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Dating coworkers


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Have you, or would you, ever date a coworker? Was it serious, or just a fling? Were you discreet, or did the entire staff know? How did the staff react? If the relationship failed, how did you handle working in the same environment as the ex? Would you ever date another coworker?

Lots of questions, I know. I'm currently dating a coworker and I'm interested in knowing what my fellow cper's views are on this topic. :)

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Originally posted by mala

Have you, or would you, ever date a coworker? Was it serious, or just a fling? Were you discreet, or did the entire staff know? How did the staff react? If the relationship failed, how did you handle working in the same environment as the ex? Would you ever date another coworker?

Lots of questions, I know. I'm currently dating a coworker and I'm interested in knowing what my fellow cper's views are on this topic. :)

Hun. In my company. I would not even look at a co-worker. there are to many problems. Now if this is something you are looking to do dont take my opinion. It is just that my company has a very strict Sexual Harrasement Policy as well as a Strong EEO policy

( Equal Opp. Emp. ) And what I mean is. If you break up and things end bad. She or he can always screw you royally with the company with all kinds of charges.

As far as any other company and or Job. I still dont think I would because god forbid it does not work out. You have to see that person daily. And work with all the same people that the other person works with and eventually one of you will have to leave. And it is just not easy.

But if things are going good. all my shit that I have said is too late anyway. Ride it out. Enjoy. And I hope everything works out for you!!! :D

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i had the BIGGEST crush on a co-worker a few years back but never pursued it 'cause of the whole "don't dip your pen in the company ink" rule. if things had gone well it would've been inappropriate, and, if they hadn't, i would've had to see him everyday, which would've hurt me too much.

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Originally posted by elementx

Hun. In my company. I would not even look at a co-worker. there are to many problems. Now if this is something you are looking to do dont take my opinion. It is just that my company has a very strict Sexual Harrasement Policy as well as a Strong EEO policy

( Equal Opp. Emp. ) And what I mean is. If you break up and things end bad. She or he can always screw you royally with the company with all kinds of charges.

Yes,,,same deal at my Firm. They even made us watch a video about sexual harassment before we were hired as part of orientation. It was hard to focus, cuz the girl who was procturing us was quite the looker :tongue: . but i was so deterred from thinking about making a move, i just sat there like a good smurf :)

But who knows... i'd say if your office goes out for happy hour, or keeps things fairly casual, anything is possible. Just make sure you don't cross any lines that may be set by either the company or the individual :deal:

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hell me and my assistant used to hook up wit all the girls we work wit. at one time he was dating this girl and i was dating her friend. sometimes other employees could see rite throught it, but they didn;'t care as long as it did't effect work.

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Also this all depends on where you work.

If you work in a Mom and Pops shop. Then have a ball. Cause you will hopefully not be there for ever.

But if you are career oriented and are in a big company. Then I would definately stay away from it. Nothing is worth your career. That may seem shallow. But you cannot support a family without a good / strong career. Why risk it?

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Originally posted by mala

Have you, or would you, ever date a coworker? Was it serious, or just a fling? Were you discreet, or did the entire staff know? How did the staff react? If the relationship failed, how did you handle working in the same environment as the ex? Would you ever date another coworker?

Lots of questions, I know. I'm currently dating a coworker and I'm interested in knowing what my fellow cper's views are on this topic. :)

Hun, I got one thing to say about this, it has served me well over the years. As cold and crude as it may sound,... "Dont shit where you eat!" I know alot of married couples have met and got married from meeting co-workers,... but its like a guy smoking around a keg of TNT... exciting but potentially fatal.. Dont friggin do it, break it up. You will be kicking yaself if the relationship goes to shit. Oh..., did you say you guys have something special? you are the best combo since peanut butter n jelly sandwich?...you go together like dark clouds n rain?. Get over it hun, thats a perfect recipe for a monumental disaster!! Nothing matches a tumoltous condition as working with a lover you just broke up with.... trust me, I have friends who went thru it....trust me, it aint pretty.. But unless you got the staying power or the right connections, avoid that kinda relationship like the plague !!


Then Again.....

just ma opinion....dont make it rite :D

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I haven't ever.. but I work in a law firm and everyone is pretty much about 20 years at least older than I am.. so I dunno..

There are two lawyers there though that I would jump on in a second. One's fresh outta law school but the other's married. :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by codica3

I haven't ever.. but I work in a law firm and everyone is pretty much about 20 years at least older than I am.. so I dunno..

There are two lawyers there though that I would jump on in a second. One's fresh outta law school but the other's married. :laugh: :laugh:

LOL...you sexxy slut you, I want you to think of me the same way too..LOL...Gotta luv a gal who knows what she wants...Hotdamn!!!... Luv CP !!!....:D

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