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Exit last night(wed)

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Sucked, never ever ever ever going there again. Interesting concept... I was bumped into last night @ exit maybe over 100 times... I was bumped into @ roxy in my whole entire experience there maybe ZERO times. And how much bigger is exit than roxy!,, goes to show u that it's not Exit, but the 10 yr old ignorant idiots that are there!... I guess everything in this life is a lesson, I learned mine.

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What a night...all i can say is GRRR!!! I have no idea what time Oakie went on b/c i had to wait a good hour and a half in the cold to finally get my comp (sorry that promoting is not my only job but some of us can't exactly get down to the city by midnight)

So did Oakie only spin for an hour???????? Thank gosh i didnt' pay $65 to get in and watch Draper spin...i looked at my watch at 3:00 and noticed him spinning....what a waste of a night...that's all i can say.

Oh yeah and bugout, i looked for you....never found you though :confused:

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oakenfold spun for a long ass time ... and he sucked ASSS... draper did not go on till 4 in the mornin ..

and bugout wuz with cody the whole entire night ... they were up in the white-room cuz they were special and go to go up there and chill and listen to santanna....

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Originally posted by razzati420

oakenfold spun for a long ass time ... and he sucked ASSS... draper did not go on till 4 in the mornin ..

and bugout wuz with cody the whole entire night ... they were up in the white-room cuz they were special and go to go up there and chill and listen to santanna....

Hmm...i was in the White Room the whole night too....but seriously....i could have sworn i saw someone else grab the wheels around 3-is...i was up on the white room balcony and saw like 8 different people go into the booth and then could have sworn i saw Oakie walk out...and i was sober too! Oh well...the night was still a dissappointment

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ahhh i was all over....

Oakie was on 12-3, two of his henchman spun 3-4, Draper spun 4-5, then Tronco went on at 5...Vicious was in the booth but I had had enuff by that point....

Hmmm...my night---well.......My set time was changed from 1-2 to (get this) 1240-135, every dj got 55 mins, including Richie Santana who was supposed to have 3am-5am. I was the first DJ to arrive, found a roach in the DJ Booth this big

| | (put ur fingers up to the screen and measure and no lie the roach was that big with tenticles and all that) I mean, i was only in the VIP Room of NYC's largest club, god forbid its at all tidy...

I played my set and the 20 people in the room were feelin it. The asshole working the rope defied his boss's orders to fill the room by 12 and decided to be selective. I yelled at him later and felt better. Cody liked my set tho, thats all that matters :D

Then I went thru the fiasco of gettin paid...and thank goodness for mr bob g. At least i know there are still some stand up professional class acts still left in this biz (not that this surprised me about bobby) but when exit tried to act shady he had none of it and i got taken care of....okay now i can enjoy my nite right?

Oakenfold def didnt meet expectations. Tony Touchdown stayed away from hard shit, but he did play Disco Balls. Whatever. He moved the crowd, a lot more than oakie did. I didnt hear much of his set b/c I was in the white room LOVING richie santana's set. Doppppe beats most def, plus i got to chill with Ms. Cody all nite so i enjoyed this part of my night the most. I even got to chill on that super balcony there....fun.

The end of my night was odd. Chillin by the white room dj booth minding my biz the door opens and crashes into me so i put my foot up to stop it....this motherfucker in a 100 dollar suit and coke bottle glasses who appearently runs the white rooms lets out a huge, "who's holding MY door!!??" (wizard of oz style voice), so my man KostaP (cp head NJ board) goes off on him for opening the door on me and these 2 HAVE IT OUT....the argument went on for about 20 mins so me and cody just left...but big shouts to Kosta for tellin that asshole how it is....Someone needs to tell that guy that the fact he runs the white room and a nickle will get him a piece of bazooka in this world. Asshole:D

When i walk into exit im reminded of a Bronx Tale. The worst thing in life is wasted talent. Such a huge space, so much potential and yet its being run in the worst possible manner. If you made the mistake of purchasing E-Tickets (tickets online), the manager decided at 10pm not to honor them at all....who does that??!! Hopefully changes are coming to that place and coming soon....

To everyone I met that helped the night to be a bit more enjoyable, Razzati, Jimmmmmmyyy, Dmirty & ur lovely lady, Arty and ur lovely lady, Opa, Mari, Paully, mr richie santana and ur lovely lady, Mr Bobby Goodrich, and of course the lovely Cody--thank u guys....i wouldnt neccesarily say it was fun, but it def was an experience.....now all i gotta say is get ready for


Mike Bugout

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

so my man KostaP (cp head NJ board) goes off on him for opening the door on me and these 2 HAVE IT OUT....the argument went on for about 20 mins so me and cody just left...but big shouts to Kosta for tellin that asshole how it is....

I can see Kosta doing it. He is a greek. I am dieing laughing just thinking about Kosta telling the guy off.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Yeah I won't be going back there for a while. Got in around 12:30. Line went quick. And then got inside. Went to coat check. And that line took forever I was on it for 10 minute, barely moved. So I was like fuck that, and I put my coat under one of the benches. So whatever, It's about 12:45 at that time and I see Oakie is on. Definately didn't reach my expectations of being awesome. 3-4, i dunno who was on.... then Draper came on at 4, Exit is definately his house. The crowd loves him there. Anyways, I had to go eat before sunrise since it's Ramadan, so I bounced out of there around 4:30 so I'll be in time to eat before sunrise, I'm pissed I missed Tronco's and Vicious's set. But whatever.... what are you gonna do. Didn't get to go in the white room to hear bugout, the guy at the door wasn't letting anyone in. I sorta expected that to happen though. Anyways, overall it was a bad night. The 20 minutes I listened to Draper wasn't bad. And that's about it. I guess it's Roxy Friday for me now....

PS.. That is reallllyyyyyy fucked up that they decided not to let anyone in with E-Tickets. I was about to get one of them too. THank god I didn't....

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

The end of my night was odd. Chillin by the white room dj booth minding my biz the door opens and crashes into me so i put my foot up to stop it....this motherfucker in a 100 dollar suit and coke bottle glasses who appearently runs the white rooms lets out a huge, "who's holding MY door!!??" (wizard of oz style voice), so my man KostaP (cp head NJ board) goes off on him for opening the door on me and these 2 HAVE IT OUT....the argument went on for about 20 mins so me and cody just left...but big shouts to Kosta for tellin that asshole how it is....Someone needs to tell that guy that the fact he runs the white room and a nickle will get him a piece of bazooka in this world. Asshole:D

Mike Bugout

Dude.. i know exxxxxxxxacctly who ur talkin about..i fuckin hate that motherfucker yoo....he's so fuckin annoyin..he's always tryin to usher folks out the white room for just chillin there....

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

ahhh i was all over....

If you made the mistake of purchasing E-Tickets (tickets online), the manager decided at 10pm not to honor them at all....who does that??!! Hopefully changes are coming to that place and coming soon....

Mike Bugout

Are you fucking kiddng me?!? And to think we were about to buy them.....good thing THAT plan didn't work out, sounds like I didn't miss much!

Originally posted by djmikebugout

ahhh i was all over....

Such a huge space, so much potential and yet its being run in the worst possible manner.

Mike Bugout

That really sucks that this guy is such a prick....


SF: :clap2::biggrin:

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

To everyone I met that helped the night to be a bit more enjoyable, Razzati, Jimmmmmmyyy, Dmirty & ur lovely lady, Arty and ur lovely lady, Opa, Mari, Paully, mr richie santana and ur lovely lady, Mr Bobby Goodrich, and of course the lovely Cody--thank u guys....i wouldnt neccesarily say it was fun, but it def was an experience.....now all i gotta say is get ready for

Mike Bugout

Great seeing you too, sweetie im sorry i missed your set

I got into exit at 11:30, Oakie came on at 12, got off at 3. I liked his set, he def did better this time than he did in the summer, he played alot more hard trance which i liked. Draper came on at 4, i wasnt feeling that, but it is his house and the other draper lovers were goin crazy... blah. Vivicious had an good set, i was really feeling him. For $35 it was a pretty good night! Thanks Opa!!!!

I was supposed to go to AC for Picotto but my plans got botched so i ended up at exit. All i know is that next time he's in the tri-state area I AM THERE!!! Picottooooo!!!!! :(

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Last nite reaffirmed a lesson I learned well over a year ago: Good company makes all the difference (that's one of the only reasons I ever step foot into that waste of a beautiful club known as Exit). Spent my Thanksgiving Eve with Mr. Mikey Bugout, as planned. :kiss2: Definitely the only thing that kept me sane, and definitely the most enjoyable part of my nite. :D

I don't even think I should bother listing the problems with that place yet again.. I think we all know by now what they are.. :blown:

Strangely, the crowd was kinda different.. was discussing with a few people.. seemed like there were a lot of newbies just coming out to the biggest club in the city to have some fun on a holiday nite.. either way.. there was definitely a different feeling of the crowd there.. no better though than normal nites.

Grr.. beginning of the nite we find out about all these problems in the white room.. fucking nonsense.. then Domenick Capello comes outta nowhere and screams in my face: "CENTRO IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS!" and he whips out his "get-back-into-Centro-free" card and flaunts it in my face.. thanks a lot Domenick. :mad3: I know I missed insanity over at Centro but OHH WELL I'll live. :)

Muzik.. muzik.. hmm.. the best sets I heard BY FAR were Mikey's and Richie Santana's.. each about an hour of insane tribal.. deep.. dark.. dirty drums.. all in the white room of course which sucked because none of my other friends were able to get passed the hardass at the white room rope. :rolleyes: Mikey dropped Oscar G's "Space" (LES remix) mixed into some Iio "At the End" (S&P remix) so that made me happy. Also closed with his remix of "Psycho Ex-Girlfriend" which I absolutely love (nice work) :) Richie played some crazy, unidentified tracks that were siiick. But other than these two sets.. I wouldn't say there was much for music last nite.

Oakenfold --> who the hell knows. I was too busy socializing and running around to different rooms and listening to Mikey's set to really care to pay attention to his. Blahh.. I wasn't expecting much from him so I didn't get much in return. No biggie. Then some unknowns came on around 3 and spun decent tracks.. then of course, Exit's God Mr. Tony Trainwreck came on.. big fancy intro.. blahh.. whole place went crazy when he came on.. sometimes I wonder about people.. didn't really listen much to Draper, went in the white room to hear Richie. Listened and bitched about him for a little while up on the white room balcony. Then there was a fiasco in the hallway of the white room which Mikey already explained.. I dunno WTF was going on but it fucking pissed me off.. I had to get out of there it was just so fucking ridiculous. :rolleyes: Went down to hear some of Robbie Tronco's set.. it was decent, but I was so tired at this point in the nite I didn't get to listen as much as I would have liked. Place was emptying out when Vicious went on around 6am.. he dropped the Myndy K vocal over the tech beat like he did at Roxy on Friday.. actually.. I was listening to his set and it sounded a lot like it went on Friday at Roxy.. it was pretty good but by this time I was extremely exhausted.. left around 6:45 or so.. still worn out.

Music in the red room was typical.. really hard.. people were having a blast in there.. chilled for a little bit with so CP and exp heads, took some pictures. Some annoying fuck with a whistle was annoying the shit outta me :bigfinge: & then there was a big fucking process to get a damn soda at the bar in the red room so we bounced the hell outta there. Hip-hop room seemed kinda empty compared to normal. Roof was closed off of course.

Ehh.. all in all.. it was an ok nite I guess.. like I said, the company I had made all the difference. I at least got to hear 2 hours of good music. :aright: Wasn't anywheres near the best nite I've had out but I survived. :D

Good seeing all of my lovely people (as always) and now that that's all over.. ROXY FRIDAY. :bounce:

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Originally posted by nychunk

Sucked, never ever ever ever going there again. Interesting concept... I was bumped into last night @ exit maybe over 100 times... I was bumped into @ roxy in my whole entire experience there maybe ZERO times. And how much bigger is exit than roxy!,, goes to show u that it's not Exit, but the 10 yr old ignorant idiots that are there!... I guess everything in this life is a lesson, I learned mine.

BTW --> what time did you leave last nite? You disappeared after we were all in the white room together. You should have at least stayed for Richie's set.. it would have semi-salvaged some of the nite.. kinda.. :D

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Originally posted by danwilson

Mike Bugout, I'v read Exit treats there DJs like shit. Did Exit not want to pay you? Marvisi should sell Exit. Sell it to the people who run ARC. Then just have ARC where Exit is.

Exit treats everyone like shit, not just their DJs.. :blown:

Will you be in attendance tonite for Mr. Bugout's set?

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Originally posted by danwilson

Mike Bugout, I'v read Exit treats there DJs like shit. Did Exit not want to pay you? Marvisi should sell Exit. Sell it to the people who run ARC. Then just have ARC where Exit is.

that is really actually a good idea..

if made owned exit, bindra could just book alll the big time acts there and leave vinyl for the more musically oriented crowd.. if he did, he could be making a lot of loot booking pvd, s&d, tiesto etc. on bi-monthly residencies..

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Oaky @ exit

He was ok at best !

He spun from 12 to about3. I Arrived at the club around 1 am to see Paul spinning some Tribal house. Then He progressed into Hard house .... then Disco house.... then Old shitty trance (Cosmic Gate from 99 ) ... Then some decent trance(3 drives carrea)... Overall Oaky was ok at best and In my opinion He sucked!

- Did the God pose

- Pointed at the stupid FOB's and made them scream because he was waving at them

- Did a bunch of stupid poses when Each song climaxed

- Trainwrecked a a few tracks


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