the most needy who end up suffering the most.

Who in these world can conceive such cruelty man, seriously...I hope the responsibles for this outrage choke on their vomit.

god bless your patient and please...pm me also, I second your motion.

peace to you all

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SHould of expected sumthin like that from the most bias and corrupt publication like the herald!!! In their eyes, the recognition they would of recieved wasnt worth the amount of the chair so they slacked your homeboy!!!!:mad:

Im just glad that their is still people in this world who actually go out of their way for someone else like you guys!:)

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This is very disturbing to see how a major news paper company here in South Florida handled this situation. Obviously, they haven't thought out the repercussions in handling this unfortunate situation in manner they did. I for one think you should send first an email to "Help Me Howard" it may sound corny but it is a start. Then send a letter complaining to the Herald on how this poor individual, that was promised a chair, is now without one. Third and most importantly speak to an attorney regarding this issue.

From the information you gave it seems as if there were an agreement of some sort and that constitute as a contact. Both the Herald and the chair company maybe liable for backing out of the contract, which are grounds to sue someone for. I am not an attorney but if you need to get one or your client, I can refer you to one. PM me if you want the info.

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That's a total shame that the Herald, Medicare, and Medicaid would handle this situation so poorly. I am so disappointed that your friend had his hopes up, only to have the dream of moving freely with the use of todays technology stopped over money. Why choose him to receive this benefit and not follow thru? And DMR? Yeah these guys should be real proud of themselves. I wonder if they have website where you can post comments?? Hmmmmm, will have to check that.

Anyway, maybe we could have a CP fundraiser?? Maybe we could have a local establishment (or 2) donate like $2 per cover to a fundraiser for this guy. It would probably take a few weeks, but it's a thought.:idea:


p.s. HERALD & DMR = :blown:

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Call Help Me Howard, Al Sunshine, Deco Drive, New Times, Street News, Janet Reno, and the people at Y-100, or anybody else in the media who will listen to you.

Because it is (was) a gift/donation, the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") will not protect your patient in this matter.

However, bad publicity can be worse than a lawsuit, so go ahead and call all the media outlets.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by sgtfury

...today the head of the Herald's wishbook called me and they are taking the chair back and advising my patient to again seek funding from Medicare and Medicaid...


If he still has the chair, how much is it worth and what's the difference in the cost for what he needs?

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