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so About THE LIMELIGHT.....

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ok, ignoring the fact that im annoyed with blair..cause hes a cunt.

is it me? or are we not excited as a Group?

i mean....this is preatty legendary.....

the Re-opening of the Venue...that basicly shaped....music..Style....sex....n Drugs for Next Generations to come! i mean........besides 54......limelight is prob the most well known club in the world........

i remember doing a gig out in boulder Colarado........in like 92..

and when we showed up n shit.....all the Kids out there could talk about was LIMELIGHT.....and not 1 of them had ever even been to NY...and this was 1992! ya know? prob the best year of it all.....deff 92....91........94> was ehh. K-ish? but 91-92 is where it was at, ya know?

i just think its great that NYc is slowly coming back, and were seeing better DJ's and we have a Choice of rooms again....

ARC, ROXY, SF, CENTRO,Baktun,Limelight,ehhhh. Jr? VOMIT>> LOL

and a shit load of other small med sized rooms........

and the promise of 3 BIG openg coming with Powder, DEAP

and eventually Crobar......

not to mention my little somehing something, lol

anyway....im just excited, maybe its cause im hung over? i dont know......but a brand new limelight......sounds great.

Even tho i know its gonna be different i stil lthink its gonna be fun.....and i mean the insdie is fucking scarey...i mean it aint limelight. n the lighitng looks sick.....NO i have not seen it ON..but i didi check out the set up...and its very cool.....Pro martins, fliped heads, EVERYWHERE....looks insane....

i just dont know who did the System....anyone know?

im un-sure....a month or 2 ago i was told it was phazon..but i dont know now.....?


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Well what would you suggest have done...............perhaps we should take to the streets and have a demonstration, or maybe even erect a statue in the middle of Times Square to commemorate this momentous occasion..............

Oh I got, oh shit this is brilliant............a float going down the middle of Broadway, it'll be fashioned like a miniature Limelight w/ DT sitting on top of it festooned with lovely floral garlands and he'll be waving and throwing out those annoying promotional cards they hand to you as you walk out of Factory at 9 in the morning.

course' that's just my suggestion. :aright:

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jaysea -

don't forget that a lot of people on this board are really young and the limelight does not have a whole lot of meaning to them. limelight to you is like twilo to them. if twilo was reopening everyone would be going ape-shit. besides...if anyone tries to write something serious on this board it just gets blown off. people would rather have 1000 posts on how retarded danwilson is or be writing terrible reviews on a night and only using words like "shit, faaaaawwwwkkiinnngg, evil sick beats".

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Originally posted by underwater

jaysea -

don't forget that a lot of people on this board are really young and the limelight does not have a whole lot of meaning to them. limelight to you is like twilo to them. if twilo was reopening everyone would be going ape-shit. besides...if anyone tries to write something serious on this board it just gets blown off. people would rather have 1000 posts on how retarded danwilson is or be writing terrible reviews on a night and only using words like "shit, faaaaawwwwkkiinnngg, evil sick beats".

:nopity: :nopity: :nopity:

Settle down there Einstein, I know quite well what Limelight used to be like back in the day, my friend bartended there back in the early 90's, I'm just having a little fun, so back down your seriousness gauge a couple of notches.

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are they still gonna have that loft area by the top of the roof....i used to love to hang there and watch everyone on the floor below.....great memories up there w/ all my friends....what about lasers....that would be a great venue for some lasers....kinda like crobar in miami....anyway...i excited for the opening....can't wait for DT on thanksgiving eve...

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i understand....but no need to fill my thread with stupid annoying shit..stick to the topic, or dont post : ) im Trying to really be Genuine, and just TALK

oh....and yea your friend was a bartender there, well i did the Door there for 2 years, and Orgainized Wed 2000 Party for 4 years.....

so im just chatting about an important part of clubbing history...trying to see what everyones opinions are n shit...

No need to be a 25yr old smart ass....

we cant see you flex from a computer Screen : )

Now....back to the Topic? Opions?




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Originally posted by ou812

:nopity: :nopity: :nopity:

Settle down there Einstein, I know quite well what Limelight used to be like back in the day, my friend bartended there back in the early 90's, I'm just having a little fun, so back down your seriousness gauge a couple of notches.

thanks captain obvious....i was not even refering to your post....i thought it was funny...just stating that people on this board in general will probably not have the excitement level that he was talking about....

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were you working there when that whole murder fiasco happend?... that was something else....who has the residency for the new venue....what type of crowd are they going for...21+?...i think the reopening is going to do a lot for the scene....they should move the dj booth and build it so it looks like an altar...although that might be a little to overboard....

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dance floor is longer...no stage......

and you cant tell its a church from the inside anymore...

no staind glass windows....there's sound profing and walls over them now........its a church from the outside.....inside its REALLY kinda Breath taking.....if u loved the old limelight...u might not like what it looks like now, but i mean its breath taking....and its not as mazzy like anymore.....so they could prob bring in 400-500 more heads now......its nice....

n yea, i was round for angels death, its long over....shitty times,

Weird times

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Yeah, some of us weren't around clubbing-wise when the Limelight was in its heyday. But we do recognize what it means relative to NYC's clublife.

I think the problem here is that it's getting converted into a whole new club. Quite a few people isn't really expecting the Limelight to be anything as good as it used to be. Could we be wrong? Sure...but it's just a case of low expectations for things to come is all.

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i was not a big fan of the multiple room layout...always seemed like it bottlenecked people from moving around....thats strange that they would cover up the stained glass windows....makes sense from a sound proofing view, but that was one of the best parts of the night.....debauchery in a church....i just hope that they focus on bringing in some new talent and not just on creating a place to see and be seen....a new venue with some fresh talent is what NYC needs....a place where people can escape into another world....its there for the taking....is thanksgiving eve gonna be the first night its open or is it just the grand opening party?.....wish i could have seen the party in all its glory...hopefully we can have some of those times again...

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Originally posted by underwater

i was not a big fan of the multiple room layout...always seemed like it bottlenecked people from moving around....thats strange that they would cover up the stained glass windows....makes sense from a sound proofing view, but that was one of the best parts of the night.....debauchery in a church....i just hope that they focus on bringing in some new talent and not just on creating a place to see and be seen....a new venue with some fresh talent is what NYC needs....a place where people can escape into another world....its there for the taking....is thanksgiving eve gonna be the first night its open or is it just the grand opening party?.....wish i could have seen the party in all its glory...hopefully we can have some of those times again...

Which is exactly why a lot of people aren't getting excited. There's a big expectation from what I've seen for Republic to be "another dress-up pretty club". There was a place in Limelight for EVERYBODY, and the you can imagine how the possibility of it becoming another one-dimensional club discourages people from getting excited.

Of course, what comes from this new opening remains to be seen. Here's to wishing for the best. ;)

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its deff not a church.....but its fucking amazing inside....its sooooo nice.....but yea, it dosent look like a church at all anymore..and they are deff gonna bring in good talent....and such....

it wont ever go past 8am....but its still gonna bump

and it still has lots of rooms to its.....maybe more than before, but they made the Entrance.....more Crowdable""? meaning, the venue itself will be more pleasent, and not so crampy n windy. as it was before, but its fucking cool inside......i guess thats what 3mill does to a rotted out old church......

and there's a new excitment to the place...... and its not a bright Fancy decor.....

its more like Evil Dark......Cyber Tech look....LOL

but yea....its deff got a Evil Cyber glossy look to it, i mean im picky, and i thought it was WOW......so.....im sure people will be shocked by it..

and yea the old limelight is gone, but so are half the joints we all went to......ya know? atleast the Venue is still here. i mean.

USA,palladium,World,Tunnel,Danceteria,......there all gone for good. ya know? atleast the church still stands...

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i too am excited about a reincarnation of "the limelight" it will never be what it was, but who really cares? hopefully for some it will be what it was for us in the early 90's. our introduction to a scene which in one way or another became part of our lives. for me, it will be another "big room" option. couple of thoughts.. why is so much emphasis put on bringing in good talent (international). from what i remember, it was very rare for venues to bring in rotating talent. almost all clubs (parties) had their resident dj's. i would agree it provides more variety, but also inconsistancy. my other thought, when did after hours become "the party" as jaysea mentioned, limelight used to close by 8 as well as most other clubs, and that was plenty of time for people to get their partying in. Robots / outlaw parties / octagon were always options for those that wanted to go later.. but these venues catered strictly to that.. just my 2 cents.


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Originally posted by dami

couple of thoughts.. why is so much emphasis put on bringing in good talent (international). from what i remember, it was very rare for venues to bring in rotating talent. almost all clubs (parties) had their resident dj's. i would agree it provides more variety, but also inconsistancy.

i the baggage that the big boys carry....promoters need to refocus on the vibe....good music w/ an interesting crowd....no more of twant to see some homegrown-domestic dj's be given a shot....i'm sick of all the big name hoopla.......we need some new dj's w/o his big swinging dick dj-lets make as much money as possible stuff...thats what i mean by new talent...i don't even care if its rotating....residents are a huge element to creating great nights....

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that post got pretty screwed up....what i meant by new talent was that they need some new dj's brought into the scene.....lets get a night that offers more then just going to see so and so spin...i wanna have a place to go that i know the music will be great, but more importantly the party is going to be interesting....a place with a types of people and a true party that represents NYC to its fullest....i agree that residents are a huge factor in creating successful nights....point blank....promoters need to focus on the vibe of the party more....to much has been lost in just grabbing the biggest name jocks and trying to pack the house.....no one cares about the type of vibe the party is giving....thats where all these new clubs come into play....which one is going to take the bull by the horns....IS IT GOING TO BE LL, POWDER, ECT.???.....should be exciting to see how things unfold...

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Underwater! i here u, i HERE YOU! LOL

Very Tru....promoter's do need to focus more on other things...i 2 am sick of big name dj's who have to be from overseas to have a Great turnout......and to me.....packing a fucking club to capacity does not mean your club is Bumping......

Back in the day (and yes i will go here)

it was so much more than the Dj....of course the music had to be good, but it was also about the charecters that walked around the club, the Drama that would unfold! the COLOR! people Dressing up, and being different and making heads turn, and just being a Object of Art........and not just another TUBE TOP WEARING FUCKING SLUT From Jersey city......LOL:laugh:

i mean.......back then......there was excitment.....

there was a DOOR POLICY.....

it kept the Bad element out,

you know?

door bitches.....

would Create the Vibe by the Crowd they would select,

and im not talking about Balemic Bitches.....im talking about the people who would bring something to that party.....

well never have that again.but everyone could fucking learn a thing or 2......maybe create a better atmosphere for all of us..

<stepping off my Stage now> LOL


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I remember when you were chosen to get in. I always had a problem (HaHa) but somehow I always did. Limelight was always an adventure. My best club night of all time was there, Future Shock Fridays, w/ Rotterdam Terror Corps Best of all time. Anyway I wish it was like that now. I am happy with a GOOD vibe @ a club. But havent really found that lately.

Oh well If it ever went back to be chosen I probably would still have a problem getting in.


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