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my take on PVD ticket price...

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

Price is $50 and is staying as such. If people have a problem with the price I feel for you however I still say salary capping these DJs will prevent these problems.

And I hate to tell you "Twilo-ites" these same event promoter that were responsible for Fridays at Twilo. Back at Twilo didn't have to pay rental fees, and were supported by the venue. This is not the case here. Made is doing this with their own money. And their own promotional team. I have to respect that. They have earned my $50.

why don't you wipe that brown streak off your face....i don't believe for one minute that made events has to charge $50 to support the cost of this production......it comes down to one thing....demand....people are willing to pay this price b/c they feel that its necessary to see PVD this weekend @ Roxy.....if people just stopped to think a little bit they would realize that PVD has been here 3 times in the past 3-4 months....why see him now when chances are he'll be back here soon......i can only imagine the made events team at about 9 tomorrow morning....they'll be feasting on caviar and champagne over at the plaza tea brunch while counting their never ending stack of $50 bills.....how much does it really cost to start sending out promotional ads via the internet....next to nothing...what else has made done....create some posters....maybe an ad in the village voice....maybe they spent a couple thousand dollars promoting this...if that....its not the $10 that is hurting people....thats like 2 meals at mcdonalds...its the fact that people should pay around $25 to see a dj and get into a club....now we have seen that bar raised to $40...now $50....and people into the scene go to clubs on a frequent basis and get multiple opportunities to see the same dj throughout the year....so now seeing PVD 4X could cost you 200 vs. 100...thats 100% more then it used to cost....now factor in that you might have 4 superstar dj's that you love and your cost becomes 800 vs 400....the problem becomes exponetial.....thats the outrage here....there is frequency of the same people attending these functions.....until people start looking for alternative ways to hear music or more underground functions they'll be wrapped up in this commercialization of the scene and be forced to consistently pay these prices....once the promoters get a taste for how much money they are going to make tonight there is no turning back.....prices will just keep going up and up until people find alternative venues....salary capping dj's is a method that can't work....either people have to 1) refuse to pay the money to see a particular dj, or 2) promoters have to start seeking out cheaper dj's that can turn a party out.....thats my take on this situation....


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3-4 times in the last 3 months? in NYC?

His last time here was Exit, June 14

and the time before that was Sound Factory, March 29

and the time before that was Twilo, almost a year prior

Check this


For a quick search of NYC gigs in 2002, press Ctrl+F, type "New York", then press ENTER as many times as you can

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pay it and stop complaining??...sorry for stating a concern and thanks for your great insight into my thread:laugh: .....like i said its not about the money....the concert arguement does not stand up either....this is about greed and business....i'll never stop complaining....i LOVE it....

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Originally posted by underwater


aww how sweet. i guess if i went to roxy i would bitch about paying 50$ too.. the fact is that i wouldnt go to roxy if they gave me 50 at the door. :D

(well id go, grab the 50 and leave real fast, spend it on a few drinks @ nice place)

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Originally posted by buredf

one of two things


roxy is raising the price

or they are

raising the price because nyc peolpe are stupid enough to pay it

my brother went to see the same show in avalon last nite

25 to get in

same thing as its gonna be in roxy

try again cause it's neither of those 2 things. Roxy isnt raising the price, made events is. And your a moron for the second comment. Cant speak for others, but PVD is my favorite DJ. My best times out are when he spins. I'll gladly pay 50. let them make it 150, i'll still go.

I saw him at avlalon in june. I paid 25-30 bucks. It's not the same show as it's gonna be at roxy. If it was like when i saw him at avalon, he spun for 3 hours. At roxy he's spinning for 6. Your bro might have paid half the price that it's gonna be at Roxy, but he also heard him half as long. So your brother didnt get any deal at all

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If you think it is to expensive, dont go!! I'm not going, but stop with the whinning. It's simple supply and demand - they charge that much cause people are willing to pay - if Made got some shitty turnouts for a while, the price will radically drop!!

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I don't know how many of you read the PvD interview but he comments about the cover charges and promoters here in the US:

"My experience in the past is when we say we will charge less if you charge less. The promoters never did it. Very often they charge a lot more at the door than they tell us originally, especially in the States."

I guess Made Events will be bathing in their $50 bills tomorrow...

That's why I am not going no matter how much I like his music and djing... Definitely not supporting Made Events. Yes, I know they have been bring top talent to the City but at prices that are outrages. How come they have to charge $40 - $50 for their events if some other promoter can bring DJs such as Digweed to the city for a cover charge of almost 1/2 of that?


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all i know if that i' fuckin drunk and don't gie a shit

i definetely didn't spend $50 tonight, and ihad a kickass night!!!!

have fun at PVD, i'm passing out soon. LATER!

Oh yea, its a fukin ripoff. suckers. PVD aint as good as he used to be anyway. Roxy is too small. he is overpaid anyway. needless to say he is still in my top 3 dj list.


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No one is bathing in $50 bills. I wish that was the case. But I do agree with some of the things said here. I am not going to say that it's NOT ridiculous that door prices have more than doubled in the past couple years. Lot of factors to fault. Higher prices of printing, street teams, online promotions, venue rentals, and amount 1000 other things event producers have to handle monetarily. But the biggest portion of money has been going to the DJ's when it comes to QUALITY events.

But when you bitch and moan about 50 bucks for PVD always remember and not to HYPE any one promoter over another. Made Saturdays at ARC for 90% of there events have a 25 & 20 door for events like Danny Howells, Burridge, Mr. C, Lee Coombs, and so many more. Same for GBH @ Centro. Roger S, Sandy Rivera, Mark Farina, etc etc etc for 15 & 20.

Anyway in these cases they are not RAPED by djs on money.

This Tiesto & PVD events were one offs and they were paid enormous amounts of money.

And whoever says Roxy is small is out of there mind. The only clubs bigger are SF, EXIT, and maybe WH. Even Limelight's capacity legally is smaller.

I am still in favor of a salary cap. I guess since their DJs records & CDs dont sell well here in the US they make up for the money lost by charging these prices. I am a advocate for the clubber and for the music lover. This includes the DJs, Promoters, Producers, and Clubkids.

Things have changed dramatically and will continue. Hopefully for the better.

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the ticket prices are set by the promoter, not the venue! i'm sorry to all CP heads for the prices, In November and December we have a bangin' line-up...and CP cards will be honored for a super reduce...once again thanks to all CP member for your support these last three weeks...i know the prices were high, and believe me when i say, we are trying to work something out to keeping the prices down in the future! I hear you guys..... for us at the Roxy its not about making a lot of money, its about having a great party! , so that the people will want to return!

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