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ONGAKU! is no more...


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Well y'all, this is goodbye. We will not be doing ONGAKU! any longer. Despite the upgraded system, the strict door charging policy and the booking of Florida's most influential artist in electronica (Confucius - RITM), we failed to come close to our break-even point this Friday.

We want to thank everyone who has supported us, no matter how large or small your contribution may have been. We realize that our "throwing in the towel" only adds to the seemingly inevitable failure of meaningful music in Miami. Believe me when I say that this decision was not an easy one to make.

In particular, we would like to give Special thanks to...

RED (Stuart, Jen, Guy, Brian, Marlin, Nacho)

Oscar G




Sean Bauzay

Jimmy T

Nelson (Nova)



Casey (Merlin)

Lisa Bu

Cool Junkie

... and the Rabbit himself ...

Dave Christophere

The contributions made by those mentioned above are held in our hearts and will never be forgotten.

Please know that we gave it all that we had.

Your friend,


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Guest saleen351


South beach is over... There is nothing to do on that entire island now...

Stryke let me know where you'll be playing. And lp lets book this guy...

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It's amazing how good things can not survive in south beach!

If clubs would realize that times have changed and lower those damn marks they still think can be reached, more and more parties / ventures would live enough to mature and prosper.

You guys left a mark that will be remembered...Ongaku lives!

get the funk out! :cool:

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Originally posted by pod

I would definitely try approaching one of the new venues opening up, like Rise...

Hey yeah..... I used to love Salvation.... I can't wait to see what they are doing with this space..... I'm going to try and make it down there for opening weekend Pod.

I checked out the website.. Do you know if they've named a resident DJ yet?? If they haven't, I'd definately pitch your party there... the music was great last night.


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.....Well if South Beach was so into its local djs and clubs, this wouldn't happen, more evidnce that the people down here suck. If it wasn't for CP supporting this party each week, which I know most people here went every week, the party probably wouldn't of done shit. Stryke is a awesome DJ from what I seen, and from his music that I have and have heard in the past, which makes this a shame. Good luck to Stryke.


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Originally posted by dajew

.....If it wasn't for CP supporting this party each week, which I know most people here went every week, the party probably wouldn't of done shit.

The party didn't do shit... hence, this thread and the demise of the night. As for the weekly CP attendance, it wasn't as solid as you make it seem. Granted, there were a few who showed up every Friday, but I wouldn't go as far as saying "MOST" of the people here went every week.

Never the less, CP involvement and support was a big part of the reason we kept trying to make the night successful. It just proved to be impossible.

Regarding other venues, I can tell you that, unless...

- The club owners are easier to work with than the RED crew (which would be impossible)

- Monetary gain is guaranteed to out weigh the monetary risk (in the area of 10 to 2)

- We can commission God himself (in whom, I do not believe) to do flyer promotion for free...

...Ongaku! will not be making a comeback.

But thanks to all above for the vote of confidence. If nothing else, we are happy to have provided a few good times for like-minded individuals.




The end of Ongaku! does not mean the end of Stryke. He has been doing this longer than most of us, and WILL be for alot longer. Despite all his accomplishments, he hasn't even come close to the level of success he's destined for.


Stryke is in Gainesville playing a party, which is why he has not chimed in here, as of yet.

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Well I was glad to have been able to make it on Friday night for the show. Sean played a fantistic set to set up Dave. A lot of familiar faces made it out to support Sean, Dave and Ongaku. I just wish it could have been enough...but alas...what a shame to let this one go. I had a great time on Friday night. You guys put on one hell of a party. I wish you guys all the best.


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Originally posted by cooljunkie

I'm sure you'll be back soon in some way, shape, or form. New venues will pop up all over the place during season, and sometimes it just takes a change of location to kick off a night.

Au Revoir, not Good Bye :)


I'm with Nick on this one. Stay positive. I was very sad when Stryke told me it was over but you have to take your strides in accomplishing something successful in this town and to be quite honest, the Ongaku parties seamed to be getting on the right track but a little too late...move forward is what I say..learn and make adjustments.......we're not down with throwing in any towels....and I say "we" because I considered myself a player on Substance's team and was well aware ofr the fact that they were trying to make something spercrial happen on south beach.....if at first you don't succeed.....you know the rest....Matt, if there is anything I can do to help you in the future, do not hesitate irn calling me up. It has truly been a pleasure and I thank you and Stryke for having faith in me.

damn shame....friday night was awesome....


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Guest saleen351











It would take an act of God to make a party work in south beach, let alone a tech party...

Bring it to downtown Miami...

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:(Sorry to hear about this... Ongaku no doubt was a very important night...To the scene, and to me... I have the utmost respect for Substance Matt, and Stryke for doing what they believe,and giving 110%... Thanks for making me a part of it... Its unfortunate it came to this... i trulyhope its not the end... Regardless u guyz know u can count on me...Thanks for the good times...

Ongaku Lives


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wow...i just got to see this thread now!!! :eek: ...sorry to see such a good, chillin party go like this...every week it was a good party and good music....its a shame to see it go....thanks to Anteye, Bugaloo and Stryke for bringing such a good party to Miami....although this party didnt work, u def. opened the door and the minds of many people that probably would have never even considered listening to this type of music...only good things will come from this and at least u made me a techno fan...dont think that "some" of us arent grateful for the party u threw....and more thank for bringing in "local" Djs to open up and give them a chance to shine....thank u for the good times guys, u have a supporter in me....


last friday was the first time i saw Sean...and now Sean has a new fan in me too...great set bro!! you def. impressed me and Meli....:aright:

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Hey all,

I'm not exactly sure where to start... I hope you all had a great weekend. Rest assured that mine (as well as Matt's) was a bit more than troublesome. You obviously all know that Ongaku is no more. We did our best to bring you all a great night with great music. We put our faith in Miami, and it seems like Miami wasn't ready. In my heart, I still don't believe this to be true. I know it's a difficult time for the industry (trust me on this...ask my wallet!), but I am doing my best to keep the faith. However, I can't help but feel disappointed and hurt. I don't want to turn this thread into a ton of drama. Let me just say, that will all the complaining I've heard about there being no good clubs or DJs here (which is obviously bull), when the time came for support, we just didn't have it. I am grateful and thankful for those of you who did come out to support and help out. To those who talked the talk but didn't wallk the walk... (comment removed here to ensure that I will still be seen as a nice guy...). I'll leave it here for now. Words are escaping my head and heart. Perhaps right now isn't the best time for me to write on this thread...



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Thanks, Jesse. And Meli, I'm sorry you didn't get a CD. Jesse has one, though(don't you, Jesse?). Have him burn you a copy. In the meantime, DJFX and I are just about ready to release our double disc mix CD and I'll make sure you get a copy.

Stryke, I think most of the folks from CP showed their support at Ongaku....keep in mind that those who post here make up an extremely small percentage of the clubbing community......I'll tell you one thing.....the Friday morning of the party I went to Grooveman and aside from a small poster that was hard to see in their window there was not ONE flyer in the store. I had to go back to my car and put flyers in there. NO FLYERS AT GROOVEMAN? Something is definitely wrong with that....

well as I said...move forward.....don't let good ideas go to waste just because this one didn't work and remember to count me in always.

ps-Stryke, hook me up with the cd from friday night as soon as you can, bro....I want to hear how I did even with the skipping records at the beginning of the set... :)

this is such a shame, really......and it seamed as if everyone was there Friday night.....


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