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EVOLUTION..a new party begins at exit

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

Tim it may surprise you but there is a new breed of dj's being born. They are the love child of Promoters and Money. Yeah, picture a promoter getting into bed with money and spurning this evil wicked young dj who doesnt own one vinyl. He just downloads. Does anyone else see a problem with the fact that some kids who spin in exits siderooms DONT EVEN OWN DJ EQUIPMENT AT THEIR HOME?? This is like high school kids playing in the nba. Sure theres a kobe or a kg here or there but look at jermaine o neal...4 yrs later he's a star...Imagine what college cudda done for that kid....u dig?

Im from the old school and i spun house parties and upstate shit clubs until i came CLOSE to the bright lights of the world's best city--- Now i know that sounds like the in my day argument but its true--

First off, reacting to the above rocksteadyct post (in agreement with), it abs. disgusts me that they don't even have needles on the damn turntables. TURNTABLES-the original instrument that a DJ was given to fuck with. This cd stuff pisses me off--not that a DJ shouldn't use cd's ever, I use them sometimes too and some of our famous beloved dj's do as well b/c it is easier to handle during transit and allows more room for more music, BUT playing lawler mix cd's and just throwing that in the player??? This place has some serious issues it needs to work on, starting with that. Get some real talent in that place first and foremost. Get dj's that know what the hell a 12" is refering to....

I love love love vinyl and I am not ashamed to say it! And if u are a dj that has never played around with it u are seriously missing out and might want to re think your DJ status IMO.

K, that being said-

Mike, I've been wondering about this roach u speak of? LOL...:laugh: I thought u were kidding at first but it doesn't sound like u are...what's the story with that?

As for your promoter, money, evil wicked young dj analogy :tongue: , u are right on target. It is a battle any decent dj has to deal with now and it sucks. It really does. The days of NY having dj's ines and upstate shit clubs until i came CLOSE to the bright lights of the world's best city--- Now i know that sounds like the in my day argument but its true--

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Originally posted by sdeelite

I'm a DJ, my job as far as I am concerned is not to promote it is to play the music for the ppl. Way I see it, if I do that well, my job is done. Unfortunately, promoters do not see it that way. Their head is this: lots of heads=lots of money. Promotion first, talent second or non existent (which seems to be the case these days). Not that this industry and scene were never money driven but now it is 100% money driven. And that is part of the problem.

Sorry for the ranting:worry2:, but this is an issue that really gets me heated because it should not be this way (and wasn't always this way). It has EVOLVED into something bad, something very bad.

damn that glitch!! b/c u had a lot of good points...

Last time i did roxy, I had a promoter tell me, "Im glad ur spinnin--I been selling a LOT of tickets b/c people want to see you!" I said fantastic thats the way it should be--

and add another point for Roxy==who always has needles in its turntables :D

But seriously Dr. Moody is 100% correct here, and I hope these last few months have worked as a sledgehammer to the head of exit, making them realize the actual shithole they have become. NYC needs a megaclub--a place that has something for everyone, that appeals to commerical as well as underground crowds...

Again, we can only hope this Evolution works as planned by the right people--

As for the roach, Im sorry to say but theres no metaphor there...it really was a roach that big...Goin into that night i figured I'd have to fight with 9 other dj's to get control of that booth to spin, I never figured I'd have to fight a roach also....:laugh:

Mike Bugout

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Originally posted by whitewidow

:what::peeright: exit sucks:peeleft: :shaky::worry::shaky:

as it is now--I couldnt agree more...but we're discussing the possibly future here, which a ZERO chance if people like you keep that attitude....

and trust me, after reading some of my posts on here you could classify me as one of the biggest exit haters there was-- but you simply cant deny the potential of the place, and im hoping the group thats invading it now can work to get that potential out...

Mike Bugout

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

damn that glitch!! b/c u had a lot of good points...

Last time i did roxy, I had a promoter tell me, "Im glad ur spinnin--I been selling a LOT of tickets b/c people want to see you!" I said fantastic thats the way it should be--

and add another point for Roxy==who always has needles in its turntables :D

But seriously Dr. Moody is 100% correct here, and I hope these last few months have worked as a sledgehammer to the head of exit, making them realize the actual shithole they have become. NYC needs a megaclub--a place that has something for everyone, that appeals to commerical as well as underground crowds...

Again, we can only hope this Evolution works as planned by the right people--

As for the roach, Im sorry to say but theres no metaphor there...it really was a roach that big...Goin into that night i figured I'd have to fight with 9 other dj's to get control of that booth to spin, I never figured I'd have to fight a roach also....:laugh:

Mike Bugout

Thank u mike for quoting the good part of my speech!


Good to hear that at least roxy has some respect/appreciation for DJ talent--

as for the roach, I seriously would have freaked out!:eek:

just goes to prove even more what kind of crowd exit is pulling in these days...


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Originally posted by wakeup

i was just gonna say the same, any dj knows when u go out u bring ur needles and head phones

Though this is true it is not justifiable...

The dj is the crowd's entertainment for the night and that's the treatment/equipment they get?

Because of this I always bring cartridges, needles, slip mats, and of course my head phones, everything JUST IN CASE of this DJ neglect epidemic.

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Originally posted by sdeelite

Though this is true it is not justifiable...

The dj is the crowd's entertainment for the night and that's the treatment/equipment they get?

Because of this I always bring cartridges, needles, slip mats, and of course my head phones, everything JUST IN CASE of this DJ neglect epidemic.

alot of places ive spun at have had cartridges but there usuallly shitty ones. thats just the places u spin at. alot of places have no idea about equipment nor do they care. ive dealt w/ broken mixers, broken tables and the best one ever was a guitar amp for a monitor. also had no monitor just a few weeks ago. as for ur promoters comments and #'s couldnt agree more. 1st thing they ask now is do u have a following, how many people can u bring in u think. well thats not my job neccasarily, the promoters are supposed to bring the heads in. luckily the person i work w/ to get spots in the city now doesnt ask me to do a thing besides play good music. he deals w/ #'s and all the other bs.

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Originally posted by zeeker

sooooooo, whats happening to Draper?:confused:

who cares, u think draper is any good. ive heard the guy a few times he is awful and plays the same shit tracks week in week out. i highly doubt hes gotten better in the last yr since i last heard him. oh wait maybe he has i heard he actually tries to spin vinyl now :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by wakeup

who cares, u think draper is any good. ive heard the guy a few times he is awful and plays the same shit tracks week in week out. i highly doubt hes gotten better in the last yr since i last heard him. oh wait maybe he has i heard he actually tries to spin vinyl now :laugh: :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: are you still ranting?

I'm just curious as to what the guy is gonna do from here. Not because I want to go follow the guy wherever he goes...but Exit, no matter what you think about the place, was, is, and will be one of the top clubs in the city. So, where does a guy like him go from here? LI, NJ, WH????

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Originally posted by zeeker

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: are you still ranting?

I'm just curious as to what the guy is gonna do from here. Not because I want to go follow the guy wherever he goes...but Exit, no matter what you think about the place, was, is, and will be one of the top clubs in the city. So, where does a guy like him go from here? LI, NJ, WH????

do u think anyone actually went to exit on a fri night to hear draper besides maybe u and a couple of other people. all they did was go to eat pills and say they were at a club over the weekend. i wonder if the bouncers for the "new" party will still take $20 bucks to get in for no id. come on zack stop worryin about draper and exit, i highly doubt this new party will work but anyhting is better than listenin to rhythm read every week.

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Originally posted by wakeup

do u think anyone actually went to exit on a fri night to hear draper besides maybe u and a couple of other people. all they did was go to eat pills and say they were at a club over the weekend. i wonder if the bouncers for the "new" party will still take $20 bucks to get in for no id. come on zack stop worryin about draper and exit, i highly doubt this new party will work but anyhting is better than listenin to rhythm read every week.

:laugh: lol...omg. I am NOT a Draper follower here...but I'm also not a hater. I don't necessarily go to Exit to hear him spin either. I mean, i can definitely get into his music (admittedly more when I'm not sober) but I also have a ton of friends that I see every week. I don't go to pop pills, or play with glowsticks, or mack my shit to 17 year olds. I just go with an open mind and don't pretend I'm better then the place. if you go with the right group of people and leave the elitism at home, you'd be surprised how good a time you'd have. And lately, i haven't spent any time at Exit.

I admit that some people have a legitimate gripe against the place. But I think the other 90% of people tell themselves how much they hate it just to be in the majority. I'm just trying to differentiate between the two.

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Originally posted by zeeker

:laugh: lol...omg. I am NOT a Draper follower here...but I'm also not a hater. I don't necessarily go to Exit to hear him spin either. I mean, i can definitely get into his music (admittedly more when I'm not sober) but I also have a ton of friends that I see every week. I don't go to pop pills, or play with glowsticks, or mack my shit to 17 year olds. I just go with an open mind and don't pretend I'm better then the place. if you go with the right group of people and leave the elitism at home, you'd be surprised how good a time you'd have. And lately, i haven't spent any time at Exit.

I admit that some people have a legitimate gripe against the place. But I think the other 90% of people tell themselves how much they hate it just to be in the majority. I'm just trying to differentiate between the two.

well said....U coming to AVB friday?

Mike Bugout

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Originally posted by menacenj1982


Excuuuse me, i keep forgetting how skeezy NYC is, let me tell you, most other clubs in other citys and RAVES all supply needles. Sorry if the places you play dont have enough repsect for you to supply some equipment.

And ill be intrested to see where Draper goes too, ill admit i like the type of music he plays later in the night, not like most of these closed minded individuals that just love to slam people.

And bugout, gotta meet u one of these days, you have good insights into the NYC scene. def been around the block

and zeek i know u wanna go see marco v in providenceinstead and come through good ol G-town


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Any place that I've ever spun in nyc has never supplied needles and every dj knows to bring their own. That's just the standard here I guess. Perhaps b/c it is too hard to maintain in these places that are constantly entertaining day in and day out, I dunno but that's just how it is regardless of whether or not the venue is quality or just a shit hole.

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