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laurent garnier (or however the F you spell it)


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It was very nice to finally meet kara, da bunnah, and ed(dr0ne) and always a pleasure seeing the rest of tha gang :D

Last night was one of those "reminisce the old times" for me. I kept running into old friends and co-workers last night,,, it was really strange :woah:

But question 4 all of y'all: DID LAURENT GARNIER EVEN SPIN? It sure didn't sound like the Laurent im used to:confused:

And nathan... i hope you feel better ;)

and joeg and ed: glad i could be of service :smoke::tongue:

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I've been to Centro quite a lot of times, but that man probably is the only one I've ever seen there spin so many different types of music without sacrificing skill or style.

Hell I can't even remember the last time I danced to dnb and breaks on the main floor of Centro.

Glad everyone had a good time.


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Originally posted by gmccookny

Hey Nathan... R u feeling better?/?


I'm much better...thanks chief. :)

Yeah, I picked the worst night to feel sick and leave the fucking place after within an hour and change of walking in the door. :mad:

Glad to hear I didn't miss too much...:rolleyes::cuss:

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Well... to start on a positive note... it was great seeing everyone again, and meeting a few new heads. :)



After a six plus year wait to hear him... not at all what I expected. :( Not to say that he was bad, by any means, but- you can't please all the people all the time- pick one or two or even three genres and stick to it! He was just all over the place and I wasn't feeling it. Also it was way too low key for me. The evening started off great and went downhill from there.

Oh well... *shrug*

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dood, im pissed off that you only chilled for a minute!!!!!!

about garnier, i feel totally the opposite, everywhere he went i was feelign it... me and ed were like WHOOOOA...

i think the guy can read my mind.

ive been waiting so long to see him too and i thought he was exactly as i expected, on point!!. sux because i was pretty beat early on in the night, centro was too fucken hot and smokey, i went downstairs for a breather and i almost didnt wanna come back up. the people in centro were all bitter and corny (especially the staff). our little cp crew was a breathe of fresh air, everywhere i went people were obnixious, then i got back to our group and everyone was so content & had a good vibe. :laugh:

all the new people i met were wonderful... great seeing some old faces too. wish i could have talked to you more tasty.

uggh, & i wouldnt wish that coat check on my worst enemy!!!! :tongue:

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He played Drum n Bass...

He played Techno and Drum n Bass...

He played House, Techno, and Drum n Bass...

He played Breaks, House, Techno, and Drum n Bass...

Gee, I like Breaks, House, Techno, and Drum n Bass...Why don't I remember busting moves along with other kindly appreciative people and this particular Frenchman?

Oh wait...


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like somebitch said.....exactly as i expected, given the fact that he was playing centro on a friday, and not say, at i love techno w/ jeff mills. what i like about garnier is that while it may seem like he's all over the place switching genres, that's not quite the case if you listen carefully...he picks the right shit at the right time and moves along smoothly even though it might seem like he's randomly picking tracks. the man's got great taste in music, probably the best out of any dj i know. i think another dj with the potential to do this is howells, if he'd ease up on the prog once in a while which he's been doing lately.

anyway, by far the best time i've ever had at centro, meathead count was the lowest out of any other time i've been there, no bullshit at the door whatsoever unlike previous times. great seeing the usual suspects out and about and meeting some new cats like diana and :smoke:george:smoke: ;)

you know it's a good time when your bar tab goes well into triple digit territory. :D

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Originally posted by somebitch

dood, im pissed off that you only chilled for a minute!!!!!!

I looked for you later in the night, but by the time I found the CP heads again, you'd already left! :( I wish we could've talked more too... but I had to spend time w/my boy's crew... hopefully it won't take so long to see each other again!

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