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Motherfucking DRAMA


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Man, I've got to vent somewhere right now, and since no one here really knows my roomates, you guys get to hear about it.

So, this is the situation... my roomate Chris M. broke up with his girlfriend of almost 3 years about 2 months ago. She hasn't really dated anyone, and Chris has been seeing people here and there, but no big deal. I was talking with him about it this past weekend, and it seemed like he actually kind of wanted to get back together with her, but just needed a little bit of time to be single, have some time to himself or whatnot.

So, yesterday, another roomate (and Chris M's best friend), Chris P, told us he was going to work in the middle of the afternoon. He didn't come home last night, which had us kind of worried, but no big deal. Well, I get an e-mail from Chris M this morning, telling me that he was over Erina's (his ex's) place the night before. Things look bad, but I'm not going to assume anything until I hear it from the horse's mouth. So, 20 minutes later, I get an e-mail from Chris P to all of the roomates, telling us that 'the dynamic of the house might change', and that he has to talk to the other Chris and blah, blah, blah. Yup, he's hooking up with his best friend's ex-girlfriend. Fucking great :mad: Stupid bastard, if there's anything a guy should know better about doing, it's hooking up with his friend's girlfriend or recent ex or whatever. It's just plain STUPID and you know things are going to turn-out badly and no one will be better from it. Not to mention, he's also our roomate... what's he going to do, move out?? What the fuck could he possibly be thinking?? (don't worry, I've asked him... can't wait to see what he comes up with on this one). So now the party is not looking good, my poor roomate Chris M is heartbroken (he lost his friend and the ex-girlfriend he still hasn't gotten over all in the same day), and God only knows how this drama is all going to play-out. I really am shocked... Chris P does not seem like the kind guy to do this, especially to a really good friend of his.

Sorry for being gay and venting, but I figured it'd give the girls some interesting reading material in place of their soap operas :tongue:

I'll keep you all posted on the party, I have no idea what to do there. :mad:

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That is just wrong. If that shit went on with my friends, I know for a fact that kid would catch a serious beating from a few people.

Two things here: 1. That kid is a fucko for doing it.

2. That girl is a WHORE.

Makes ya wonder, were they hooking up when they were together hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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ya ive found the new solution of a strict diet of prescriptions, seedy local bars, and much much booze. its a decent temporary fix i guess. i even have trouble taking my mind off it when im spinning beats.

oh btw, u should hear how sweet my new years was.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

p.s. kinda off the topic but i saw the elusive GAY RAY from avalon board at a bar on saturday. and lemme tell ya, he is GAY. good dancer though.

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brian check your pm's

and yeah actually something similar happened to one of my friends last year. she was living iwth this guy... and then he broke up with her. SHe found out weeks later that her best friend from high school was sleepign with him past and present! they moved in a month later and now are engaged!

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Originally posted by flavanugz

ya ive found the new solution of a strict diet of prescriptions, seedy local bars, and much much booze. its a decent temporary fix i guess. i even have trouble taking my mind off it when im spinning beats.

oh btw, u should hear how sweet my new years was.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

p.s. kinda off the topic but i saw the elusive GAY RAY from avalon board at a bar on saturday. and lemme tell ya, he is GAY. good dancer though.

A better temporary fix will be Digweed ripping you a new asshole this friday :D It just sucks.. but people are stupid sometimes. No one's perfect, but come on... stupid is as stupid does I guess.

Dude, did you hear how New Year's ended up in Maine? It was great to go for all three days, but if you just went up for New Year's night, you would NOT have had a good time. It was a serious bummer.

"good dance though" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I really thought he was just an alias! How the hell did you find out he was gay-ray?? Should I be worried over here... what kind of bar were you at? :tongue:

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Originally posted by kaydup

That is just wrong. If that shit went on with my friends, I know for a fact that kid would catch a serious beating from a few people.

Two things here: 1. That kid is a fucko for doing it.

2. That girl is a WHORE.

Makes ya wonder, were they hooking up when they were together hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

werd. it least in vic's book of romance, he shouldve told his friend upfront about it. it sux, but if you break up, you break up, you can hook up w/ anyone and she can hook up with anyone, but since they are roomates and best friends, he shouldve told him upfront what the deal is.

yeah, meathead, this is soooo gay.....:D

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

A better temporary fix will be Digweed ripping you a new asshole this friday :D It just sucks.. but people are stupid sometimes. No one's perfect, but come on... stupid is as stupid does I guess.

Dude, did you hear how New Year's ended up in Maine? It was great to go for all three days, but if you just went up for New Year's night, you would NOT have had a good time. It was a serious bummer.

"good dance though" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I really thought he was just an alias! How the hell did you find out he was gay-ray?? Should I be worried over here... what kind of bar were you at? :tongue:

i was talking to someone about the uber-gay kid at the bar and some chick was like "thats gay ray" and click i found out.

my new years involved me paying a 60 dollar cover, jos starting a fight with me for no reason like 10 minutes before 12 and forcing me to leave the club, me and johnny high fiving in the middle of the road at 12, then going to jillians where i was so pissed i decied to pass out at one of the video games u lay down on, then walking all the way to jimbos from landsdowne cuz i couldnt get a cab and i had left my keys at jims, then jos starting more shit with me at jims, then me going to my car and realizing there was no way in hell i could drive back to NH and went to sleep in my car outside of jimbos on comm ave.


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Originally posted by flavanugz

i was talking to someone about the uber-gay kid at the bar and some chick was like "thats gay ray" and click i found out.

my new years involved me paying a 60 dollar cover, jos starting a fight with me for no reason like 10 minutes before 12 and forcing me to leave the club, me and johnny high fiving in the middle of the road at 12, then going to jillians where i was so pissed i decied to pass out at one of the video games u lay down on, then walking all the way to jimbos from landsdowne cuz i couldnt get a cab and i had left my keys at jims, then jos starting more shit with me at jims, then me going to my car and realizing there was no way in hell i could drive back to NH and went to sleep in my car outside of jimbos on comm ave.


Hey at least you where able to sleep in the car and not on Comm Ave. itself! Dude, you come by my place anytime, I live very close to there and would have been happy to let you stay, silly boy! You need to find out where I live, just in case this ever happens again...

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Originally posted by prplhz

Hey at least you where able to sleep in the car and not on Comm Ave. itself! Dude, you come by my place anytime, I live very close to there and would have been happy to let you stay, silly boy! You need to find out where I live, just in case this ever happens again...

thanks sweetie. i would love to hang with u anytime, send me a pm today. i can gaurantee that i will never put myself in that situation again.

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Originally posted by flavanugz

i was talking to someone about the uber-gay kid at the bar and some chick was like "thats gay ray" and click i found out.

my new years involved me paying a 60 dollar cover, jos starting a fight with me for no reason like 10 minutes before 12 and forcing me to leave the club, me and johnny high fiving in the middle of the road at 12, then going to jillians where i was so pissed i decied to pass out at one of the video games u lay down on, then walking all the way to jimbos from landsdowne cuz i couldnt get a cab and i had left my keys at jims, then jos starting more shit with me at jims, then me going to my car and realizing there was no way in hell i could drive back to NH and went to sleep in my car outside of jimbos on comm ave.


Haha! Gay Ray is an alias - there's not really a flaming gay guy whoring in the bathrooms at Avalon - Rest assured ;)

Nyis - sorry to hear about the deal with your roomates. Totally sucks and Chris P is a complete fucking retard for even comtemplating something like that- you just don't do that to friends. Good luck with the living situation cause to say that "the dynamic of the house might change" is an understatement :(

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Originally posted by kaydup

That is just wrong. If that shit went on with my friends, I know for a fact that kid would catch a serious beating from a few people.

Two things here: 1. That kid is a fucko for doing it.

2. That girl is a WHORE.

Makes ya wonder, were they hooking up when they were together hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Yeah, the kid deserves a serious beating, but I'm not going to go throwing punches at any of my roomates. I'm a lover, not a fighter (and lately I've been neither :tongue:)

I really wouldn't expect this from either of them, but I had a sneaky suspicion something was going on for sure. I really, seriously doubt anything happened before they broke up (Erina was really into Chris M), but who the hell knows. I wouldn't put ANYTHING past him now.

yeah, Vic, this is seriously gay... just like all that porn I found in your soul seek account :tongue::D

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Originally posted by flavanugz

i was talking to someone about the uber-gay kid at the bar and some chick was like "thats gay ray" and click i found out.

my new years involved me paying a 60 dollar cover, jos starting a fight with me for no reason like 10 minutes before 12 and forcing me to leave the club, me and johnny high fiving in the middle of the road at 12, then going to jillians where i was so pissed i decied to pass out at one of the video games u lay down on, then walking all the way to jimbos from landsdowne cuz i couldnt get a cab and i had left my keys at jims, then jos starting more shit with me at jims, then me going to my car and realizing there was no way in hell i could drive back to NH and went to sleep in my car outside of jimbos on comm ave.


:mad: dude, that's fucking awful. I wish you just came up to Maine instead now. That sounds like a horror show of a night if I've ever heard one. Then having to sleep in your car... good God.

We're going to have to party like rock stars this weekend to make up for all of this shit. I see very good times on the horizon... oh, and drugs... lots and lots of drugs. :tongue:

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Originally posted by whadupg

Haha! Gay Ray is an alias - there's not really a flaming gay guy whoring in the bathrooms at Avalon - Rest assured ;)

Nyis - sorry to hear about the deal with your roomates. Totally sucks and Chris P is a complete fucking retard for even comtemplating something like that- you just don't do that to friends. Good luck with the living situation cause to say that "the dynamic of the house might change" is an understatement :(

funny shit that theres a convo going on about this..but anyways IT IS JUST AN ALIAS, THE REAL PERSON REGULARLY POSTS THERE TOO ;)

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wow, the coincidencees with gay ray is too weird because all his friends were saying how he goes to avalon all the time and shit.

anyways, so ya brian dude, we NEED to have this party so i can get fucked up and drop many proper beats on all the tweekers, and if i dont get to hear steve spin i wil kill u.:)

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

oh, and drugs... lots and lots of drugs. :tongue:

This web site is a drug free web site, please refrain from using this type of language in the future....

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Originally posted by prplhz

This web site is a drug free web site, please refrain from using this type of language in the future....

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Thank you!;)

speakin of drugs and websites..

my signature i use, got banned on two websites last night. i had used it on there for weeks and then all of a sudden they dont like it! stupid censorship!!!!:mad:

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Originally posted by flavanugz

wow, the coincidencees with gay ray is too weird because all his friends were saying how he goes to avalon all the time and shit.

anyways, so ya brian dude, we NEED to have this party so i can get fucked up and drop many proper beats on all the tweekers, and if i dont get to hear steve spin i wil kill u.:)

Yeah, I'm going to keep assuming Gay Ray is exactly who I thought he is. Anyone who posts on the Avalon board is gay to being with :tongue:

Yes, I agree, we NEED to have this party. If I were to shake my magic 8 ball and ask it if we're going to have a party, I think the reply would be "It seems so". Things are looking good, but I need final conformation from Chris M before I send out the invite.

Now Tom, I like where you're going with all this negative enegy, but we really need to channel it in a better direction. Instead of killing me, we'll get rip-roaring drunk on Friday, gather up all the pitchforks and torches we can get our hands on, and go destroy my roomate's Honda Civic. When he comes out of the house to see what's going, we'll give him a proper beat-down, then tar and feather while chanting the Zombie Nation song. "oh oh oh oh oh... oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh.. ah oh, ah ah oh".

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Originally posted by prplhz

This web site is a drug free web site, please refrain from using this type of language in the future....

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Thank you!;)

If my DARE knowledge serves me right, tobaccoo and alcohol are also drugs! And you know we're going to be taking care of those this friday... am I in the clear yet??

mmmmm, tobacco :bong: <---- water pipe for tobacco use only

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