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Look guys, the perfect woman!

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I've been a good boy all year, well not really but Santa can you bring me one of these for Christmas? The perfect woman, she doesn't talk and she comes with a warranty! What more can you ask for? :laugh:

This is the funniest thing I've ever seen and she can be yours for only $5749.00 at http://www.realdoll.com - includes all three entries! Body 3, 5, 6, and body 7 models are an additional $250.00. Order yours now in time for Christmas! You can customize your own woman right down to the fingernail color, eye liner color and pubic hair style. :laugh: This f'n doll looks too real! I wonder if they'd card her at Deko?







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Originally posted by mystify82281

:eek: that just really freaked me out.... who would buy that?!?!?!

there are some sick people in this world :blank:

Myst not everyone is lucky enough to have a cute girl like you waiting for them at home, so the real doll is the next best thing I guess.

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

njnjdionsys didnt yu just tell me yu got new tan leather couches

like the ones in the pics :laugh: :laugh:

:laugh: Nice try but this post goes out to you, so you can finally get a real girlfriend! You might want to buy a couple of the guys too, so you can have some friends to go out to Factory with! :bigfinge:

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Originally posted by njdionysus

:laugh: Nice try but this post goes out to you, so you can finally get a real girlfriend! You might want to buy a couple of the guys too, so you can have some friends to go out to Factory with! :bigfinge:

when i find a nice one then maybe but at least i dont have to look for pics on the net and say shes from canada. as far as factory i see all my factory friends on wed nights. just too old to go running around until 10 am their wives and shit would kill them

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Originally posted by velvetropeprod

Now all they have to do is make one that cooks and cleans and I'm set!

the girl one needs like a tray for drinks on her head or something.... maybe like an ashtray attachment too... they need a separate part of the site for accessories like that.... i think i'm going to email them now about it.....

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Myst not everyone is lucky enough to have a cute girl like you waiting for them at home, so the real doll is the next best thing I guess.

awwww..... :kiss2:

Still, I think you need to seriously re-think this as the "next best thing"...... :tongue:


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Question: What if I don't fit with RealDoll's sex parts?

REALDOLL's vaginal and anal cavities are made snug to accommodate any insertion. The silicone flesh is soft, slippery, and very elastic. Any petroleum or water-based lubricants can be applied to ease entry. REALDOLL's oral cavity contains soft silicone tongue and teeth. The oral cavity is as snug as the doll's other entries. All of REALDOLL's cavities allow deep insertions.

Question: Tell me more about the doll's entries

The inside of the Vaginal and Anal entries use a different grade of silicone than the rest of REALDOLL's body; These areas are extremely soft and feel very life-like, down to the subtle texture. REALDOLL's vaginal lips can be stretched apart very realistically. REALDOLL's Oral entry has a very soft and stretchy lips, ultra soft tongue, soft silicone teeth, and a hinged jaw that opens and closes very realistically.

Question: Tell me more about RealDoll's "suction effect"

When penetrated, a vacuum is formed inside REALDOLL's entries which provides a powerful suction effect. This effect is strongest in REALDOLL's oral entry. Some of REALDOLL's users have reported intense orgasms due to this specific feature.

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Myst not everyone is lucky enough to have a cute girl like you waiting for them at home, so the real doll is the next best thing I guess.

Not to be a dick... But I think this is more of an insult than a compliment... Not that you meant it that way... But think before you speak... You are saying that a piece of plastic is the next best thing compared to well a beautiful lookin lady... Come on...

Myst... Not kissin ass... But just happened to like your pic... And had to say something about this post...

Never mind... I realized this was all cleared up already... Few to many beers tonight and didn't read through all the posts...



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Originally posted by elementx

Not to be a dick... But I think this is more of an insult than a compliment... Not that you meant it that way... But think before you speak... You are saying that a piece of plastic is the next best thing compared to well a beautiful lookin lady... Come on...

Myst... Not kissin ass... But just happened to like your pic... And had to say something about this post...

It's called sarcasm. :aright:

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Originally posted by elementx

Not to be a dick... But I think this is more of an insult than a compliment... Not that you meant it that way... But think before you speak... You are saying that a piece of plastic is the next best thing compared to well a beautiful lookin lady... Come on...

Myst... Not kissin ass... But just happened to like your pic... And had to say something about this post...

Originally posted by £ddie

It's called sarcasm. :aright:

Both of you couldnt be more wrong, I wasnt being sarcastic cuz Myst is very cute. The fact is, not every man is lucky enough to come home to someone like that. She understood exactly what I meant, dont turn it into something its not.

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Both of you couldnt be more wrong, I wasnt being sarcastic cuz Myst is very cute. The fact is, not every man is lucky enough to come home to someone like that. She understood exactly what I meant, dont turn it into something its not.

If you read me correctly... I was not turning it into anything is wasn't ... Hense where it says... Not that you meant it in the way...

Holy shit you people need to calm down... And I thought us NY folk were high strung...

I was givin the girl a compliment...

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