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Funniest Club Moment

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ok here is mine.

back in the begginning days of abyss. Matt Mango was the MC.

so hes doing his stuff on stage. Calls me up there. So for this chick to get a VIP card he tells her she has to open my belt . she goes to do it and he stops her and say " with you teeth" so she does it. and he says to the crowd " shuld we make her go for the zipper too" i leaned into Matt and said that i wasnt wearing any draws and that could be pretty sticky. he kinda just let it blow ovewr and went on to the next person. i thought it was kinda funny especially if he didnt stop it. what a suprise she would have had lol

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Originally posted by mystify82281

a couple years ago....

busted my ass hardcore on the stairs at factory :blank:

wasn't funny for me, but everyone else thought it was

I can think of some too...like falling ( not b/c I was drunk just b/c sometimes I am fkn clumsy)

Mystify - how about the infamous " bag toss":rolleyes:

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Originally posted by dknybabe2929

I can think of some too...like falling ( not b/c I was drunk just b/c sometimes I am fkn clumsy)

Mystify - how about the infamous " bag toss":rolleyes:

shit i forgot about that one....

that whole night is just one BIG blur :blank:

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Originally posted by mystify82281

a couple years ago....

busted my ass hardcore on the stairs at factory :blank:

wasn't funny for me, but everyone else thought it was

hmmm doesnt almost everyone bust thier ass on the stairs @ facotry:mad:

:bigfinge::finger::bigfinge: to the people who chill on the stairs like there isnt somewhere else to faring sit

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Can't remember if I posted this before but anyway...................I can recall 2 of them:

1) This one night at Factory. I guess the drag queens used to clear the main stair that went down onto the dancefloor and they used to perform a show on them. So I'm standing on the edge of the steps and they're like hunnie move that sweet ass off the steps would ya, I want no part of this so I quicked moved the hell outta the way.................Then this big ass juice-head (looked kinda mangled) starts trudging up the stair and stops right in the middle. They ask him to get off, he basically told them to go fuck themselves, they get into an arguement, then it happened.........these 3 drag queens (2 black, 1 white) in micro mini's beat the fuckin piss outta this guy........I'm talkin' skirts riding up, kicks flyin'..........cock and balls everywhere. :laugh: :laugh:.......I was literally dying while watching this.

2) Not quite as funny but still pretty good. This time at tempts, about 3 or 4 years ago. I'm hangin' with my pal in our usual spot over by the glass door all the way to the left. So I'm looking at him and I can see that he's visibly agitated for some reason. So I'm like "Are you alright"........he's like yeah I'm fine, but I can tell he's getting more fidgity.................so finally he reaches down pulls off both of his shoes, yanks his socks off throws them into the crowd, puts his shoes back on, and goes about his business like nothing happened, I'm standing there speakless, thinking to myself WTF did I just see?...............afterwards trying to explain it to my friends I was laughing my balls off.

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Originally posted by ou812

2) Not quite as funny but still pretty good. This time at tempts, about 3 or 4 years ago. I'm hangin' with my pal in our usual spot over by the glass door all the way to the left. So I'm looking at him and I can see that he's visibly agitated for some reason. So I'm like "Are you alright"........he's like yeah I'm fine, but I can tell he's getting more fidgity.................so finally he reaches down pulls off both of his shoes, yanks his socks off throws them into the crowd, puts his shoes back on, and goes about his business like nothing happened, I'm standing there speakless, thinking to myself WTF did I just see?...............afterwards trying to explain it to my friends I was laughing my balls off.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ..what the fuck lol!!!

..anyway...i have so many.....

...once at image...i was walking my drunk ass friend back from the bathroom and since she was shitcanned and wearing her extremely uncomfortable(yet so stylish) shoes...she takes a spill...unfortunately holding my hand...so i go down too...and like bad! LOL......i got ujp quick and was like dragging her!

....at daddy o's in cancun one of my guy friends busted his ass so bad down the stairs to the level we were on...he had like 4 drinks in his hand ! lol...no one saw but like 3 of us...i almost peed my pants from laughing so hard.....

...i could go on and on....but i will stop

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mine isnt as good as most of these....but here it goes anyways...

This goes back to when I first starting going to the city years ago, back to the palladium days...

Me and my friend decide to head to the city, never been there before...got directions and the whole shit. We were doing alright and all of a sudden one wrong turn lead to 50 wrong turns. We're driving around, pissed as hell, finally we come to a red light. As we are furious, trying to figure out where the hell we were...along comes a roller blader who busts his ass, dead in front of the car. Granted it wasnt all that funny if you didnt see it yourself..but it sure saved our night and got us thinking straight again. I still love that little guy. His little spill always stuck with me.:D

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OH GOD, i could def see myself posting many moment, but here is one of them:

it was the summer of 2000 at temps, the place was jammed as usually i was hangin in our normal spot.............i got really mangled and started to feel sick, but i def did not want to show anybody that i was with that i was readly to fall on my ass and puke my brains out............so i tried sneaking away to the bathroom..............i made it half way and realized there was no way in hell i was making it in..........so i turned around, on my way back i got stuck and the heard of people was at a stand still..............everybody around me was pushing and sweating and it was getting more and more sick, i started to break out in a sweat and knew in two or three seconds i was gonna heeve or colapse..............so finally i felt it coming up!!!! here's wear it gets good!!!.................so i pushed everyone out of the way, and everyone around me thaught i was trying to start a dance circle!!!!, so all these people cleared the area and started clapping there hands and gave the jersey hand pump, waiting for me to bust out like Usher..............so what did i do, yep blew chuncks right in the middle of my dance circle, all i remember was seeing twenty people all holding there hands by there mouths all in disgust!!!

the dance circle quickly cleared out and i had an open path back to my peeps, came back and no-one had a clue.............I FUKEN LUV TEMPS.................oh and if you liked that i got better one's..............

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Originally posted by roddigga

OH GOD, i could def see myself posting many moment, but here is one of them:

it was the summer of 2000 at temps, the place was jammed as usually i was hangin in our normal spot.............i got really mangled and started to feel sick, but i def did not want to show anybody that i was with that i was readly to fall on my ass and puke my brains out............so i tried sneaking away to the bathroom..............i made it half way and realized there was no way in hell i was making it in..........so i turned around, on my way back i got stuck and the heard of people was at a stand still..............everybody around me was pushing and sweating and it was getting more and more sick, i started to break out in a sweat and knew in two or three seconds i was gonna heeve or colapse..............so finally i felt it coming up!!!! here's wear it gets good!!!.................so i pushed everyone out of the way, and everyone around me thaught i was trying to start a dance circle!!!!, so all these people cleared the area and started clapping there hands and gave the jersey hand pump, waiting for me to bust out like Usher..............so what did i do, yep blew chuncks right in the middle of my dance circle, all i remember was seeing twenty people all holding there hands by there mouths all in disgust!!!

the dance circle quickly cleared out and i had an open path back to my peeps, came back and no-one had a clue.............I FUKEN LUV TEMPS.................oh and if you liked that i got better one's..............

:laugh: :laugh:

too funny.......the jersey fist pump. I can picture that. At least you played it off. :)

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The night I acted as the human Seaside Cab Company person. Got to tempts for not more than 30 minutes.................here take this girl home (friend of mine) she had too much to drink..........go home come back, had a few drinks, music's gettin good, here take this guy home he's had too much to drink (or something), go home come back. Try to salvage what's left of the night..........

Altogether..........6 trips back and forth between my house & tempts........ugh.

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Originally posted by perns2002

Ha ha ha these are tooooooooo funny................... I am dying over here.............. ha ha ha More More More please.

here's another one: (as requeted by dondeizel, also from tempts)

my peeps were all hangin out in our spot all night, and me, i like to go on journey's and say hello to people, on my little journey's i see lots of people and these people all like to give me bad things, so when i got back to my friends, i am more retarted then i was when i left.........so this one time i went on this little journey and "bumped" into a few people i knew and they started getting me banged up........so i partied w/ them for a few and headed back to my friends...........here's the funny part..............when i finally found my friends it looked like they were all standing behind a velvet rope (yep i started to houlicinate) and temps started to look a lot different.......i thaught when i was gone they put in a v.i.p room at temps!!!! so i walked over to my friends as if there was a velvet rope around them, i picked up one leg, balanced myself on the rope and threw the other leg over to get to the other side of this imaginary velvet rope!!!! yes i did this at temps (no joke) when i finally got over, as if i just climbed a fuken mountain my freinds turned to me and asked me "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO" after realizing there was no v.i.p room and no velvet rope, we all broke out in laughter, bumped our chests together, through out fists in the air, gave the jersey hand pump and jammed!!!!, it was when we got home when we realized what the hell i did.................

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it was back at exit 98, i had taken 3 pills and was completely retarded...i was on the stage , in the front part by the little 4 or 5 stairs... kinda just dancing, walking...when all of a sudden, i fell off the stage and landed in the gap between the stage and the stairs..i remember just getting up with this horrible look of shock on my face...people laughing etc...but then just go up and started ddancin again...

omg..i had the BIGGEST bruise on my back for weeks :D

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I slipped on water in the Tempts bathroom last summer and fell completely on my left side. THAT was pretty embarrassing.

Lesdig fell on her face at Hunka Bunka

Summer2000 we were at XS LDW and the bartenders started to squirt everybody with water. My ex pike up one of the drink taps and started to squirt my friend,but instead of squirting he with water, he squirted Sprite in her face.

At Surf CLub his summer one of my guy friends was trying to be all suave, going up behind this girl to dance with her. The girl (who was not very friendly) turned around abruptly and spilled her drink all over herself. She was not happy.

Finally, I think the funniest thing that I ever saw a person do, was one time AFTER tempts, a bunch of us went to the beach to watch the sun come up. One guy we were with (who was REALLY f'd up) was sitting on the life guard stand. When the sun started to come up, he got ALL excited and started to clap. He then stood up on the life guard stand and put his hands up in the air and started to say "I want to rise above the sun". Maybe you had to be there but that was REALLY funny. We still call him "The Rising Sun", or TRS.

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Originally posted by roddigga

here's another one: (as requeted by dondeizel, also from tempts)

my peeps were all hangin out in our spot all night, and me, i like to go on journey's and say hello to people, on my little journey's i see lots of people and these people all like to give me bad things, so when i got back to my friends, i am more retarted then i was when i left.........so this one time i went on this little journey and "bumped" into a few people i knew and they started getting me banged up........so i partied w/ them for a few and headed back to my friends...........here's the funny part..............when i finally found my friends it looked like they were all standing behind a velvet rope (yep i started to houlicinate) and temps started to look a lot different.......i thaught when i was gone they put in a v.i.p room at temps!!!! so i walked over to my friends as if there was a velvet rope around them, i picked up one leg, balanced myself on the rope and threw the other leg over to get to the other side of this imaginary velvet rope!!!! yes i did this at temps (no joke) when i finally got over, as if i just climbed a fuken mountain my freinds turned to me and asked me "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO" after realizing there was no v.i.p room and no velvet rope, we all broke out in laughter, bumped our chests together, through out fists in the air, gave the jersey hand pump and jammed!!!!, it was when we got home when we realized what the hell i did.................

:laugh: :laugh: Thats too funny, I've been there! I once thought that I was dancing in this back room at Tempts, and left my friends to go to the bathroom. When I came back, I was aimlesly walking around Tempts searching for this back room I was in. Luckily my friends found me and I realized there isnt another room, and I had been going to Tempts for 2 years, so I should lay off the partying.:laugh:

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Originally posted by missdivinity

it was back at exit 98, i had taken 3 pills and was completely retarded...i was on the stage , in the front part by the little 4 or 5 stairs... kinda just dancing, walking...when all of a sudden, i fell off the stage and landed in the gap between the stage and the stairs..i remember just getting up with this horrible look of shock on my face...people laughing etc...but then just go up and started ddancin again...

omg..i had the BIGGEST bruise on my back for weeks :D

you are fuken awesome!!!! you are an official "TROOPER" in my book, that is great, especially the fact that you kept dancing like a "ROCKSTAR"............def something i would have done!!!!

but here is another one:

a buddy of mine is a retired temps head, he's actually gonna be a cop, so he knows the deal in the stalls in the bathroom at temps...........so my buddy one day came back w/ us to temps this summer and got completely drunk!!! he was waiting on line for the bathroom and no one was moving, he was standing next to the little mexicans that hand out paper towels and candy to all the handicaps that can't do it themselves (now my friend really had to piss) so the little mexican guy i guess was talking to another mexican guy in spanish, so my freind who can't even speak a word of spanish or understand it, turned to the little mexican and yelled "I NEVER KNEW THE HAD CAMERAS IN THE SHITTERS" then four guys jumped out of the shitters all cracked out and paraniod out of there minds..........my friend laughed and took his piss and so did the three other guys that were waiting,the whole bathroom started dying in tears and yes they too all turned to each other bumped their chests and threw thier fists in the air to shiney disco balls!!!!

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Originally posted by cgm

:laugh: :laugh: Thats too funny, I've been there! I once thought that I was dancing in this back room at Tempts, and left my friends to go to the bathroom. When I came back, I was aimlesly walking around Tempts searching for this back room I was in. Luckily my friends found me and I realized there isnt another room, and I had been going to Tempts for 2 years, so I should lay off the partying.:laugh:

you were def in that v.i.p room that my friends were in, see i knew it wasn't me.....................

here's another (not me though a friend of mine):

the first time me and friends went to the tunnel around 1997-98 we were amazed about all the crazy ass rooms, we all got really retarted and ended up splitting up and kept on checking in w/ each other by the main dance floor, everytime we checked in we told a different story about a room we were just in, and my freind kept telling us he's been trying to get into this one room all night but he couldn't find out how to get to it...........we just schrugged our shoulders and said, okay buddy, you keep trying we'll be back.........so about a few hours later we saw our lost friend standing there all pissed off, we asked him "what's the matter" he told us he waited on this line for an hour trying to get into this room and when he finally got in he realized it was the coat check!!!!

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Originally posted by roddigga

you are fuken awesome!!!! you are an official "TROOPER" in my book, that is great, especially the fact that you kept dancing like a "ROCKSTAR"............def something i would have done!!!!

but here is another one:

a buddy of mine is a retired temps head, he's actually gonna be a cop, so he knows the deal in the stalls in the bathroom at temps...........so my buddy one day came back w/ us to temps this summer and got completely drunk!!! he was waiting on line for the bathroom and no one was moving, he was standing next to the little mexicans that hand out paper towels and candy to all the handicaps that can't do it themselves (now my friend really had to piss) so the little mexican guy i guess was talking to another mexican guy in spanish, so my freind who can't even speak a word of spanish or understand it, turned to the little mexican and yelled "I NEVER KNEW THE HAD CAMERAS IN THE SHITTERS" then four guys jumped out of the shitters all cracked out and paraniod out of there minds..........my friend laughed and took his piss and so did the three other guys that were waiting,the whole bathroom started dying in tears and yes they too all turned to each other bumped their chests and threw thier fists in the air to shiney disco balls!!!!

Rod these are great I'm dying over here:laugh:

I'm sorry if I'm one of those people that you bump into at Temps and get you in trouble:laugh:

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