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ATTN: Dogekid, Riding, Donkeyboy, and SFC

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

Attractive women (with brains!!) are also intimidating to the average male Star....

so many of them are afraid to approach you.....

Not everyone has the confidence to put themselves up on the line for rejection like that....

Aside from myself, The Donkeys, NJStacked, Schlonger, Dogekid, Rodigga, DanFury, BMW4Jay, IBclubbin, JoeyJuice and Whitecamaro... most men are not built to perfection and do not have the levels of confidence we have within us...

We are currently taking applications for our Sexymuthu Fan Club (SFC for short) PM me and I will send you out the application... the board will convene at the end of this month and vote on new members... looks like there are 10 slots open for this year's team....

Yes girls, make a wish and it may come true!!!!!

Riding, you being the CEG (Chief Executive Guido as my friend Grope would say) of SFC, and me being, well me, I think our first topic of discussion should be a 2003 calander. Then we'll work on SFC TV, and a dating gameshow.

In the gameshow, girls will get a chance to compete for dates with the aforementioned guidos, and myself (since I'm NOT a guido). Now we need to find a venue large enough to fit the prospective contestants; I'm thinking Giant's stadium, and its parking lot.

You, being founder of SFC need to step up and take charge. Set the rules... If I were CEG, things would be different. Here are some ideas:

First of all, I'd get rid of all formal traditions during meetings. Nobody wants to hear some fat bastard kissing everyone's ass for an hour or two. Let's cut the bullshit and get to the point. Voting would take place quickly and often. Example: "Who votes Ellen Degeneris is a stupid piece of shit?" Everyone raises their hand, and it's over. None of this "yay" and "nay" bullshit they have now.

Also, no bald, ugly people with goofy-ass smiles are allowed in SFC. I'm sick of seeing people that look like child molestors (like KostaP). What the hell? These guys are supposed to work and contribute, not to sit there and be ugly? Please.

Disputes that last over ten minutes shall be settled by catapult. Both parties in the debate will be strapped to a catapult and launched down a mountain. Whichever party survives, if any, will be declared the winner of the argument. Anyone that objects to any rule we pass will also be subject to the catapult.

No vegetarians are allowed in SFC. They obviously don't know what's good for them, so we don't want them making decisions for anyone.

No old people, hermits, hippies, gothics, hicks, or mimes period.

Everyone will address us (you, dogekid, myself, donkeyboy and anyone else we deem as reaching nirvana) as "Command Master Chief" or "Supreme king ruler, who I am indebted to for the privilege of existence."

Everyone will compliment us on our manly physique, boyish charm, unbelievable good looks, and muscular man-boobs. Bicep kissing will become a gesture of respect and/or empathy. Instead of kissing our pinky rings, kiss our bicep peak. Fist pumps will become mandatory, and our "hold-on" phone music will be a live feed from Sound Factory or Mexico City.

More to come...

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shlonger my boy. i like the ingenuity and prospectus your ideas could bring. we should discuss this in a personal conference with the afformentioned leaders and then distribute all the pertinant information to our fans at a later time. bus and donkey, try to come out to 252 on friday so plans can be discussed. also, protein4life and professional22 will be included in any further discussions....they need to get their heads' outta their asses for now though.

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Shlonger, you get a personal HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW from the donkeys. However, my only suggestion is that in between the meetings we break for 5 minutes and have KOSTAPUSSY make everyone protein shakes. Obviously it would be designer whey so that we dont take in any additional carbs that are not needed. This could be the start of an unbelievable coalition.

While I have the floor as everyone has probably noticed Donkeyboy has been quiet for a while. Its over. This board is a piece of shit. Everyone on here should just shove a golf club right up their ass for how fucking lame everyone is. Obviously there are some exceptions. Obviously all members of SFC. Fucking gay. I never even read your shit. It is so god damn boring. Make Donkeyland respectable or shit is going to have to be taken to a new level. Trust me no one wants to see the next level. HEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW

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Originally posted by donkeyboy

Shlonger, you get a personal HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW from the donkeys. However, my only suggestion is that in between the meetings we break for 5 minutes and have KOSTAPUSSY make everyone protein shakes.

My load is full of protein and I guess the donkeys are used to swallowing. Open wide my little bitch here cums my protien shake!!!!!!!!!

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I run to Mexico for two days on business, to pick up gear for my boys and restock my own supplies, and the whole board goes to shit...

Kosta, stay where you belong.... in the back seat with the women and children.... the only one swallowing any loads will be you bitch... No get your head back down and finish polishin the hooves before ya get stomped....

Schlonger... once again you never cease to amaze me.... I am behind ya fully with this idea of yours... let me take some time to gather my thoughts and front some ideas on the subject....

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus


Kosta, stay where you belong.... in the back seat with the women and children.... the only one swallowing any loads will be you bitch... No get your head back down and finish polishin the hooves before ya get stomped....

Listen ridingthelongcock, shut up youre starting to swerve. Stay in your lane, blah blah blah.......fuckin tool.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus


Kosta, stay where you belong.... in the back seat with the women and children.... the only one swallowing any loads will be you bitch... No get your head back down and finish polishin the hooves before ya get stomped....

Listen ridingthelongcock, shut up youre starting to swerve. Stay in your lane, blah blah blah.......fuckin tool.:rolleyes:

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