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QUOTH...is just SIMPLY..the fuckin man..(long but good)


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This post is definitely proof that...there is always hope for ANYONE.

ok so fuckin...

last night...i made plans to go out to dinner with my friend christina (some of u may have met)...and then we were gonna see the movie Jackass. (which was hysterical beyond belief i might add)

So...me and her (strictly friends btw) had a reallllllllll fuckin intellectual conversion over dinner about relationships...what our deal is...what attracts us..and the such...it was pretty deep and much needed convo to get off one another's chest.

So after dinner...we head off to a late showing of Jackass. Having just had this whole conversation about our love life's and the such...i got one of my gemini vibes that something perhaps was about to happen this night.

So fuckin...we are in the theater now...chillin until the previews come on....im joking around with her and shit then i suddenly stop.

I see this girl walking up the steps with her friend and immeidately think to myself "WHY HELLO!!!!!".

So my friend christina see's that i am tranced by this fucking beautiful girl..and jokingly i say to her..."wow..did you see her? she was so fucking beautiful....i think i will cast my spell on her after the movie." Christina laughs....i laugh...the movie starts. We enjoy the movie yada yada.

So now...the movie is over...and in my head personally im thinking to myself..."well...WOULD IT...really hurt to go talk to that girl?" OF COURSE NOT!!

Now all im thinking is that "shit..i bet she prolly left before me cause was sitting like 3 rows in front of me"...BUT....i was totally wrong.

My friend and i are walking now outside to the lobby and its like shit...2am or so..and to my fucking luck.....who do i hear laughing out loud diagnolly to the right of me walking behind me but that girl.

Her laughter draws my attention...i turn around..i make deep eye contact with her...she smiles...i smile back....im walking thinking to myself "MIKE WTF MAN..SAY SOMETHING!!!!!! THIS IS YOUR CHANCE"

Christina now looks at me and just KNOWSSSS what im about to do and she smiles like as if to say "FUCK YEA MIKE GO FOR IT DUDE"

So BAM!!...i turn back around to the girl again and i just simply say "Hey...what's yer name...you look sorta familiar"

This girl bursts out with glee and blushes like hell and she says "Megan"

So i said to her "are u from around here cause u definitely looked like someone i went to high school with"

So her friend with her laughs and chimes in and says "nah..she is from connecticut...we both go to school at Rutgers"

So we make some back and forth blushing small talk for like 2 mins cause the girl can't get over how random this is and the girl goes "how old are you?" (lol)

so i go "Im 21" and im like why how old are you? (cause im thinkin she is maybe eh...23-25)

so she goes "20" im like no shit.

So now im thinking ok...its fucking 2am..im tired..she is tired..my friend is tired and everyone is in the frame of mind of going home...so i gotta do sumen now instead of just calling it a night.

So i come straight out with "Could i get yer phone number cause i'd like to call u up and talk to you sometime"

So she goes "yea"

so i get her number and we say goodbye and she throws in "yea, i'll be up for a while cause i can't fall asleep yet" as in HINT-HINT QUOTH CALL ME U BASTARD WHEN U GET HOME!!

So the whole walk to the car...my fuckin friend christina is giving super props cause she has never ever seen Quoth work his magic that he speaks of..and she goes "shit man...even i don't have the balls to do sumen so random like that and im a girl and all i gotta if i really want sumen is add sex into it" lol.

So of course i get home and call her...and belive it or not..we talked for 3 hours...and i told her point blank...the main reason i even approached her was because i thought she was so fucking beautifuland when i saw her it was like everything stopped for a minute and sure enough..i could hear her blush like fuck over the phone.

The conversation ended with me making plans with her for this coming friday night.


indeed there is hope for all...its simply a matter of where and when...and last night was just exactly that.

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you ARE the fuckin man:clap: :clap: , i keep tellin people that the only way to get something you want is to just go out and get it.

this makes me think of something kinda ot: my theory of hot girls with ugly guys(no i am not implying that quoth is ugly for all you drama queens) is that if your ugly and gonna get rejected you might as well get rejected by the hot girls. statistically speaking eventually you will get with one of the girls you kick game to. its all a game of numbers. so if your gonna get rejected by say 80 out of 100 girls, might as well make the 100 super hot so the ones u do get with are hotties too. so whenever i see a bangin girl i just talk to her and figure if shes not one of the 20 shell be one more rejection but at least shes a hotty. what seems to keep most people from gettin ass is fear of rejection. all the timid guys i know have a thing for like one girl thats too hot for them. so i tell them mac to everygirl until u feel confident to mac to ur dream girl. if she rejects u so what, its better than not trying and sitting around jerking off with her picture all day.

mike you have inspired me, theres this girl in my class that i wanted to talk to but my gf's in the same class and i think shes seeing this dude in the class too so its kinda complicated, i got to talk to her when im not with my gf and shes not with her bf, but im gonna do it, mission impossible style.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

you ARE the fuckin man:clap: :clap: , i keep tellin people that the only way to get something you want is to just go out and get it.

mike you have inspired me, theres this girl in my class that i wanted to talk to but my gf's in the same class and i think shes seeing this dude in the class too so its kinda complicated, i got to talk to her when im not with my gf and shes not with her bf, but im gonna do it, mission impossible style.

thanx brotha..;)

and im glad and hope that something good DOES come out of this thread..if not for you..for someone else.

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Originally posted by quoth

This post is definitely proof that...there is always hope for ANYONE.

ok so fuckin...

last night...i made plans to go out to dinner with my friend christina (some of u may have met)...and then we were gonna see the movie Jackass. (which was hysterical beyond belief i might add)

So...me and her (strictly friends btw) had a reallllllllll fuckin intellectual conversion over dinner about relationships...what our deal is...what attracts us..and the such...it was pretty deep and much needed convo to get off one another's chest.

So after dinner...we head off to a late showing of Jackass. Having just had this whole conversation about our love life's and the such...i got one of my gemini vibes that something perhaps was about to happen this night.

So fuckin...we are in the theater now...chillin until the previews come on....im joking around with her and shit then i suddenly stop.

I see this girl walking up the steps with her friend and immeidately think to myself "WHY HELLO!!!!!".

So my friend christina see's that i am tranced by this fucking beautiful girl..and jokingly i say to her..."wow..did you see her? she was so fucking beautiful....i think i will cast my spell on her after the movie." Christina laughs....i laugh...the movie starts. We enjoy the movie yada yada.

So now...the movie is over...and in my head personally im thinking to myself..."well...WOULD IT...really hurt to go talk to that girl?" OF COURSE NOT!!

Now all im thinking is that "shit..i bet she prolly left before me cause was sitting like 3 rows in front of me"...BUT....i was totally wrong.

My friend and i are walking now outside to the lobby and its like shit...2am or so..and to my fucking luck.....who do i hear laughing out loud diagnolly to the right of me walking behind me but that girl.

Her laughter draws my attention...i turn around..i make deep eye contact with her...she smiles...i smile back....im walking thinking to myself "MIKE WTF MAN..SAY SOMETHING!!!!!! THIS IS YOUR CHANCE"

Christina now looks at me and just KNOWSSSS what im about to do and she smiles like as if to say "FUCK YEA MIKE GO FOR IT DUDE"

So BAM!!...i turn back around to the girl again and i just simply say "Hey...what's yer name...you look sorta familiar"

This girl bursts out with glee and blushes like hell and she says "Megan"

So i said to her "are u from around here cause u definitely looked like someone i went to high school with"

So her friend with her laughs and chimes in and says "nah..she is from connecticut...we both go to school at Rutgers"

So we make some back and forth blushing small talk for like 2 mins cause the girl can't get over how random this is and the girl goes "how old are you?" (lol)

so i go "Im 21" and im like why how old are you? (cause im thinkin she is maybe eh...23-25)

so she goes "20" im like no shit.

So now im thinking ok...its fucking 2am..im tired..she is tired..my friend is tired and everyone is in the frame of mind of going home...so i gotta do sumen now instead of just calling it a night.

So i come straight out with "Could i get yer phone number cause i'd like to call u up and talk to you sometime"

So she goes "yea"

so i get her number and we say goodbye and she throws in "yea, i'll be up for a while cause i can't fall asleep yet" as in HINT-HINT QUOTH CALL ME U BASTARD WHEN U GET HOME!!

So the whole walk to the car...my fuckin friend christina is giving super props cause she has never ever seen Quoth work his magic that he speaks of..and she goes "shit man...even i don't have the balls to do sumen so random like that and im a girl and all i gotta if i really want sumen is add sex into it" lol.

So of course i get home and call her...and belive it or not..we talked for 3 hours...and i told her point blank...the main reason i even approached her was because i thought she was so fucking beautifuland when i saw her it was like everything stopped for a minute and sure enough..i could hear her blush like fuck over the phone.

The conversation ended with me making plans with her for this coming friday night.


indeed there is hope for all...its simply a matter of where and when...and last night was just exactly that.

AWWWWWWWW.. awesome sweetheart.. good luck

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sweet dude!

good thing you clarified WHY you talked to her. this way you won´t get in "let´s just be friends" land so easily. just don´t act like a girl and everything should go fine ;). from my impression of you on this board you´ll handle it well :)!

keep us updated!

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Originally posted by clubkat

but was there ever a doubt? great going babe!

::kitty seal of approval!::

oh fuck...would u look at this...even gotten the kitty seal of approval....and of course there was never a doubt that im the man haha.


it was just simply PURRfect timing on my part.

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Reading this makes me think of a blown opportunity I had back in college. There was this bangin' chick in my English class, so damn hot. She used to smile at me from across the room all the time, but I would never go talk to her. (BTW, I don't consider myself to be an ugly or even average looking guy, but I digress)

One night I was at the Tunnel (I think I was 18 or 19 at the time), after about 4 hours of wandering around I see her, I was like "That can't really be her is it". Sure enough it was. She looked awesome. Anyway, I'm watching her dancing for about 20 minutes and I finally work up the nerve to make my move. I come walking up behind her and I see she's dancing with this hot ass little girl (small maybe 5'1) who sees me coming, catches my eye and smiles at me real quick cause she sees I am approaching with intent. Just as I get up behind them, BAMMM!!! They grab each other and start making out. I stopped dead in my tracks, tucked my tail between my legs and walk away think to myself...............dammit, she's a lesbian. :(

A week goes by that she doesn't come to class, I'm thinking to myself, dammit she's having some week long lesbian orgyfest. :(

But then I see her again randomly at the library sitting across from me at a computer. Huh, she calls me over and says can you help with this thing, I'm bad w/ computers, so we get to talking, and I'm like "Did I see you at the Tunnel last Saturday by chance?" She's like "Yeah actually I was there"............I then inquire about the little lesbian interlude.............she giggles and is like........oh that's just my friend. I won't even get into the week long absence from school. So she gives me her dorm room # (I commuted), we talked a few times, then one day after class she invites me to her dorm to hang out........I was like ummmm, "I have to get home I'm late for work".........it was the week of finals, the next time I called, she was gone, next semester she transfered........................I BLEW IT!!!........................Carpe Diem, seize the day.....................don't let opportunities pass you by.

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