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Holly Fukin Steve O

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THat was on eof the craziest dudes i have ever met in real life..

he ate a light bulb after broke it on his head

staples panties and bras to his chest with a staple gun

lite his haIr on fire...

got a customer to let a girl kick him in the balls 2 TIMES

cut his tongue with the glass from the light bulb...like 5 times...blood all over the place...


besided steve o being crazy the night was great...

big shouts to Pipdaddy....great pics...omg...i cant wait to see them..joey24, IBCLUBBIN,ROQUE1, T, STEVE, ERIN, DAVIS G,GREYSKY, ALL STAFF....IT WAS A GREAT NIGHT DESPITE THE NASSSSTY WEATHER...OUR #'S KEEPP GOING UP AND UP...



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haha, 3 girls threw their bras up and two pairs of panties, and he staples em to his ass and chest:laugh::laugh::laugh:

last night was just absofuckinlutely silly..big shouts to Teklord for the pics(cant wait to see em:) ) Echostar for letting that chick kick you in the nuts, Pipdaddy, Joeys, Greysky and any other cpers who came out

Special shouts to my fellow promoters Dj Prime, Steve R, Steve S, and the Kemical/Infusion list....every week we get better and better guys...keep up the good work!

To my girls Ysolt and Grace for tearin up the floor and for packin it in with your peeps...you girls make my friday that much better......and to my baby of course for makin every day that much better ;)

Last but not least, to the bartenders, bouncers (who last night has to put Steve O's flaming head out:laugh: ) and to DAVIS G for rockin the packed dancefloor all night long:clap:

I cant wait to see the haters come on this one..but fuck em, Pip, Joey, Echo, Teklord...u guys saw what we had there last night, the energy, the girls, etc. and you dont work there....I'll let your words and Teklord's pictures shut the haters up:D:rock:


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word to that. i had a great time, got a little drunk (i had to drive) and caught the yellow fever again. what more can i ask for. you guys are doing a hell of a job. once again, everyone i met from cp is good people

prime went a little bit crazy with my camera, i thought i was going to have to rescue the poor thing. fawking guy thinks he's a photographer or some shit...:laugh:


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great time last night....steve-o!!!...what a sick fuck...that guy kept me thoroughly entertained (and made me a little nauseous):laugh: ...thanks to prime and barry for taking care of me and my boys...the place was pretty filled last night despite the rain...u guys are doing a good job...love the hottie bartenders u got working there...why do i always get so drunk @ platinum?...must be all those shot specials:beer: :drunk:

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Dude I have no idea what the FUCK happened last night but i'm definetely hurting this morning. Somehow I managed to take 100 pictures a 3 40 second videos of Steve O and people. I'll post the pics later tonight, they are pretty awesome. I've got few stories about the after party with Steve O too at the hotel. Oh geeezzzz i gotta drink some water. peace.

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Holy shit bro what a fucken night. I didn't get home till 8 in the morning. Last night was prob one of the sickest fridays i've had in awhile. Steve-o was a nut case. I don't know how that guy's not in the hospital.

Yo prime another fire shot next wk? haha

shouts to my fellow promoters steve r, bg, prime, grace and ysolt. Let's do it again next friday.

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holy shit it was fckin nutz in there. goood to finally meet pipdaddy (im gonna kick ur ass when we play eachother in fantasy football lol) :laugh:

big shout to everyone who came out from CP glad to see that some people on here are checking out the party and got to see how really good it is.

prime, ccino, bg, ysolt and grace good shit last night. the party did alot better than i thought with the bad weather, cant believe we still topped last weeks number.


steve r

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Originally posted by teklord310

Dude I have no idea what the FUCK happened last night but i'm definetely hurting this morning. Somehow I managed to take 100 pictures a 3 40 second videos of Steve O and people. I'll post the pics later tonight, they are pretty awesome. I've got few stories about the after party with Steve O too at the hotel. Oh geeezzzz i gotta drink some water. peace.

hahahah....all i know is i was steve o in the office and all he kept asking me is "dude who's got siffffers?" lol....he is just too much...whata crazy dude...ill tell u...glad u all had fun....

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

i talked to davisG before HOLY SHIT does he have a mental condition. i mean the shit hewas telling me.

Sounded like it was sick in every way you can think .

well i think ill see you guys tongiht at R bar

yea man u missed a good time...see u tonight

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i had so much fun last night...the first time i looked at my watch, it said 2am and steve-o was still lighting his hair on fire! even my friends who usually don't go clubbing had such a blast, it made me happy! and there were a lot of good dancers last nite, which got me pumped! it was the first time my bf ever went to go clubbin with me, my poor baby who's so clueless about clubbing was def caught off guard with all the fist pumpin in the air when the dj starts playing house...he thought it was crazy but great (HE BETTER!..wonder if he's ready to be dragged to SF?? hmm..)

IBCLUBBIN AND ERIN u rock (you guys look so cute together..so happy to meet erin, FINALLY! me and my cuzin finally found a cool chic who dance the way we do!)...PIPDADDY and JOEY, we've seen u places before, great to finally meet!...the STEVEs who are always awesome and always keeps us company (steve r., what happened to DAVE, he wasnt there last nite ;) ), DJPRIME (i pm'd you), TERRENCE (even tho i only saw u for a bit, ill see u around rutgers), this guy sean i met last nite(dunno if ure a cp-er but can't believe my ex-Chili's server was tearin up the dance floor, that was great! anybody know this guy im talkin about?), davisg (who rocked the house, davisg rocked the house!), YSOLT (love u girl, u looked great as always!!)

ibclubbin, prime, steve s, roque1..got a pic with us in it, lemme know if u want me to send them to u!

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Originally posted by gracer

IBCLUBBIN AND ERIN u rock (you guys look so cute together..so happy to meet erin, FINALLY! me and my cuzin finally found a cool chic who dance the way we do!)...PIPDADDY and JOEY, we've seen u places before, great to finally meet!...the STEVEs who are always awesome and always keeps us company (steve r., what happened to DAVE, he wasnt there last nite ;) ), DJPRIME (i pm'd you), TERRENCE (even tho i only saw u for a bit, ill see u around rutgers), this guy sean i met last nite(dunno if ure a cp-er but can't believe my ex-Chili's server was tearin up the dance floor, that was great! anybody know this guy im talkin about?), davisg (who rocked the house, davisg rocked the house!), YSOLT (love u girl, u looked great as always!!)

ibclubbin, prime, steve s, roque1..got a pic with us in it, lemme know if u want me to send them to u!

thanx for the love babe...fire up that picture asap

and shawn is my good friend from RU actually....he is a big Vinyl fan, might actually be coming to SF with us tonight:D


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

thanx for the love babe...fire up that picture asap

and shawn is my good friend from RU actually....he is a big Vinyl fan, might actually be coming to SF with us tonight:D


grace - def. send me the pic. girl and shut it about dave.

BG - Factory is bad for ur health dont go :eek:

damn the night went by so quick i didnt even make it on the dance floor while the house music was on. just watch out when i do.:D

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Originally posted by gracer

ibclubbin, prime, steve s, roque1..got a pic with us in it, lemme know if u want me to send them to u!

yeah send me the pic

sorry barry i won't be seeing you at factory tonight i don't wanna deal with the weather driving up.

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Originally posted by gracer

i had so much fun last night...the first time i looked at my watch, it said 2am and steve-o was still lighting his hair on fire! even my friends who usually don't go clubbing had such a blast, it made me happy! and there were a lot of good dancers last nite, which got me pumped! it was the first time my bf ever went to go clubbin with me, my poor baby who's so clueless about clubbing was def caught off guard with all the fist pumpin in the air when the dj starts playing house...he thought it was crazy but great (HE BETTER!..wonder if he's ready to be dragged to SF?? hmm..)

IBCLUBBIN AND ERIN u rock (you guys look so cute together..so happy to meet erin, FINALLY! me and my cuzin finally found a cool chic who dance the way we do!)...PIPDADDY and JOEY, we've seen u places before, great to finally meet!...the STEVEs who are always awesome and always keeps us company (steve r., what happened to DAVE, he wasnt there last nite ;) ), DJPRIME (i pm'd you), TERRENCE (even tho i only saw u for a bit, ill see u around rutgers), this guy sean i met last nite(dunno if ure a cp-er but can't believe my ex-Chili's server was tearin up the dance floor, that was great! anybody know this guy im talkin about?), davisg (who rocked the house, davisg rocked the house!), YSOLT (love u girl, u looked great as always!!)

ibclubbin, prime, steve s, roque1..got a pic with us in it, lemme know if u want me to send them to u!

grace, u crazy girl! u looked awsome that night! glad i could cheer u on with ur shirt-cutting!!! :laugh:

btw, pipdaddy-sighting at bunka on that saturday u didn't come out. does he really wear "ponies" ??? or was that just a joke?

nice seeing the STEVEs.

steve r. (the doood formerly known as dave)--hehehe, sorry, hunnie. won't ever call u that again! i think i'm gonna bite off you and rock my NewBalance next Friday! :idea:

BG, ur girl is absolutely adorable. you guys are so cute together (ysolt=jealous)! glad to finally meet you, erin (:bootysha: dancing :bootysha: lessons please!).

and as for djprime...

here's a ?question? mark: what is ur real name? hehehe--asked around and no one seemed to know. (it's like the nanny w/ the striped stockings on the muppet babies; like the neighbor, wilson, on home improvement)... big mystery.

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Originally posted by ysolt

grace, u crazy girl! u looked awsome that night! glad i could cheer u on with ur shirt-cutting!!! :laugh:

btw, pipdaddy-sighting at bunka on that saturday u didn't come out. does he really wear "ponies" ??? or was that just a joke?

nice seeing the STEVEs.

steve r. (the doood formerly known as dave)--hehehe, sorry, hunnie. won't ever call u that again! i think i'm gonna bite off you and rock my NewBalance next Friday! :idea:

BG, ur girl is absolutely adorable. you guys are so cute together (ysolt=jealous)! glad to finally meet you, erin (:bootysha: dancing :bootysha: lessons please!).

and as for djprime...

here's a ?question? mark: what is ur real name? hehehe--asked around and no one seemed to know. (it's like the nanny w/ the striped stockings on the muppet babies; like the neighbor, wilson, on home improvement)... big mystery.

like the adults on charlie brown....

and the bad guy from inspector gadget...:laugh: wtf was his name.....

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Originally posted by ysolt

and as for djprime...

here's a ?question? mark: what is ur real name? hehehe--asked around and no one seemed to know. (it's like the nanny w/ the striped stockings on the muppet babies; like the neighbor, wilson, on home improvement)... big mystery.

I am PRIME...that is my BIRTH NAME>...I had hippy Parents that loved DEON SANDERS:D :D what can i say....kinda crazy but what u gonna do..... I mean if my name was Jim or sumtin lame like that what would i be DJ JIM????? that would suck....or i could be super cool and use my initials....like BG...then i would be a real rockstar:rock:

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Originally posted by djprime

I am PRIME...that is my BIRTH NAME>...I had hippy Parents that loved DEON SANDERS:D :D what can i say....kinda crazy but what u gonna do..... I mean if my name was Jim or sumtin lame like that what would i be DJ JIM????? that would suck....or i could be super cool and use my initials....like BG...then i would be a real rockstar:rock:

well my real name is BiG BanG which is why they call me BG :D


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

I cant wait to see the haters come on this one..but fuck em, Pip, Joey, Echo, Teklord...u guys saw what we had there last night, the energy, the girls, etc. and you dont work there....I'll let your words and Teklord's pictures shut the haters up:D:rock:


yeah that was fun :aright:

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