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smoking ban announced...wooo holla

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Thanks Godddddddddd...i hate coming home feeling like i cleaned out a chimney...hopefully it gets enforced and u jackasses who are killing urself stop that herendous habit....nothings more attractive than seeing a hot girl light up a stoge...and then if ya hook up with her wow ur in for a treat (saracasm of couse)...ugghhhh terrible..its going to be nearly impossible to enforce in big places but i sure hope they can find a way to do it...maybe by taking cigarettes away at the door of places..

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . Fuck that shit, we'll see how well thats 'enforced' at clubs . . .

Neutrally speaking, think about how easy it would be to enforce it. It's not like finding pills or powder where you need keen eyes and flashlights. All you need is a working nose. In addition, the authorities won't need to single out individuals, since they aren't doing anything illegal, per se. It will be the club or bar's responsibility to keep it out, or face the prospect of paying the city very stiff fines -- fines which would go hand-in-hand with the cabaret license violation fines that are so popular.

Just my $.02 on the matter...

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oh SNAP!

i'm laughing at those folks who were arguing that this wouldn't happen.

but how does this make the state of clubs worse? seems to me:

- no more cig burns on your cloths from people stumbling around

- reduced nasty cloths smell

- less eye's burning

- etc.

i mean, i can see how for people who smoke it'll reduce their enjoyment, but for those who don't (which is a majority these days) it makes it better (or so say the majority of NYC residents)

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I stand corrected regaring the vote dates...this is from NY1.com:


City Council, Mayor Reach Tentative Deal On Smoking Ban

The City Council and Mayor Michael Bloomberg have reached a preliminary agreement Wednesday on a smoking ban in bars and restaurants.

City Council sources tell NY1 that under the tentative deal, cigar bars are exempt from the ban.

Smoking will be banned in most bars, although an exception will be made for bars with separate, enclosed and ventilated smoking rooms; outdoor cafes; smaller bars operated only by their owners; and private clubs, but only if club members are the only employees working.

The mayor had initially fought for a complete ban in all restaurants and bars, arguing that second hand smoke creates a health hazard for employees.

The City Council's Health Committee will vote on the preliminary agreement Friday. If they pass it, the measure goes before the whole Council next Wednesday.

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Originally posted by joecrack13


Thanks Godddddddddd...i hate coming home feeling like i cleaned out a chimney...hopefully it gets enforced and u jackasses who are killing urself stop that herendous habit....nothings more attractive than seeing a hot girl light up a stoge...and then if ya hook up with her wow ur in for a treat (saracasm of couse)...ugghhhh terrible..its going to be nearly impossible to enforce in big places but i sure hope they can find a way to do it...maybe by taking cigarettes away at the door of places..


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Originally posted by brooklynkid

...although an exception will be made for bars with separate, enclosed and ventilated smoking rooms; outdoor cafes; smaller bars operated only by their owners; and private clubs, but only if club members are the only employees working.

so basically things will stay as they are. :tongue:
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Originally posted by joecrack13


Thanks Godddddddddd...i hate coming home feeling like i cleaned out a chimney...hopefully it gets enforced and u jackasses who are killing urself stop that herendous habit....nothings more attractive than seeing a hot girl light up a stoge...and then if ya hook up with her wow ur in for a treat (saracasm of couse)...ugghhhh terrible..its going to be nearly impossible to enforce in big places but i sure hope they can find a way to do it...maybe by taking cigarettes away at the door of places..


#1 I understand the point that you don't want to smell, like a chimney, and its gross, but its legal, so get over it!! If you don't want to smell like a cigarette stay home with a bottle of Glade air freshener with your face out the window. The jackasses, such as myself started when we were young and are addicted now to something that is sold LEGALLY. Perhaps you should lobby to make it illegal, and then your rambling may actually have a point.

#2 Maybe I don't want to be in a bar with drunk jackasses like yourself, because your annoying when you're drunk, and I DON"T Drink so SINCE I don't drink, we should ban drinking because your rude remarks, your stepping on my feet, and your bad breath are annoying. Theres nothing like a slobbering smoke free troll to turn me on, esp when he makes rude comments and spills his drink on me. So lets ban drinking even if its legal. Smoking is legal and our own country has pushed them down our throats. ITs all about$$$ my friend. If you go to other countries cigarette boxes state THIS WILL KILL YOU IN BIG LETTERS.... IN AMERICA....... microscopic warnings that you can't even read...why ??? MONEY. MONEY that probably in some round about way mae in big places but i sure hope they can find a way to do it...maybe by taking cigarettes away at the door of places..

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Originally posted by somebitch

so basically things will stay as they are. :tongue:

Actually that article wasn't as detailed as some of the other info that's out there.

As far as seperate-ventilated rooms go, the new law will PROHIBIT employees from entering these rooms. So I don't really see how a room like that would be feasible if you can't get service in there.

The only other real exceptions would be outdoor cafes, cigar bars, private clubs like Knights of Columbus, and bars where the owner is the ONLY employee.

That sounds like a lot is changing to me...

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Originally posted by joecrack13


Thanks Godddddddddd...i hate coming home feeling like i cleaned out a chimney...hopefully it gets enforced and u jackasses who are killing urself stop that herendous habit....nothings more attractive than seeing a hot girl light up a stoge...and then if ya hook up with her wow ur in for a treat (saracasm of couse)...ugghhhh terrible..its going to be nearly impossible to enforce in big places but i sure hope they can find a way to do it...maybe by taking cigarettes away at the door of places..

i am not a smoker however i dont mind the cigarrette smoke in clubs/bars... what i do mind more is countless number of etards rubbing me and touching me up when theyre rolling...or drunk ass frat boys making fools of themselves,or kids that are so fucked up they just sleep or sit on the floor, or the smell of vomit in almost every corner/restroom, or meatheads fighting everyone, or ppl bringing weapons into clubs, i feel those are a lil more annoying than a lil smoke... more importantly if you feel this way why not move to cali? you cant smoke anywhere except under your bed with a wet towel over your face... in any event... let the ppl be...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

i am not a smoker however i dont mind the cigarrette smoke in clubs/bars... what i do mind more is countless number of etards rubbing me and touching me up when theyre rolling...or drunk ass frat boys making fools of themselves,or kids that are so fucked up they just sleep or sit on the floor, or the smell of vomit in almost every corner/restroom, or meatheads fighting everyone, or ppl bringing weapons into clubs, i feel those are a lil more annoying than a lil smoke... more importantly if you feel this way why not move to cali? you cant smoke anywhere except under your bed with a wet towel over your face... in any event... let the ppl be...

Right!! I mean drunk people sometimes annoy the shit out of me when Im out, but so is the way of a club/bar goer. If you don't like it maybe you should hit the monastery up. I know of a good one by my house if you're interested. CAn someone please help me get rid of the double posting, i keep going to edit but it won't work?

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Originally posted by rocketfuel76

If you don't like it maybe you should hit the monastery up. I know of a good one by my house if you're interested.

thats not was i was saying... i say i dont mind it... i have no beef with it... its just part of life.. its like taking the subway and complaining about the homeless or the beggers... just deal with it...

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