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Not made to Date????

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I ask you this......

Are some people not built to date successfully?

I feel that way, for example.....

I met the coolest girl ever in the clubs, she is VERY cute and an amazing person(even though she is madly in love with Sander K.) but, I manage to push her away?!! Why, is it in the genes?

The " run of the mill" girl will not do??!! How do you date successfully as a DJ? Is it possible?

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Aww. . .Its her lose JohnMichaels dont beat yourself up about it. I tend to think that maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift ;)

Ok since its around 6:45AM here and I have nothing better to do here are some tips :D

Tip #1 - There are good ways and bad ways to ask a girl out. The bad way to ask a girl out is, "Would you like to out with me? By saying this:

*You set yourself up for rejection. She might say no.

*You imply that she would be doing you a favor by going out with you.

*You imply a formal date. You are making a move on her. The pressure is on her.

*If she says "No," you are never sure whether to ask her again for another time. Was it, "No, I don't want to go out with you," or "No, I want to go out with you but I'm busy that night."

*You literally sound like a junior high kid asking a girl out on his first date. :laugh:

The right way to ask a girl out on a date is, "Let's get together and do something sometime." By saying this, you give the impression of a casual meeting. No big deal. Friends getting to know each other. Not a formal date. If you say this, her response will let you know whether she wants to date you or not. :)

Well I can go on and on about this crap. . if ya need more tips let me know and remember dont look for your PRINCESS let her find you :tongue:

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Originally posted by laurie619

Aww. . .Its her lose JohnMichaels dont beat yourself up about it. I tend to think that maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift ;)

Ok since its around 6:45AM here and I have nothing better to do here are some tips :D

Tip #1 - There are good ways and bad ways to ask a girl out. The bad way to ask a girl out is, "Would you like to out with me? By saying this:

*You set yourself up for rejection. She might say no.

*You imply that she would be doing you a favor by going out with you.

*You imply a formal date. You are making a move on her. The pressure is on her.

*If she says "No," you are never sure whether to ask her again for another time. Was it, "No, I don't want to go out with you," or "No, I want to go out with you but I'm busy that night."

*You literally sound like a junior high kid asking a girl out on his first date. :laugh:

The right way to ask a girl out on a date is, "Let's get together and do something sometime." By saying this, you give the impression of a casual meeting. No big deal. Friends getting to know each other. Not a formal date. If you say this, her response will let you know whether she wants to date you or not. :)

Well I can go on and on about this crap. . if ya need more tips let me know and remember dont look for your PRINCESS let her find you :tongue:

Let's get together and do something sometime.

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Originally posted by johnmichaels

The " run of the mill" girl will not do??!! How do you date successfully as a DJ? Is it possible?

So far so good for me:D

I think its possible, you just have to find someone who understand you work long hours, not just spinning, but also just spending time with your music. The person has to have an appreciation for your music, and although she doesnt have to be into it as much as you, she must at least be able to tolerate it.

I once dated a girl who liked NOTHING but hiphop and r+b. We would be getting ready to make out and she would ask to hear Mary J Blige while Im shuffling for the latest GU cd:laugh::mad:

She also has to enjoy clubbin, cause if she is dating you she is gonna end up spending a lot more time in clubs. Better find someone who likes it, and better yet, is turned on by hearing you spin.

Girls like that are hard to come by, but they exist....its unfortunate that a lot of em are crackheads:laugh: But not all of em ;)


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Originally posted by laurie619

Aww. . .Its her lose JohnMichaels dont beat yourself up about it. I tend to think that maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift ;)

Ok since its around 6:45AM here and I have nothing better to do here are some tips :D

Tip #1 - There are good ways and bad ways to ask a girl out. The bad way to ask a girl out is, "Would you like to out with me? By saying this:

*You set yourself up for rejection. She might say no.

*You imply that she would be doing you a favor by going out with you.

*You imply a formal date. You are making a move on her. The pressure is on her.

*If she says "No," you are never sure whether to ask her again for another time. Was it, "No, I don't want to go out with you," or "No, I want to go out with you but I'm busy that night."

*You literally sound like a junior high kid asking a girl out on his first date. :laugh:

The right way to ask a girl out on a date is, "Let's get together and do something sometime." By saying this, you give the impression of a casual meeting. No big deal. Friends getting to know each other. Not a formal date. If you say this, her response will let you know whether she wants to date you or not. :)

Well I can go on and on about this crap. . if ya need more tips let me know and remember dont look for your PRINCESS let her find you :tongue:

Damn!!!!!! You go Doctor Laurie. :D

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I used to think I wasnt a successful dater, but what I realized is that it has nothing to do with you as a person, but everything to do with who you meet and how you get along. It takes some people forever to meet someone, and it takes others until their first date.

It sounds like you need someone who isnt very demanding of your time, some who is really self sufficient...if your a dj i can just imagine how busy your nights and weekends are. I think in your case, the right girl is going to see your talent, and see your committment in what you do. It will most likely be someone who will want to come hear you spin and stuff like that.

Just take your time sweetie, you'll find someone. It will take time...

Good Luck :-)

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advice from a girl who dates the dj :D

it takes more than just the girl being commited to him, she can show all the support in the world for him and his music and support him and his future in every way possible but unless that guy shows the same support for the "important" things in her life (even if it isn't the latest record selection) it's just not going to work.

any relationship, whether it be with a dj or not should be about compromise. not everything you do and believe in is always going to make the other person happy all the time. you have to give a little and take a little.

it's hard to try to understand somebodys passion in life, especially a passion as strong as the world of MUSIC, but with time and hard work it comes .... and as long as you love that person unconditionally i think making the relationship work isn't really as hard as some people think, the hard part is finding someone who believes that though too !!!

i love my :dj: even if sometimes i feel he doesn't deserve it

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I have no problem meeting people....thats the easy part....it's staying interseted that's a problem.....

My fear is that I'll never be find someone who holds my interest longer than a week.....:rolleyes:

I think I may be too picky or have dating A.D.D.....does anyone else feel like this?

Does that make me a bad dater or them????? :confused:

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Originally posted by johnmichaels

I ask you this......

Are some people not built to date successfully?

I feel that way, for example.....

I met the coolest girl ever in the clubs, she is VERY cute and an amazing person(even though she is madly in love with Sander K.) but, I manage to push her away?!! Why, is it in the genes?

The " run of the mill" girl will not do??!! How do you date successfully as a DJ? Is it possible?

Maybe it isn't you...... Go with your instincts and you will very rarely go wrong.....;)

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I dont think there are any bad daters....when someone finds what they are looking for, they will know it. They wont be bored and have to urge to keep looking...at least in my opinion.

And in regards to Barbie Girls advice, I totally hear you sweetie. I didnt start talking about compromise and stuff like that because he seems to be having a problem even meeting someone...but compromise is definetely key to any relationship. I agree with you 100%. Everything should be reciprocal.

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Originally posted by hunnie818

My fear is that I'll never be find someone who holds my interest longer than a week.....:rolleyes:

I think I may be too picky or have dating A.D.D.....does anyone else feel like this?

Does that make me a bad dater or them????? :confused:

someone gave me that routine a while ago...but i didnt listen....

lets just say I turned her around:tongue:

dont worry about finding someone who can keep your attention...just be you and one day you will find someone who you cant stop thinking about:D:love::love2:


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I think your past has alot to do with it too.

Alot of times you will look for people who are a certain type (club chicks, etc). And that "type" usually have the same traits from one to the next.

So, even its someone who isnt good for you emotionally that one trait keeps you going back for more and that can be bad.

Because when the one who is different from the rest comes along who breaks that type, you still hold on to the old stuff and may not be able to see that person for who they really are and that can mess things up without you even knowing it.....

So the past is big in my book.....

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Originally posted by njgymaholic

I think your past has alot to do with it too.

Alot of times you will look for people who are a certain type (club chicks, etc). And that "type" usually have the same traits from one to the next.

So, even its someone who isnt good for you emotionally that one trait keeps you going back for more and that can be bad.

Because when the one who is different from the rest comes along who breaks that type, you still hold on to the old stuff and may not be able to see that person for who they really are and that can mess things up without you even knowing it.....

So the past is big in my book.....

The past definitely matters, but you can't go through each day judging it by yesterday.... If you remain in the past, you will miss all the good things, big and small that are in the future......

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Originally posted by njgymaholic

I think your past has alot to do with it too.

Alot of times you will look for people who are a certain type (club chicks, etc). And that "type" usually have the same traits from one to the next.

So, even its someone who isnt good for you emotionally that one trait keeps you going back for more and that can be bad.

Because when the one who is different from the rest comes along who breaks that type, you still hold on to the old stuff and may not be able to see that person for who they really are and that can mess things up without you even knowing it.....

So the past is big in my book.....

That is a big thing too...I totally agree with ya :-)

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Originally posted by xrapturex

And in regards to Barbie Girls advice, I totally hear you sweetie. I didnt start talking about compromise and stuff like that because he seems to be having a problem even meeting someone...but compromise is definetely key to any relationship. I agree with you 100%. Everything should be reciprocal.

it's HARD WORK on somebody to give all the time and not ever get anything in return, not only is it hard work but it makes you tired and after time it even makes you resentful .....

COMPROMISE is the key to any relationship !!!


as for him having a hard time meeting people, my advice is just keep a positive attitude and BE HONEST - chances are somebody is already looking for YOU !!!

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

it's HARD WORK on somebody to give all the time and not ever get anything in return, not only is it hard work but it makes you tired and after time it even makes you resentful .....

COMPROMISE is the key to any relationship !!!


as for him having a hard time meeting people, my advice is just keep a positive attitude and BE HONEST - chances are somebody is already looking for YOU !!!

Relationships are definetely hard. My last relationship took so much effort on my part, and all he wanted to do was basically NOTHING... From that l learned you cant waste your time on someone who is not willing to try as hard as you are. Sometimes the hardest breakups are the best ones to learn from. I have no regrets. :-)

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Originally posted by xrapturex

Originally posted by njgymaholic


:D :D

Nice to see there are still some nice guys left that actually know what a relationship is all about :-) Props to njgymaholic...

:cool: ya learn from your mistakes OR you make them over and over again....so..the one person who lets you screw up AND understands you for you and takes you at face value is the keeper.....Its a 50/50 deal if it isnt then its fake and flimsy.....

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Originally posted by xrapturex

Relationships are definetely hard. My last relationship took so much effort on my part, and all he wanted to do was basically NOTHING... From that l learned you cant waste your time on someone who is not willing to try as hard as you are. Sometimes the hardest breakups are the best ones to learn from. I have no regrets. :-)

Sometimes it seems like the more you have your heart broken, the more you realize what you want and what you need.......

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i have the best saying ...

"if you hurt me once, it's YOUR fault, if you hurt me twice, it's MY fault"

i agree with spygirl, sometimes it takes a lot of getting hurt before you finally realize what you want and what excatly it is that you are looking for. they do say, "you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince" !!

i used to think that it was me who was at fault, but the truth is, it's not that i don't know how to love or how to give, it's just that i didn't find the person who can love me back and give just as much yet.

both good and bad come with all things, you live, you learn and you go on ... sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker.

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Originally posted by stardo

I have no luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me neither! My girlfriends and I made a rule to not get "serious" with guys we meet at clubs--they're only good as friends...

I violated that rule... Now I'm dating this guy I met at a club... And I have strong suspicion that he's DEAD INSIDE!

So, now what am I gonna do? Are there any "quality-guys" out there? Or are they all just about Diesel, D&G, looking good, dancing good, and hooking up?

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