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OK I need some NYE ADVICE....

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I'm trying to decide what to do.

I've been offered to see a friend spin at a small lounge, and to go to CentroFly, each for about $35. Add $15 for transport. I could do that.


I could go to Tronic tomorrow nite, fuck off NYE because I see no point in paying $35 to get into clubs I wouldn't pay for on any other night. That way, I could save what few pennies I have left, for buying turntables. This would mean, however, spending NYE at some shite house party in Huntington.

Can I get some opinions on what I should do here? :hey: I don't know what the better option is :(

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Originally posted by marcid21

only if you take me to Ikea today.

i would, but 1) the cable guy is coming today, and i have to wait for him to get here sometime "between 1 and 4"... and 2) my car runs like crap right now, i'm waiting for something in the mail that fixes what i f'ed up... should be here tomorrow or something...

you're probably not going to ikea at 11pm on nye... so you can probably just go ahead, and head on over to arc for the festivities... :)

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Originally posted by joeg

you're probably not going to ikea at 11pm on nye... so you can probably just go ahead, and head on over to arc for the festivities... :)


Aly...btw...I'm all for Baktun. Catch Tronic for as much as you can, while your home from school. Rumor has it that Direct Drive and Tronic will be done with as of January....Word on the street is Lotus is moving in, and supplying us with some chic-chic lounge.

NYE isn't looking to promising anyway. :blown:

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. . .Ok, the way I look at it is sorta like this . . .

This year, we have a choice between:

Wack and very expensive ( Anything larger than ARC)


'eh' and sorta expensive (ARC...). . .

. . Quite a fucking choice eh? . . I'm not doing anything this year . . thats a 95 percent certainty . . . There's no crew, there's no good DJ's . . so why bother right? . . . :no: . . . I guess I could drop like a grand at Oakenfold at estate or wherever the fuck he is . .because like, he's just the cutting edge of underground entertainment . . :rolleyes: . . *clap* . . . . . . *clap* . . . . . . *clap* . . . . .

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...i'm going to stay home and finish Splinter Cell on xbox or memorize all the finishing moves on Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance or GTA Vice City on my ps2 i got from santa or ...well you get the idea...

...in reality, i will hit a local cafe with two single girls and try to slam one into a wall by the end of the night/day...

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . .Ok, the way I look at it is sorta like this . . .

This year, we have a choice between:

Wack and very expensive ( Anything larger than ARC)


'eh' and sorta expensive (ARC...). . .

I think thats the quote of the year.... theres no better way to explain NYE 2002.....

i think we are scraping together a small crew... so far me, christian, melissa, shannon/petey are going to end up at arc... you might aswell come by and eat some pills or something... lol... its fucking nye for phonk's sake!!!!

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ugh, is it me or is this board slow as shit today???

i still dont know what im doing either. i wanted to go to phish but i waited for one of my friends to get her shit together and never preordered tickets so i missed the opportunity. now my friend called a broker to buy tickets and they are over 1000$, so that is not happening. nye is amateur night, i guess if we arent going to phish, everything else is about as exciting as sitting home with some champagne and ordering a nice dinner. god i am old. :tongue:

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Originally posted by somebitch

ugh, is it me or is this board slow as shit today???

i still dont know what im doing either. i wanted to go to phish but i waited for one of my friends to get her shit together and never preordered tickets so i missed the opportunity. now my friend called a broker to buy tickets and they are over 1000$, so that is not happening. nye is amateur night, i guess if we arent going to phish, everything else is about as exciting as sitting home with some champagne and ordering a nice dinner. god i am old. :tongue:

loser :tongue:

Be ghetto like me and go to a bar

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Originally posted by xpander

Think I might actually try for this here fetish party.


Aside from this, I know that Arc and Centro are both viable, as is the Lunaterium. Other than those...NYE's a blank for me too. :confused:

Hahahah someone on here requested my presence for that fetish party though i don't recall whom...

I think it's looking more and more like a night of sitting on my arse on the couch... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by starshaped

Why not go to World Vixen? i know how much you looove Tiesto ;)

Not neeeearly so much as I love UK hard house :rolleyes::tongue:


Phatman - you're makin me feel guilty dude. I think I got old or something :( What happened to bangin those two chicks? Let's have a big fat greek new years' party instead - i'll make the spanakopita, you make the dolmadas and baklava, and Chris and I can DJ :aright:

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