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How do you feel about funerals?..When was your last one

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You go and you see all your family that you haven't seen in a while, You lie and tell your distant cousins "WOW we go to keep in touch, and get together" Knowing that this is a total lie. Some people are laughing some are just sitting there glancing at there watch thinking of an appropriate time to stay before they can break out,some uncles of yours huddle into a corner whispering about last nights football game, Kids running around usually clueless of why they are there. After everyone will go for food and drinks. Everyone saying there sorry. Everyone trying to say just the rite words to the family to make them feel better. All this centered around a dead corpse that is painted up like a fucking clown. We are a stupid society and when i die they can dump me in the sea for all i care. Its just plain stupid if you ask me.

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Well wake don't scare me, it is just the person's shell that held there sole, it is sad to see them again, but you shouldn't remeber them that way anyway. The body isn't important, it is what that person carried that is.

Wake's and funeral are just something to do to pass time. It's like a ritual, a process. We have been doing it since we were little. Like when your cat dies or hamster or even something as little as the goldfish. U say a pray(usually your mom or dad would do this right) bow your heads, put in t box, burry it...........

I belive we are taught to tie our shoes, and talk, and dress ourselves, just about everything except for one ting and that's Death. U just kinda follow the ritual, the process........ the wake, and funeral.........

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Splattered in blood, My thoughts are patterned by drugs

Morbid visions cadavered ravaged by maggots and bugs

Beetles crawling out of your eyes sockets

Puss pouring out of your mouth on top of dry vomit

Billions of body bags, blood drenched battle fields

Big butcher knives, you fucking faggits

Get your fucking face erased from your cabbage

Tangled and gored on top, half of you're body hanging off the door

Spasm and splash your organs across the floor

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Originally posted by notallthere

Splattered in blood, My thoughts are patterned by drugs

Morbid visions cadavered ravaged by maggots and bugs

Beetles crawling out of your eyes sockets

Puss pouring out of your mouth on top of dry vomit

Billions of body bags, blood drenched battle fields

Big butcher knives, you fucking faggits

Get your fucking face erased from your cabbage

Tangled and gored on top, half of you're body hanging off the door

Spasm and splash your organs across the floor

yuck :puke:

enough with this sad stuff, it's Friday, let's be happy! :)

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Originally posted by dknybabe2929

Notallthere you jsut made me so depressed on a Friday:(

I hate funerals...And opencaskets def scare me too. I dont want to be buried or cremated. I want to be put in a maslium( spelling?)

I'm Really sorry hun,

I didn't mean to make you sad. It wasn't my intentions to upset anyone. I haven't even been to a funeral in a while the thought just crossed my mind so i posted it.

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I have mixed feelings on them. I guess you can call it the necessary evil. To me the biggest part I dont like is the money, personally why pay 5k+ to be put in the ground and never seen again, id rahter give that to a family member to start a new life (money for education house ect) Ive seen so many average income people spend 10K+ on funerals, I hope my family never does that, go the cheap route and take that saved money and start a scolarship or something, my loss doenst have to be everyones.

Dont take it as in im cheap, b/c im def not, i just believe in life always continues. THere was this quote kind from some mob film, and it was along the lines of "THe guys would try to see who sent the most flowers" (might be Bronx tale, after sonny gets clipped) And the point was to show that all theses guys spend so much money on flowers and it was just an empty gesture. All the funerals ive been to I always try to walk away with memories, not of how or why the person died, but how they lived thier lives and how I could do my best to make the most of mine.

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Originally posted by lalaman

I have mixed feelings on them. I guess you can call it the necessary evil. To me the biggest part I dont like is the money, personally why pay 5k+ to be put in the ground and never seen again, id rahter give that to a family member to start a new life (money for education house ect) Ive seen so many average income people spend 10K+ on funerals, I hope my family never does that, go the cheap route and take that saved money and start a scolarship or something, my loss doenst have to be everyones.

Dont take it as in im cheap, b/c im def not, i just believe in life always continues. THere was this quote kind from some mob film, and it was along the lines of "THe guys would try to see who sent the most flowers" (might be Bronx tale, after sonny gets clipped) And the point was to show that all theses guys spend so much money on flowers and it was just an empty gesture. All the funerals ive been to I always try to walk away with memories, not of how or why the person died, but how they lived thier lives and how I could do my best to make the most of mine.

Yeah your right but, u have to give the dead a little diginity.....

Everyone has to make money also, it is a Monopoly also. You also have deads wishes.........

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last one i went to was my Ex borther in law. Weird thing is can never get a hook up for a funeral. A friend of mine owns a funeral home. What do you say. wait for the right moment inbetween sob's and say " hey one of my boys owns a funeral home bet hell give you a good price"

I only go to funreals of family members. Out of respect. For friends i prefer to have my last memory of them something alive. I dont want my last thought to be of them lying dead in a box

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