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Marco V

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Originally posted by jennEfer

well in that case....

i hear ya. there are not many ppl. out there who share the same interests... and its better to go out with a group than by yourself.

I'll be the guy on crutches all by himself (cue the violins), so if you see me, show me what the NYC vibe is about. I'll be sure to do the same next time you're in LA :)

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Originally posted by reddog4063

oops! tonight also,although it looks thin so far...go to www.arcspace.net and check the official rollcall board, should tell you on there.

ps- what night did you go the first time?


k i went there, all good, although i can say i like their website, NO DIRECTIONS or DRESS CODE info - i hate it when they make u guess. (im hoping friday night rules apply?)

i jsut went about a month ago for be yourself, it was great

and im not joking, i really stand out when i dance, real easy to spot, jsut look for the bandanna!

and is hotcheme going? isnt she an ARCie?

and what is the turn of 9a i take to get to a parking garage/parking spot, i got lost last time, and the arc board is no help

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dude there is NEVER a dress code or long wait on the lines, come as you are always. i promise you no BS at arc.

the directions...private message nick, tigress or mr. m and they will be able to help, or call the office!


Originally posted by rocksteadyct

k i went there, all good, although i can say i like their website, NO DIRECTIONS or DRESS CODE info - i hate it when they make u guess. (im hoping friday night rules apply?)

i jsut went about a month ago for be yourself, it was great

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hey another rutgers dude!

ummm connecticut man....i saw that u said you are going to wear a white bandanna...by any chance are you the guy at PVD at roxy 11/1 that i was telling looked like a stereotypical raver? he had glowsticks in his shoes and we were talking about dancing...he was from ct so that's why i ask...

does everyone want to meet up or what? i am already meeting a group at 1am to our left of the dj platform so it would cool to have that same time (well, at least for me)

i'm looking forward to meeting some other people who are as crazy about trance and clubbing as me...especially ru people! :)


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Originally posted by iluvrutgers

hey another rutgers dude!

ummm connecticut man....i saw that u said you are going to wear a white bandanna...by any chance are you the guy at PVD at roxy 11/1 that i was telling looked like a stereotypical raver? he had glowsticks in his shoes and we were talking about dancing...he was from ct so that's why i ask...

does everyone want to meet up or what? i am already meeting a group at 1am to our left of the dj platform so it would cool to have that same time (well, at least for me)

i'm looking forward to meeting some other people who are as crazy about trance and clubbing as me...especially ru people! :)


:laugh: :laugh: Yo yo, nope that wasn't me. I'm in upper westchester now, 15 minutes from Danbury. I posted a meetup thread. Check it out. But i'll look for ya around 1am by the booth too. Wassup Rutgers. ;)

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Originally posted by iluvrutgers

hey another rutgers dude!

ummm connecticut man....i saw that u said you are going to wear a white bandanna...by any chance are you the guy at PVD at roxy 11/1 that i was telling looked like a stereotypical raver? he had glowsticks in his shoes and we were talking about dancing...he was from ct so that's why i ask...

does everyone want to meet up or what? i am already meeting a group at 1am to our left of the dj platform so it would cool to have that same time (well, at least for me)

i'm looking forward to meeting some other people who are as crazy about trance and clubbing as me...especially ru people! :)


nope wasnt me, i cant hang with the glowshoes

but i go to massive amounts of raves, but u wont catch me in UFO's i got my own style - its called "get dressed with your eyes closed"

look for me - i said this already but youll know me when i dance, i stick out - white bandana!

and just in case -

look in the chill room because i went to Exit last night and havent slept yet - and i get to drive 2 hours! yeah ! Awesome! Rad!

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hey ma, i was dying when i saw your CP name...lol..anywayz im hailing from our precious RU New Bruns too, have a house right behind the college ave gym...always happy to meet RU clubbin people who dance and have fun and not just try to look um, 'cute' at the clubs :laugh::aright: btw love the digitallyimported.com link sweetie. i was gonna go to marco v tonite but had some tragically sad trouble in gf/bf paradise :cry: ill def make it one day, hope to meet all the RU people (CODY THAT INCLUDES U!)when i finally get my shaking booty out there in the city (teklord, im counting on u to intro me!!!)

all of u --> have fun tonite :rock:

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Originally posted by gracer

hey ma, i was dying when i saw your CP name...lol..anywayz im hailing from our precious RU New Bruns too, have a house right behind the college ave gym...always happy to meet RU clubbin people who dance and have fun and not just try to look um, 'cute' at the clubs :laugh::aright: btw love the digitallyimported.com link sweetie. i was gonna go to marco v tonite but had some tragically sad trouble in gf/bf paradise :cry: ill def make it one day, hope to meet all the RU people (CODY THAT INCLUDES U!)when i finally get my shaking booty out there in the city (teklord, im counting on u to intro me!!!)

all of u --> have fun tonite :rock:

Aww sorry u couldn't make it tonight... :( U better come out with me sometime next semester. NYC is the SHIT, u need a proper introduction.

See you cats at 1am and 3am side room middle of the snack bar.l

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lol thanx..yeah this username was kind of a joke.. :) sux u couldn't make it, it was awesome!

i can't believe i got his autograph, got to meet him twice, and talked to him for like 10 minutes. it was def. one of the best nights i've had.

it was great meeting ru people! we def. gotta keep in touch cuz it's so freakin' hard to find clubbing buddies. everyone here likes hip hop and nothing else.

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Originally posted by iluvrutgers

it was great meeting ru people! we def. gotta keep in touch cuz it's so freakin' hard to find clubbing buddies. everyone here likes hip hop and nothing else.

Hellz yeah!! I'm going back to RU tommorow night. I'll drop you a line. I'm going to have to school you on the New Brunswick Clubplanet Stuff Yer Face Meetups. :cool:

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