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a weekend without clubbin....

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and i dont feel like i missed much.......

my only regret is not being able to make it to Platinum friday night, but as far as the rest of the weekend, i feel like it was well spent with my baby:love:

but this week.....whoa nelly you better watch out cause the angry dancer is comin out in FULL FUCKIN FORCE:rock::mad::unhappy::licker::rock:


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

and i dont feel like i missed much.......

my only regret is not being able to make it to Platinum friday night, but as far as the rest of the weekend, i feel like it was well spent with my baby:love:

but this week.....whoa nelly you better watch out cause the angry dancer is comin out in FULL FUCKIN FORCE:rock::mad::unhappy::licker::rock:


It's still there, whether we participate or not.....:)

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I'm still lookin for a good women who will wake me up at 5am Sunday morning and drive me to Factory....

IBClubbin.... you are the luckiest guy I know....

Where did you find her????

I was lookin into somethin new.... since the dating scene here has been pretty dry....


I found a bunch of em that have dancing and club music in their hobby/interests....

I think I am onto somethin...

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

I'm still lookin for a good women who will wake me up at 5am Sunday morning and drive me to Factory....

IBClubbin.... you are the luckiest guy I know....

Where did you find her????

i won the lottery:D

she actually wanted to go this week...i told her to call you and wake your ass up;)

I heard it was pretty bad this week, so I am glad that she listened to me....Halloween and Cox will be enough fun anyway:rock:


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Originally posted by njdionysus

A weekend without clubbin... is a smart weekend, more brains cells in your head and more money in your pocket. Good choice, now Barry if you can only stop wasting your money at the Factory, lol.

yea let me go blow it on alcohol at NJ's finest wine + cheese clubs:D


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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

Thats the point. As long as you have fun anywhere you go its all good.

well i definitely dont have fun anywhere i go...ive been out to the "place to go" on the night to go there and been miserable...

im not down with going somewhere just because everyone goes there.....you have to offer me something better........give me good music, give me a good crowd, give me something....dont just stick a bunch of "hot" (and i use quotes because my definition of hot probably differs from most) girls in a room and make everyone dress up...ill pass

people like to rip on SF but i get much more out of going there and angry dancing in jeans and sneaks to (usually) good music :laugh: than i ever could get out of a Jersey spot...they just dont offer enough appeal...

dunno...just felt like ranting:D


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

well i definitely dont have fun anywhere i go...ive been out to the "place to go" on the night to go there and been miserable...

im not down with going somewhere just because everyone goes there.....you have to offer me something better........give me good music, give me a good crowd, give me something....dont just stick a bunch of "hot" (and i use quotes because my definition of hot probably differs from most) girls in a room and make everyone dress up...ill pass

people like to rip on SF but i get much more out of going there and angry dancing in jeans and sneaks to (usually) good music :laugh: than i ever could get out of a Jersey spot...they just dont offer enough appeal...

dunno...just felt like ranting:D


u sound like someone whos been clubbing for yrs ...good for u to come to this realization..... in what a yr ;) ...as we all know the "place to go " usually is an overhyped cheesefest

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Originally posted by wakeup

u sound like someone wos been clubbing for yrs ...good for u to come to this realization..... in what a yr ;) ...as we all know the "place to go " usually is overhyped cheesefest

if you wanna be technical, its been 10 months since my first trip to that place on 46th........


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