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Can Someone Help Me??............


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I have tried.......and tried ...... and tried to understand it ...... but..

What's up with sunglasses at clubs??????

IMO they should be banned just as glow stix!!!!!!...... unless I'm missing something.......

Is it to show purchasing power??? ......... 'cause most of the ones I see are the cheapo imitation........:confused: :confused:

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Originally posted by vipnerd

I have tried.......and tried ...... and tried to understand it ...... but..

What's up with sunglasses at clubs??????

IMO they should be banned just as glow stix!!!!!!...... unless I'm missing something.......

Is it to show purchasing power??? ......... 'cause most of the ones I see are the cheapo imitation........:confused: :confused:

Hum...I'm not sure I can help you a lot on this one 'cause I don't really understand the whole "I wear my sunglasses at night" deal myself.


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in my case:

Sometimes I feel the strobe is TOO intense...at space its cool because of the terrace....

-There are many reasons people wear sunglasses, both being fucked up and as a "status symbol" go into consideration....some just to fool people as to where their eyes are...


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I was referring to the sunglasses that have dark lenses ........ like the ones U use at the beach ........ not the clear lens ones ..... but I know at some point they are all thrown together in the same bag ........

Why use the dark lens sunglasses inside a club (not the outside area of a club)??......... hiding the eyes 'cause they are f***ed up?? ... everyone has seen fucked up eyes ....... isn't it just telling everyone........ "I'm f***ed up?? .........:confused:

Doesn't this just give a terrible image at a club and to the club?? ....... specially for those patrons who are sober/alcoholized?? :rolleyes:

Wouldn't the club be condoning drug users...... if they are covering their eyes to hide their "state of mind"?? ........ what is the difference..... if any ........ with glow stix????? :blank:

Can someone give their impression on this???........ Should they ban sunglasses inside clubs??...... Should they be confiscated?? ..... or maybe have a section for sunglass check ..... like they do with coats during winter up north??.. :confused:

Thanx :hat:

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I don't think its because they don't want people to see they're fucked up, its more because they're fucked up and want tto wear the sunglasses as if they were at the beach...

At the beach you wear sunglasses because of the lightrays, at a club, the strobe sometrimes can be more powerful than a sunny summer day...


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Hum...I see your point Vip...but I also think Corinto has a good point...

Personally, I never wear anything to "make a fashion statement" so I find it a mistery that somebody would take the time to intentionally stand in front of the mirror before going out, put sunglasses on and go "damn I look cool!" ...can you imagine???

On the other hand, if you are "blitzkrieg-bop" or on a particular mind enhancing substance your pupiles dilate so much that you can light up the room with the light of your watch...acccording to Medical Journal...of course.

Whatever it is...if you want to wear sunglasses?...I think you should be able to...I don't agree with the proposition of banning them at clubs...because, who knows??? maybe somebody has an eye condition and needs shades to protect their eyes from the strobes...could be, could be...


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Thank U for detailing your own experience........ but my questioning of sunglasses goes beyond the quality people on this board ....... goes to the masses of people that go to clubs......

If they are not fashion statements........ they were created to be fashion statements..... weren't they?? .......

The confort of using sunglasses in a club ........ when the pupils dilate for whatever reason:confused: ....... is making a public statement of one's mind state ...........

And probably there are exceptions ... medical conditions....... If you bring your ID w/U ...... couldn't they bring a medical excuse??? ........

Why tolerate such an expression?? .......

It is like .... have U seen those T's that read ....... Got Blow? ....... do they have anything to do with a particular kind of job??.......

Or those non-prescription contact lenses that....... how do I describe it.......... fake dilate your eye's pupils .......

Why do some people hide their eyes ....... others spend money to purposely dilate them??...........

Should clubs stop strobe lites?? ........ many epileptics will motion this ....... Wouldn't the banning of strobes serve to avoid the use of sunglasses????.......

Why do U see sunglasses at some clubs ....... and less at others??.... For example ..... I went with my mom and dad to a tango party ... and none were using sunglasses...... yet they drive pretty expensive wheels ....... and could afford those expensive sunglasses .....

so then.... I'm still debating ....... should we ban sunglasses ....... strobe lites ......... glow stix .......??

BTW ...... why are glow styx banned??????:eek:

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I wear clear type glasses sometimes.

Why you ask? Because I can!:cool: :cool: :cool:

I don't think they should ban them or glow stix...........

Who really cares if someone has on glasses? Soooo, does that mean when I don't have my contacts in and I have to wear my cute little prescription glasses that I shouldn't be allowed in the club? I mean, does someone else sporting a pair of glasses bother you that bad?:tongue:;)

Fukken ban glasses, then ban hats, ban pants, ban glow stix, ban all jewerly, ban everything. So be it...



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