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Evolution/Roxy Review

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crazy night--started at exit around 1130--

Dom Capello opened up with a nice set, Santana came on at 1215 or so and TORREEEEEE it up:eek: Musically it was redic... The crowd didnt seem to fill in right away but btw 1 and 2am it really filled up nicely....whole dancefloor was packed, some room to move on the second floor...Me and Cody mainly stayed in the booth so I cant comment too strongly about the crowd but from what i saw there was a lot of good looking people... I definitely felt a bit of a vibe over there...nothing earthshaking but definitely a good start...Did i Mention Richie was SICKKKKK, tribal banger after banger, the crowd at first didnt seem to be responding to the music but by like 130 they were definitely into it--Some hott dancers were all over in black and white outfits, 2 stage shows with some elaborate costumes, a very nice touch....I didnt want to leave but there was no way I was missing ferry in NYC so we bounced around 3ish after speaking to Bob G for a lil while (thanks for everything Bob).

I walked in to no line and no security line, unlike some stories ive now heard...Ferry was awesome...tranceaddicts mobbed the stage, i thought it was gonna break....Heaven's Earth was nice, Punk of course, a few others i cant remember...I was waiting for Out of the Blue but i missed it as it came at 5am and I jetted at 430...Nice seeing Bigpoppa, DJ Jon (SOOOBEEEE), Quoth good seeing u bro-- Nice meeting Highmay, NYCMuzik2000, and tranceguynyc...roxy was a good time Im gonna miss that place on a weekly basis....

The thing that really stood out to me on friday night was exit. I know I rallied all week for everyone to check exit and support the party as they try to fix exit, but no one knew how it was gonna go over...I was impressed-supposedly a lot of people got turned away for dress code or whatever and I def didnt get raped by security on my way in-- Next week is Denny Tsettos over there and I definitely will be there...Exit isnt back yet--but its definitely on its way

and big shout to codyyyyyyy:hat:

Mike Bugout

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hey what the fuck! i didnt know u were gonna be there - shoulda said something so i could say hi! and i was in the booth at the end of richies set with a couple girls and some kid i cant remeber his name, but i was only up there for a min - it was crowded. maybe u saw me? or at least the 2 chicks !

music was good, but i dont ever wanna hear that reina song in my life(cant remember if it was santanna or ojeda) - but to richies credit he was playing some techy numbers that had me bumpin! I mostly chilled on the white room balcony, cus the main floor seemed pretty packed, and the red room wont let me rock my fucking bandana (which i still dont understand)

and the "hard" djs in the red room are now a good contrast to the main floor, which was something i didnt like in the draper days, i dont like hearing the same type of music in both rooms.

well i think things are looking up, there was def some different goin on, hopefully it keeps up - and it seems as though i still have my promoter contacts for the new party - so hopefully ill make a red room appearance again! lol

and whats up with the white room, the people talking as they sipped their bottles was louder than the music!

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I gotta say last nite (up in till the time that i ran into a cocksucker who likes to start trouble with me and my gurl) was probably one of the best nites I've had at exit in a while. I cant wait to hear Denny there next week!!!!!!!!!!!

Was VERY surprised at the crowd...seemed to be a LOT better looking then usual, and the place was packed early, and there was a much longer line outside early then there usually is... looks like word is getting out.

Exit is personally my favority venue, so I wish them the utmost success with this new party, and hopefully a good thing will just keep getting better!


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Originally posted by djmikebugout

Im just callin it like i see it. If the party flopped i'd be the first to say it. I like exit as a place so Im rootin for bob and the evolution staff to turn the place around.

good stuff, I agree.

So, when are you getting up in the booth?

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Originally posted by rocksteadyct

hey what the fuck! i didnt know u were gonna be there - shoulda said something so i could say hi! and i was in the booth at the end of richies set with a couple girls and some kid i cant remeber his name, but i was only up there for a min - it was crowded. maybe u saw me? or at least the 2 chicks !

music was good, but i dont ever wanna hear that reina song in my life(cant remember if it was santanna or ojeda) - but to richies credit he was playing some techy numbers that had me bumpin! I mostly chilled on the white room balcony, cus the main floor seemed pretty packed, and the red room wont let me rock my fucking bandana (which i still dont understand)

and the "hard" djs in the red room are now a good contrast to the main floor, which was something i didnt like in the draper days, i dont like hearing the same type of music in both rooms.

well i think things are looking up, there was def some different goin on, hopefully it keeps up - and it seems as though i still have my promoter contacts for the new party - so hopefully ill make a red room appearance again! lol

and whats up with the white room, the people talking as they sipped their bottles was louder than the music!

I was one of the chicks...lol...and yes, i did remember u commenting on the fact that we could definitly hear conversations way over the music....which was i shame...b/c i def enjoyed whoever was spinning in there

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Time: 11:30pm

Walk up to Exit.. lines not that long, get in, get ticket. Go towards security. Prepare to be molested and violated. Surprisingly, didn't happen. :D Lady checked my purse, let me in. No touching, no grabbing, no fingering, no nothing. What a pleasant start already.

Walk into the club. Notice Domenick Capello is spinning. Look down to make sure the tap dancing old man is still there. Definitely is. :aright: (Exit wouldn't be Exit without him) Domenick plays a lovely set. Dark and tribally. Speak to Bobby G. for a little bit, pleasure as always Bob, thank you for everything last nite! Domenick drops his last track --> SMOKED PIECE REMIX.. I'm ecstatic. Go in the booth, converse, chill.

Time: 1:00am

Notice that there are a lot of heads piling in the door, dance floor is getting crowded. People look a little confused at the tribal tracks Richie Santana is dropping.. but they seemed to be enjoying it. Just something different, but not something bad. Take a walk around the club. Notice almost no UFOs. Crowd is dressed as they would at Roxy, neater, more dressed up, classier than the usual Exit nonsense. Less segregated sections of races and types in areas.. more of a nice blend, everyone mingling with everyone. Definitely a different feeling on the main floor and 2nd floor bar area.. a feeling of, hmm.. how should I put this.. CLEANLINESS perhaps.. just felt cleaner there overall last nite.. crowd was definitely better looking, at least what I saw of it.

Time: 2:00am

Back in the booth chillin'. Richie is dropping absolutely insane tracks.. crowd is getting the feeling now for how to move to sexy, dark tribal beats. Floor is filling in VERY nicely. Still people coming in the doors. Heard from some people who had come in a little bit before that the lines were huge outside. The new dancers come on the boxes and the poles. Light guy finally decides to stop being a prick and start working the lights properly. Guys were loving the dancers, they know how to move. :aright: Crowd is getting hyped up now because the light show has finally reached the magnitude it should at Exit and Richie is dropping bomb after bomb of tracks filled with so much energy that it's almost impossible not to move. Even the people chillin' in the booth were going absolutely crazy in there, bouncing around, screaming, having a wonderful time. I'll tell you, from up in that DJ booth, between the music that was being played, Richie just totally feeling the tracks he was dropping and dancing around with a huge smile on his face, and the people on the floor dancing around creating an energy that I haven't seen at Exit since the days of Tiesto and Judge Jules and Acosta, I almost thought that I could see myself back at this ex-forbidden hellhole. If everything keeps going in the same direction as it did last nite and everyone stays strong with their support for the change, Exit will be seeing it's glory days in the near future. The day that people know they can go to Exit on a Friday and hear good music without being surrounded by a filthy, disgusting crowd and having to deal with bitch ass security and scum bags ways of running the club. Things don't change overnite, but I'll tell you, if everyone gives it the time it needs for its transformation, you'll all be surprised at the potential for this nite club.

Time: 3:00am

Decide we better head over to Ferry Corsten while we can still tear ourselves away from Richie.. I think if we stayed 15 minutes longer we would have ended up staying the entire nite.. plus I was dying down.. tired as hell.. roll up to Roxy.. no line. :D Walk in, hear a crazy track being dropped already. Great seeing everyone: djjonstephen --> so happy I saw you hun! Have a nice time for the small amount of time I saw you before you left. WMC baby! And don't forget, January 23rd.. be there OR ELSE! :bounce: bigpoppanils --> pleasure as always, sorry I didn't have as much to bitch about last nite, but I was fully enjoying myself so there wasn't much to complain about ;) muthafuckin' quoth --> LMAO great seeing you sweetie! I hope you thoroughly enjoyed Ferry's set, though I'm sure it wasn't a problem! I really hope I get to see you out occasionally still cause you are one crazy fuck.. highmay --> what a pleasant surprise my dear :D *mwa* nycmuzik2000 --> didn't get to really speak to you but hope you had a wonderful time dear.. I expect to see you as well on the 23rd @ Centro.. great meeting tranceynyc (sp?) --> I've seen you all over but I never knew who you were! Umm.. I dunno if I'm forgetting someone, if I am, sorry, I'm tired as hell and I just sat in traffic for a long ass time.. you all know I love you. And Mikey, a special thank you for a wonderful time, as always. :kiss2:

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Originally posted by zeeker

two favorable reviews of Exit from two of the biggest Exit haters around...


Since when was I promoted to "biggest Exit hater" status? :laugh: :laugh:

I'm an "Imagine Fridays with Tony Draper" hater. Get it right. :D

Zeeker and his love for drama.. :nono::laugh:

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