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What a suprise jp didnt spin last night @ Tru

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i heard he lost his bag of tina and was too upset to spin.. jk.. i heard he said he had an ear ache or some shit like that... i was wondering how he was gonna spin thursday through sunday with out a break.. he probably realized he wouldnt be able to do it.. thursday albany, friday true, then sat/sun at sf.. no way he could have done that

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Originally posted by muzikman

i heard he lost his bag of tina and was too upset to spin.. jk.. i heard he said he had an ear ache or some shit like that... i was wondering how he was gonna spin thursday through sunday with out a break.. he probably realized he wouldnt be able to do it.. thursday albany, friday true, then sat/sun at sf.. no way he could have done that

Just curious on why he cant do that?? In the beginning of this year he spun SF sat/sun and than flew down to cancun and spun there sunay night into monday and than flew back monday and did New Years Eve @ SF.

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yeah....it sucks....i am so disapointed in JP right now....there was a good turn out of people....a bunch of people i met were from north jersey and nyc....we all drove in the pouring rain to hear him.

here is the story...after Albany he got into AC...the studio side is open on thursdays (the big gay night of the week)...the club usually stays open til the wee hour of the morning....apparently, JP was hanging out and partying all night long there, went to his hotel at the Marina and called staff on friday about 6pm and told them he had a serious ear ache and wouldn't be spinning....he was already paid the $10,000 fee to spin prior to him coming down plus 2 nights of stay in the hotel....not sure if the promotion group that paid him had any progress getting the funds back or what not.....this info came right from the staff at studio/tru.

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