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Not made to Date????

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Originally posted by ysolt

Me neither! My girlfriends and I made a rule to not get "serious" with guys we meet at clubs--they're only good as friends...

I violated that rule... Now I'm dating this guy I met at a club... And I have strong suspicion that he's DEAD INSIDE!

So, now what am I gonna do? Are there any "quality-guys" out there? Or are they all just about Diesel, D&G, looking good, dancing good, and hooking up?

I dont know if there are any left out there...but if you find any...send some this way..LOL

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well ill tell you from a dj it is very difficult..regardless.. i lost 2 girls that wanted to marry me for who i am....I have great daytime job, own my own house and there parents loved me also...

but....they couldnt handle girls asking for requests, naked chicks at the club, girls taking pictures with you all those little things pissed them off...i tried to get them jobs at the clubs i worked at and nothing worked....i was loyal too both of them and it didnt work...2 1/2 years and 1 1/2 year for both....so its sucks.,...but hey im 25 still got time....and i dont know hom much more i can take on in this club busiess and still hold down a full time job.....3 nights a week now soon 4.....it kills me, but im single, and i can stock pile $$$$$ now....who know's maybe ill be a wedding DJ at 30 to curb my love for music and playing...and still make $$$

but i agree its very tuff....I wish all my FELLOW DOODS...good Luck...

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

i have the best saying ...

"if you hurt me once, it's YOUR fault, if you hurt me twice, it's MY fault"

i agree with spygirl, sometimes it takes a lot of getting hurt before you finally realize what you want and what excatly it is that you are looking for. they do say, "you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince" !!

i used to think that it was me who was at fault, but the truth is, it's not that i don't know how to love or how to give, it's just that i didn't find the person who can love me back and give just as much yet.

both good and bad come with all things, you live, you learn and you go on ... sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker.

The older you get, the more you have learned from your own mistakes and those of people around you. There is someone for everyone......Each person you come in to contact with is someone who helps make you into and leads you to that perfect person....

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

The older you get, the more you have learned from your own mistakes and those of people around you. ....

Well I think I fit that..im older and ive made mistakes lol but....Its the thing now of not knowing what i want but knowing what I DONT want.......:idea: :idea: :idea:

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I dont know if i agree about the club person. I do agree with prime. always on the go in around the shit makes it hard to have someone want to bewith you. To me those persons have trust issues. Someone who cheats on anyone. it isnt about yo its about them. either they are insecure or just dont want to be with you..

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Originally posted by ysolt

Me neither! My girlfriends and I made a rule to not get "serious" with guys we meet at clubs--they're only good as friends...

I violated that rule... Now I'm dating this guy I met at a club... And I have strong suspicion that he's DEAD INSIDE!

So, now what am I gonna do? Are there any "quality-guys" out there? Or are they all just about Diesel, D&G, looking good, dancing good, and hooking up?



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Originally posted by stardo



THat would be a LONG thread....:laugh:

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Originally posted by stardo


I think more women are players than men. ITs either they are so picky that one little thing and they are gone like the world revolves around them. Or they need to be surrounded my as many men as they can. i think id rather have 100% of one persons attention than 10% of 100 peoples atention.

As far as getting hurt. if you cant risk it all youll never get total happiness.

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Originally posted by ysolt

Me neither! My girlfriends and I made a rule to not get "serious" with guys we meet at clubs--they're only good as friends...

I violated that rule... Now I'm dating this guy I met at a club... And I have strong suspicion that he's DEAD INSIDE!

So, now what am I gonna do? Are there any "quality-guys" out there? Or are they all just about Diesel, D&G, looking good, dancing good, and hooking up?

u met me at a club.....wouldnt u say Im quality???:confused:;):D


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:eek: WOW I think you guys are ready for Laurie's Tip #2...:laugh:

If possible, avoid asking single women out for the first time for a Friday or Saturday night. Why?:

#1.The odds of her being busy are high so she may have to turn you down, which creates bad vibes right off, but you guys knew that ;)

#2. It tells her that you don't have a date for the weekend with someone else so you may have trouble getting dates.

#3.The weekend implies formal dating, so the pressure is on. :(

#4. If you do get the date, she may have to turn down other offers because of her commitment to you, and go into the evening regretting having to turn down others.

~~~~ *After all, she has no way of knowing whether she is going to have a good time with you or not. ~~~~

On the other hand, if you ask her out during the week:

#1. You imply that you are busy on the weekend. In other words, you are involved with other single girls.

#2. The odds of her being available are greater.

#3.Weeknights imply casual-no pressure, a good atmosphere to get to know her.

#4. You have turned a dull weeknight into a good time for her - good vibes right off the bat.

Oh yeah and ERICONE. . .sure I would love too, driving range sound good :D

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Originally posted by laurie619

:eek: WOW I think you guys are ready for Laurie's Tip #2...:laugh:

If possible, avoid asking single women out for the first time for a Friday or Saturday night. Why?:

#1.The odds of her being busy are high so she may have to turn you down, which creates bad vibes right off, but you guys knew that ;)

#2. It tells her that you don't have a date for the weekend with someone else so you may have trouble getting dates.

#3.The weekend implies formal dating, so the pressure is on. :(

#4. If you do get the date, she may have to turn down other offers because of her commitment to you, and go into the evening regretting having to turn down others.

~~~~ *After all, she has no way of knowing whether she is going to have a good time with you or not. ~~~~

On the other hand, if you ask her out during the week:

#1. You imply that you are busy on the weekend. In other words, you are involved with other single girls.

#2. The odds of her being available are greater.

#3.Weeknights imply casual-no pressure, a good atmosphere to get to know her.

#4. You have turned a dull weeknight into a good time for her - good vibes right off the bat.

Oh yeah and ERICONE. . .sure I would love too, driving range sound good :D

where the hell do women come up with these friggin ego's holy shit. some of these ego riddn women should just be happy someones taking you out let alone what night and where you are going and all that crap

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Originally posted by hunnie818

I have no problem meeting people....thats the easy part....it's staying interseted that's a problem.....

My fear is that I'll never be find someone who holds my interest longer than a week.....:rolleyes:

I think I may be too picky or have dating A.D.D.....does anyone else feel like this?

Does that make me a bad dater or them????? :confused:

it's them.....i have had that problem before (4 years ago)....one thing goes wrong or the first second they bore me, do something stupid, ....THEY ARE OUT .......it's fine to be picky

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i think its women in general you are all fucked up lol

just kidding

one or two things go wrong depends on how much you like someone. sometimes you arent in a mental place to date and no one is going to hold your intrest at that time so if one or two things go wrong i think anyon is just looking for an out then

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

I dont know if i agree about the club person. I do agree with prime. always on the go in around the shit makes it hard to have someone want to bewith you. To me those persons have trust issues. Someone who cheats on anyone. it isnt about yo its about them. either they are insecure or just dont want to be with you..

Doubleplay, I agree with you...

Cheating is a horrible thing to do to anyone that you love...I think cheating on someone is the most disresectful, dishonest, and most hurtful thing anyone could do...If you really love someone, there is no need to look for anyone else. Why would people cheat anyway? If you just arent in love, why not break up:confused: Relationships are about loyalty and trust, and cheating takes that away completely...in my opinion anyway;) I mean, I would never cheat, and I am def. happy I am with someone who never would:)

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

where the hell do women come up with these friggin ego's holy shit. some of these ego riddn women should just be happy someones taking you out let alone what night and where you are going and all that crap

:laugh: :laugh: you have a point but cmon I wouldnt and have never made plans with a guy on a weekend!

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Originally posted by dknybabe2929

Doubleplay, I agree with you...

Cheating is a horrible thing to do to anyone that you love...I think cheating on someone is the most disresectful, dishonest, and most hurtful thing anyone could do...If you really love someone, there is no need to look for anyone else. Why would people cheat anyway? If you just arent in love, why not break up:confused: Relationships are about loyalty and trust, and cheating takes that away completely...in my opinion anyway;) I mean, I would never cheat, and I def. ahppy I am with someone whonever would:)

jess thats cause u and joe are this blissful couple that make people sick lol . Joe is a lucky guy

i have no respect for someone who cheats or tries to be a playa. always be straight w people youll never go wrong

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