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PVD is up to $50?


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This is fucking rediculous... i'm going on strike, fuck big names, fuck big clubs, fuck getting reemed in my asshole to go party... $50???????

Raves with HUGE lineups of incredible djs of every genre are $50... Boo7 which was a 12 hour event with a bunch of different stages was $50.... this is 1 guy spinning a genre this city pretty much hates now for like 4 hours... (i'll admit hes great at what he does, and i like it, but seriously, this is insane...)

a big FUCK YOU to everyone/everything whos turned clubbing into an event that needs its own loan officers...

i'm surprised they aren't doing credit checks at the door these days...

did i mention $50 FUCKING DOLLARS IS FUCKING INSANE???? i honestly hope the party fucking bombs so they'll stop gouging us with these highpriced events...

i'm not sure whats worse... having mediocre parties every week or having good parties that just cost way too much to be reasonable... this city really does boggle the mind...


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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Barriers to entry kiddo . . Barriers to entry . . . . But yet . . . whenever anybody suggests going to the outerborughs or beyond to party nobody shows up . . hmmm. . . :rolleyes: . .

. . . You pay for the image you desire . . . :aright: . . .

maybe thats why i'm the only one going off on this...

i hope someone throws a party at luna that night...

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

I agree 100% joe g.

P.S. sorry i didn't return your call last night..i fell asleep early and that was the end for me...

np, i figured your old ass fell asleep watching tv in your wheelchair... :tongue:

you missed a good show though... all the djs were beyond on-point... i'm thinkin i might go to openair on wed for atomic hooligan again... (which, btw, WON'T be $50... :mad: )

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And you know what's going to happen: The people who go to this will be wealthy-middle-upper class snobs who don't go all out dancing, but only "hover" on the dance floor and buy drinks.

Meanwhile, the hardcore-dancing- appreciable people will go to the likes of Lunaterium/Baktun/Local Loft parties.

I read an article about this, and it seems that the trend is moving away from big clubs and into smaller-type venues.

Oh and do the math:

$50-- admission

$30--drinks (being conservative)

$15--transportation to the club (ROxy isn't necessarily midtown)

$10-30--drugs (optional ;)


Well over $100, when you can spend a total of $30 a night at Lunaterium, have a grand-ol time, not get touched by hootchie-mamma's and guido's, and still have enough money to go out during the week :idea:

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fuck that, even if i had a job i wouldn't spend $50... its just way too much for not enough... i would have spent $40 for underworld, but underworld is a fucking experience...

i didn't even pay $50 to see pvd, scot bond, baby anne, and dj icey at SPACE during wmc this year... (and believe me, roxy is no SPACE) it was like 35 or something...

that party was actually worth $50... went from 10pm to 2pm (thats PM, not AM)... and space is one of the most amazing clubs i've ever been to...

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what u gonna do in ibiza its $15 a drink and $8 for a bottle of water which u cant even refill.....and the clubs are still jam packed from wall to wall......

admission was about $50 per club

carl cox was actually the cheapest and my fav night on the island for $25......

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well i bought advanced tix...41...40 bucks plus 1 buck profit i guess


pvd at twilo was SO MUCH CHEAPER...why is this shit 50 bucks now...im a huge pvd fan but 50 is UNREAL...

how much is ferry corsten going to be??? i got in for free at exit that night, but it was only 25 that night anyways

why is this shit so expensive???

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the only reason why im pissed and not going is u go from boston to miami u only pay 20-35 dollars to see the same djs, So u cant say its becouse the djs want the big bucks, its the damm promotors sucking us dry.

and just a little fact I sore PVD and Tiesto toghther for 35 bucks at Amnesia in Ibiza and they each did 4 hours sets

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yes 50 is redic...BUT

your F U is misdirected....

Now I don't know for a fact how much $$ PVD is gettin for this event at roxy, but i do know that at Exit he charged

$75,000 to spin. Yes, 75,000. Now I ask you. You're running this party and you want it to be a success, but the DJ is charging you that much. What do you do?

Sasha's management last week lowered their ticket prices b/c thye realized 40 was too high. Its all in the hands of the dj and his management.

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

Now I don't know for a fact how much $$ PVD is gettin for this event at roxy, but i do know that at Exit he charged

$75,000 to spin. Yes, 75,000. Now I ask you. You're running this party and you want it to be a success, but the DJ is charging you that much. What do you do?

Was that only for him, or for him, his open and closer?

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PVD was only $40 at Exit this past summer, and people were screaming bloody murder. Now Roxy is charging $50 and its all of a sudden a good thing. $50 is appalling however you look at it...but the club owners aren't the assholes, but rather the idiots willing to pay it, me included. PVD is worth every penny of $50 if you're willing to pay it, and as long as people do, prices will stay that high.

btw, it's only $35 to hear Deep Dish for 9 hours at Exit on November 15th. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

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Originally posted by xpander

It's called supply & demand.

is demand really going up though? or staying the same...if it was the same, tix should be 35-40 max...if demand went up, quantity of tix sold would increase along with price

roxy is small...how many ppl can they top out at??

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Originally posted by lillizzy

is demand really going up though? or staying the same...if it was the same, tix should be 35-40 max...if demand went up, quantity of tix sold would increase along with price

roxy is small...how many ppl can they top out at??

Ahh, but you assume that demands have gone up (which it arguably has, but I'm not sure either way). Remember that PvD's last two NYC venues, SF and Exit, are considerably larger than Roxy, and they were both packed. Clubs aren't known for the their research of their audience, so based on that observation, you'd naturally raise your prices.

And you forget your basic economics...;) a price increase would bring down the quantity sold, which in Roxy's view, would stifle demand but increase turnover per ticket. Also, I think in terms of door fees, the draw of the name makes the door price more inelastic (image factor, anyone?)...which is all the more reason why Roxy WOULD raise their prices.

Ahhh...the economy of nightlife... :laugh:

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Originally posted by xpander

And you forget your basic economics...;) a price increase would bring down the quantity sold, which in Roxy's view, would stifle demand but increase turnover per ticket. Also, I think in terms of door fees, the draw of the name makes the door price more inelastic (image factor, anyone?)...which is all the more reason why Roxy WOULD raise their prices.

Ahhh...the economy of nightlife... :laugh:

i'm an econ major.

draw out a S-D graph. Shift your demand curve up, increase q and p. Shift S curve down, increase q, decrease p!

SO: if your demand went up, the quantity sold had to have gone up as well as the price. if you supply more, your price will decrease as your quantity increases. if you shift both, your quantity will go up, AND your price will stay the same!

NOW: it all depends on elasticity. is a price change really going to affect how much is sold? how many people are indifferent on a price change in PVD? they want to attract the MAX amount of people at the best price, which technically would be 40 bucks...an extra 50 is not necessary unless demand is highly elastic...meaning a 10 buck increase will decrease demand by more than the percentage amount...

think of it that way...

your price should go up only if you are expecting more people than exit/sf had...

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