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Wish Me Luck (and good luck to everyone else too)

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On finals..

Today is the first of 2.. Drama in the Age of Shakespeare.. 4 essay questions to be answered for 45 minutes each..

Consisting of the following material:

Christopher Marlowe's plays -- "Tamburlaine Part I", "Tamburlaine Part II", "The Jew of Malta", "Doctor Faustus" and "Edward II"

Ben Jonson's plays -- "Bartholomew Fair", "The Alchemist", "Epicoene" and "Volpone"

Cyril Tourneur's play -- "The Revenger's Tragedy"

Thomas Middleton's plays -- "The Changeling", "A Chaste Maid in Cheapside" and hmm.. I can't remember right now.. (I better go review that really quick!)

John Ford's play -- "'Tis Pity She's a Whore"

John Webster's plays -- "The White Devil" and "The Duchess of Malfi"

Final constitutes the grade for the entire semester.. and guess how many of the 16 plays I've read.. :blown:

Good luck to everyone else who has finals!! Hopefully you're all in a better position than I am. :D

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Originally posted by spikesnj

Good luck girl....best of luck to ME too....on my Western Tradition exam consiting of 3 essay questions...pick 2 and do them :)

Good luck to everyone...

Codica... Sounds like a rough one... Good Luck...

I am sure if you have put as much effort into you school work as you have put into your posts... You will pass... :tongue::laugh:

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

but u shouldnt b stressing essay tests..come take some of my accounting exams..then ull know what hell is...

1 hr of sleep last night..yehhhhhhhhhh mann!

Lemme tell you, what you just said there is something I absolutely cannot stand. It pisses me off so much. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by elementx

Good luck to everyone...

Codica... Sounds like a rough one... Good Luck...

I am sure if you have put as much effort into you school work as you have put into your posts... You will pass... :tongue::laugh:

Ohh.. and no, definitely don't devote even one third the amount of time to school that I do posting. What can I say? An office job at a law firm doing jack shit helps me accumulate the postWHORE status. :D

And the final went well.. hope everyone else's did as well. :)

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Originally posted by codica3

Lemme tell you, what you just said there is something I absolutely cannot stand. It pisses me off so much. :rolleyes:

sorry Cody...didnt mean to offend ya in any way..i just have no problems whatsoever bangin out an essay final. i dont study for them either..theres so much leeway when it comes to an essay..u can bullshit half the part and still pull an A...as long as u have the core of it correct....

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I finished all of my finals and papers last Friday!!!! !!:D It was the week from hell though...up until at least 5 every morning....then i caught an hr of sleep before i had to take a final or write another damn paper....so glad I now have a month to do nothing but work to make some money for Christmas gifts.

But good luck to the rest of you still taking your finals

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Originally posted by digitaldan

Just out of curiousity, how long are all of your finals?

My finals are 3 hours long.. I usually don't use all 3 hours.. but yesterday.. I finished 5 minutes before the exam was over.. 45 minutes spent on each essay question.. they were very in depth. Good thing cause whatever I get on this final is my final grade, it was the only grade of the semester.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

sorry Cody...didnt mean to offend ya in any way..i just have no problems whatsoever bangin out an essay final. i dont study for them either..theres so much leeway when it comes to an essay..u can bullshit half the part and still pull an A...as long as u have the core of it correct....

And it's ok hun.. it's just that I'm so sick of the common generalization.. it's weird too.. cause I know people who suck at essays and get petrified when their exams are essays. Depends on your teacher and your class how much you can bullshit.. some of my professors see right thru it.. either way.. I'm in the same boat as you so I know where you're coming from, essays are easy as hell for me, that's why one of my majors is English, however, I make sure to never say essays are so much easier than multiple choice or open ended.. cause that's down grading.

Either way.. good luck on your shit.. I'm sure you'll do fine.. and when the hell am I gonna see you again?!

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Originally posted by copahc

Good luck babe!

I'm sooo glad school is over with for me Phew!

I like workin' better i think. Just less parties :(

Get all A's hehe

Thanks hun.. I definitely need luck!! :(

SOMEONE FUCKING KILL ME. :blown: :blown:

Who said papers were easy? :blown: I retract my previous statement about papers being easier to write.. cause this fucking take home final is KILLING ME.


And I thought my madness was over.. THIS IS THE HARDEST PAPER I HAVE EVER HAD TO WRITE IN MY LIFE! :blown:

Ok.. no more ranting.. gotta get back to racking my brain. :cry:

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