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I now pronounce you husband and wife...


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Originally posted by dgmodel

whooops... well since you cant edit subject lines... i guess were going to have to leave it...

i don't know if i can live with such a gross error... :(


anyway, back to topic... i don't think so, but according to your other thread, i have 6 more years to do so...

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. . yeah, I think I've met some possibilities . . 3 to be exact . . . sometimes it sucks to play 'what if' . . . ya know? . . If situations had been different and stuff . . . but it doesn't matter, if it was meant to be they'd still be in my life (one still sorta is . . ) . . . I guess time will tell . . .

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Originally posted by dgmodel

actually, im going to say... yes.. i already met her...

you´re still in contact with her?

and to answer the topic: no, definately not. but then again, i do not intend to get married in the next few decades anyway ;)

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Originally posted by tastey

you´re still in contact with her?

and to answer the topic: no, definately not. but then again, i do not intend to get married in the next few decades anyway ;)

. . You don't have a choice . . and anyways, it'd be more financially sound to NOT get married in your case . . :aright: . . .

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....there are a few ways to look at this.....have i met people i would love to marry.....sure.........have i met people who i can actually see myself marrying....yes.........and have i met people that when i think 20 years ahead i see myself happy with....yep!....

.....but then that thing happens....like it always does.....they turn out to be asswipes and all is lost.....i will tell u one thing though....i think....although i may not know who...i have met the one i will end up with......why u ask....because i tend to always mend relationships and a lot of times end up back in the arms of someone....like all the major guys in my life...the ones i care about are ones who have a lot of history and like an on and off...need time to grow cycle thing going on.........

....eh.....whatever.....i am not getting married.....

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Originally posted by dgmodel

no... we hardly ever speak...

dude, would you really consider someone the love of your life that doesn´t love you back?

it is not the person you love, it is how that person makes you feel. if you open yourself and allow others to make you feel that feelings you´ll soon find someone. the problem is that a lot of people seem to be too fixated on ONE girl or ONE guy. they love her and focus ONLY on her, while they filter everyone else out :)

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . You don't have a choice . . and anyways, it'd be more financially sound to NOT get married in your case . . :aright: . . .

hmmm, don´t quite got you. what are you refering to with "you don´t have a choice" ?

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

Do you think you misspelled "mispelt" in the post?:tongue:

that was awesome!!

by the way I changed the threrad title

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