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Please Ban this asshole before someone cripples his ass

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This is another petition to ban Calebmandrake from the board.

Im sorry but he has really stepped way over the boundry. Especially with his comments towards the girls on this board. Please ban him b/c it is a sad sight to see a guy getting beatan up by a girl. all in favor post. The board willspeak for itself.

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Originally posted by somegirl24

For the LOVE OF GOD..your so fucken annoying....

How boring is your life BITCH that you have to stalk Mystify and put her down?

Jealousy and insecurity get you nowhere...I suggest you lighten up and try and enjoy your pathetic excuse for a life...:blown:

please. :rolleyes: shes the one who has her little friends PMing eachother with information about me that they can post to try to mkae me feel bad, fortunately, i do not give a shit. do you really sweat the girl so hard you need to make a comment about everything i say?? fuck off.
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Originally posted by somebitch

please. :rolleyes: shes the one who has her little friends PMing eachother with information about me that they can post to try to mkae me feel bad, fortunately, i do not give a shit. do you really sweat the girl so hard you need to make a comment about everything i say?? fuck off.

obviously you do, cause you come to the jersey board to make fun of here. here is some advise, think before you post:)

why you coming on jersey anyway, all you do is talk shit about jersey people:confused:

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Originally posted by incredulous

obviously you do, cause you come to the jersey board to make fun of here. here is some advise, think before you post:)

why you coming on jersey anyway, all you do is talk shit about jersey people:confused:

can u stop stalking me please :idea: this has nothign to do with you. i think shes an idiot, why are you getting involved?? and i dont only talk shit on jersey people, i have a lot of friends from jersey...
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Originally posted by somebitch

can u stop stalking me please :idea: this has nothign to do with you. i think shes an idiot, why are you getting involved?? and i dont only talk shit on jersey people, i have a lot of friends from jersey...

do they live in Trailer Parks like you? i bet they are from Keansburg as well:D

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Originally posted by somebitch

please. :rolleyes: shes the one who has her little friends PMing eachother with information about me that they can post to try to mkae me feel bad, fortunately, i do not give a shit. do you really sweat the girl so hard you need to make a comment about everything i say?? fuck off.

Do I sweat her? No. I don't even know her. But she's never done a damn thing to you so just back off bitch.:blown:
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Originally posted by somebitch

can u stop stalking me please :idea: this has nothign to do with you. i think shes an idiot, why are you getting involved?? and i dont only talk shit on jersey people, i have a lot of friends from jersey...

that's her boyfriend einstein. damn you're dumb, not to mention ugly. why don't you and calebgayness go drown each other quietly please

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Originally posted by somebitch

please. :rolleyes: shes the one who has her little friends PMing eachother with information about me that they can post to try to mkae me feel bad, fortunately, i do not give a shit. do you really sweat the girl so hard you need to make a comment about everything i say?? fuck off.

I have not PMed ANYONE anything about you. How can you even make that statement when all you have been trying to do is post things to try to make me feel bad? Just as you don't give a shit, neither do I. So enough is enough.

It's also pretty ironic that you are ragging on somegirl for commenting on everything you say, but yet you have been doing the same thing to me.... Don't be a hypocrite.

Just making a valid point, if you're going to reply back with the same meaningless insults, then don't bother, I really no desire to go back and forth with you.

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Originally posted by mystify82281

I have not PMed ANYONE anything about you. How can you even make that statement when all you have been trying to do is post things to try to make me feel bad? Just as you don't give a shit, neither do I. So enough is enough.

It's also pretty ironic that you are ragging on somegirl for commenting on everything you say, but yet you have been doing the same thing to me.... Don't be a hypocrite.

Just making a valid point, if you're going to reply back with the same meaningless insults, then don't bother, I really no desire to go back and forth with you.

stop trying to sound intelligent, it is not working.

also, if i think youre in idiot and i voice it, it is different from her stalking me over me stalking you. that is just stupid. if she has a problem with me that would be one thing but she has a problem with me having a problem with you :confused::rolleyes:

and i was talking about your little boyfriend PMing people about me, not u.

i wasnt trying to mkae you feel bad in the first place i just said WEARING OPEN TOE SHOES IN THE WINTER IS A TACKY JERSEY GIRL THING TO DO, you lashed out @ ME after i made that comment because you were wearing open toe shoes out last night.

GAWD COULD THERE BE A DUMBER THING TO ARGUE OVER (honestly, i dont think it would be possible to find something dumber)...

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First of all, you need t take some writing lessons.... and secondly, i didn't PM anyone. See if you have friends, they tend to stick up for you when they see something is going wrong. If you werent some BITCH, you might have friends(not people you tell to PM)

by the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR

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Originally posted by incredulous

First of all, you need t take some writing lessons.... and secondly, i didn't PM anyone. See if you have friends, they tend to stick up for you when they see something is going wrong. If you werent some BITCH, you might have friends(not people you tell to PM)

by the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR

hunnie my PMs are off. i dont tell anyone to PM me. i dont consider this a popularity contest. i dont care if people like me, i have friends irl.

anyway, u have a happy new year too. you should make your resolution to climb outta your girls ass. :D

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Originally posted by somebitch

stop trying to sound intelligent, it is not working.

also, if i think youre in idiot and i voice it, it is different from her stalking me over me stalking you. that is just stupid. if she has a problem with me that would be one thing but she has a problem with me having a problem with you :confused::rolleyes:

and i was talking about your little boyfriend PMing people about me, not u.

i wasnt trying to mkae you feel bad in the first place i just said WEARING OPEN TOE SHOES IN THE WINTER IS A TACKY JERSEY GIRL THING TO DO, you lashed out @ ME after i made that comment because you were wearing open toe shoes out last night.

GAWD COULD THERE BE A DUMBER THING TO ARGUE OVER (honestly, i dont think it would be possible to find something dumber)...

I really did not "lash out" on you. All I said was that you made your point in a very rude way. That's all. You, on the other hand, lashed out on things you know nothing about (my education, my family, etc) I thought that was ignorant and unfair. You also insulted me every chance you got. I have never insulted you because in reality, I know nothing about you, except what you post here, which is not nearly enough information for me to make an accurate judgement.

I never had a problem with you.

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