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ny new york nightlife (what is going on)

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i mean what is the deal with

"limelight "only be open one day now?

"powder" closes after two weeks of being open

now saci is closing and they r doing it over and renaming "show"

i mean what does this mean for "deep", "crobar" and future clubs that will open

and i thouhgt twilo was suppose reopen too?

and when the smoking law goes into affect in march i think they will lose a lot of business

this sucks

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Originally posted by juliet21

i mean what is the deal with

"limelight "only be open one day now?

"powder" closes after two weeks of being open

now saci is closing and they r doing it over and renaming "show"

i mean what does this mean for "deep", "crobar" and future clubs that will open

and i thouhgt twilo was suppose reopen too?

and when the smoking law goes into affect in march i think they will lose a lot of business

this sucks

I dont think clubs will lose business when the smoking law goes into effect. I mean people still want to party. And I am sure if forced to they could deal with a night of not smoking. I mean what else will the smokers do. Stay home play Cd's and smoke. I highly doubt it. NY will adjust to this just like they adjusted to the cost of smoking. Everyone adapts.

As far as everything else closing. Estate I believe just went about things the wrong way. And supposedly the Sunday party is really good. If you are into that type of party. As for the Fri and Sat. Supposedly that is supposed to start up again. Who knows...

But NEW YORK NIGHT LIFE has not been nearly as good as it was in the past. It has been like that for the past 2 or 3 years at least. I mean once Palladium, then followed by Limelights first closing, then tunnels closing, then Twilos closing. I mean all the biggest legends died and the nightlife follows. Hopefully something will spark life back into it. It will never be what is was. But they can at least make an effort.

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Originally posted by tastyt

Everything goes in cycles, and right now we're at a really low point.

PS- Twilo is dead and gone, I wish people would stop talking about it reopening b/c it's never going to happen! Just let it RIP already! :mad:

Preach on!!

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I have unspeakable contempt towards ppl who say things like "the club scene was so great, now it sucks."

You suck. Get the fuck over it bc the great time that you THINK you had was a time that another nightlife snot thought it sucked. Those of you who remenisce about tunnel and twilo are the same ppl who used to get picked on by ppl who remenisced about the old old limelight and club USA and paladium and so on.

give it a couple years...some new cry baby will whine about 'OH, REMEMBER HOW GREAT IMAGINE FRIDAYS WAS???'


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Originally posted by luiskain

I have unspeakable contempt towards ppl who say things like "the club scene was so great, now it sucks."

You suck. Get the fuck over it bc the great time that you THINK you had was a time that another nightlife snot thought it sucked. Those of you who remenisce about tunnel and twilo are the same ppl who used to get picked on by ppl who remenisced about the old old limelight and club USA and paladium and so on.

give it a couple years...some new cry baby will whine about 'OH, REMEMBER HOW GREAT IMAGINE FRIDAYS WAS???'


I am hoping you didnt take me wrong and directed that towards me. Cause I said it isnt the same as what it was. And I dont mean it because of the crowds. I say it because there really is no one spot or 2 spots that really stand out anymore. Except maybe ARC that is considered a " PARTY " Friday Nights. And trust me I know there were way better parties before my time. This is not something I deny. Everyones taste changes as time goes on. And to some people todays parties are great. To others they are not. It all depends on what you are into and what you have experiences. I am the last person to start drama. So dont take it that way...



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Originally posted by luiskain

I have unspeakable contempt towards ppl who say things like "the club scene was so great, now it sucks."

You suck. Get the fuck over it bc the great time that you THINK you had was a time that another nightlife snot thought it sucked. Those of you who remenisce about tunnel and twilo are the same ppl who used to get picked on by ppl who remenisced about the old old limelight and club USA and paladium and so on.

give it a couple years...some new cry baby will whine about 'OH, REMEMBER HOW GREAT IMAGINE FRIDAYS WAS???'


...even if they say that, it still doesnt remotely compare to what it was and i for one will also whine about it because when i spend the same amount of money for what it used to be and now as a consumer anyone has the right. you may not have been around for those days but if you were i guarantee you you would be whining too..

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I just think that its part of time. Everythign evolves- look at cars from 15-20 years ago compared to those made today. You'll get some that say there just arent the same anymore...then you'll get people like me who are addicted to their remote start button that didnt exist 20 years ago! Everything is constantly changing, if we take a step back to look at it....the scene is no different. And no doubt that down the road a number of years we'll all probably be talking about the sick times that we all had at Roxy, Exit, Factory, etc. and how it isnt the same as it 'used to be'.


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All of you make me very sad. A party is what YOU make it. I am assuming you are going out to have a good time. In order to do that, you need good company (ie: a great group of friends) and good music (ie: thumping beats). Since music has come a long way in the past few years, I assume that those of you who are complaining about the NY club scene are just getting tired of the people you are hanging out with. Since I first started hanging out in NYC clubs, music has improved so much. Technology allows super-DJs like JP to do amazing things with sound. If that doesn't continue to blow your mind as it has been blowing my mind at SF for the past eight years, then the problem is YOU, not the clubs. So you can just stay home because your bad attitudes and bored expressions are just bringing the rest of us down.

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Well I don't know about your guys' shit, but the darkside of NYC clubbing is actually doing pretty decent right now.

The turnouts we've been getting lately convinced Shelter to let us have the third floor (and possibly top floor when it warms up) for our Friday nite party. Thankfully, we can finally move out of that Flamingo East shithole since we've seriously outgrown that joint and need the extra space. Plus Shelter said we can play whatever we want on their Phazon, unlike Flamingo which banned me from playing certain styles, so I'll be able to spin some hardcore/gabba every week after 3am.

And Opaline asked us to come do a weekly Wed nite party at their space which should be pretty fun. I just hope they don't recognize me since I puked in their DJ booth one time when I did a guest spot there.

And our once-a-month Sat nite Harlem parties have been bringing in some good numbers lately. These parties are actually my favorite to play for since I get to drop some of the hardest shit you've ever heard for the freakiest people you've ever seen til the sun comes up.

I know these parties aren't on scale with your guys' big clubs, but getting to play the music we want alongside the performances we want for 500+ people on a regular basis is cool with me. Besides, we're the underground and we like it that way.

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Sorry but the dance scene in NY is dead. I end up going to other cities for my fix. But I have to give props to Arc... It's hardcore, no amatuer's allowed. But with no alcohol, and 18&over its a bunch of kids on drugs, but the system is tight.

"It's still the best in the country tho..."

ha ha ha, to say that you have to experience the dance scene in other parts of the country.

From experience, and research I think the big flourishing cities in the dance scene w/i the U.S. are Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Dallas.

For the one that said "don't say miami" uh, last time i checked the winter music conference isn't held in NY!

for those that are interested in lookin at the cali dance scene check out spiritworld dot com.

take a look at some of the pics, the setup and its all trance/house... and sorry no kids allowed.

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As for the smoking ban. They will adjust, clubs in California have outdoor patio's so the smokers just go outside...

But i forgot, with the freezin freakin weather here, I guess, that's out...

well, you are holding somethin on fire, so I guess you can still get your fix.

let others breathe oxygen and not have our clothes stink of the shit you're smokin.

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Originally posted by leftymo

Sorry but the dance scene in NY is dead. I end up going to other cities for my fix. But I have to give props to Arc... It's hardcore, no amatuer's allowed. But with no alcohol, and 18&over its a bunch of kids on drugs, but the system is tight.

"It's still the best in the country tho..."

ha ha ha, to say that you have to experience the dance scene in other parts of the country.

From experience, and research I think the big flourishing cities in the dance scene w/i the U.S. are Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Dallas.

For the one that said "don't say miami" uh, last time i checked the winter music conference isn't held in NY!

for those that are interested in lookin at the cali dance scene check out spiritworld dot com.

take a look at some of the pics, the setup and its all trance/house... and sorry no kids allowed.

Dallas has been going for years now, and I admit ARC may be a little cracko from time to time ( ;) ) but its really not the youngins that you think, its a really all age inclusive vibe. That place just oozes vibe.

Food for thought.

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i'll agree with heretic909, but not just w.r.t. hardcore. yes, we are severely lacking a major venue that can handle the 3000+ crowds that international names can bring, but then again who wants to pay $50 to see some cheeseball british trance dj anyway? even if your drugs are great, there are only so many times you can hear the same anthems.

i'm personally of the opinion that NY is undergoing a clubbing renaissance. with the deaths of the megaclubs there is this vacuum and enterprising promoters have found ways of filling it. It seems the modus operandi is smaller venues during the week - instead of massives that make for a special night out (a la any given weekend @ twilo) we have smaller nights that you can chill and be more social. There is not a single DJ that i want to see that hasn't been to NYC or close by in the past 6 months.

But that doesn't mean that it isn't different/better in other places. In Amsterdam club culture is more mainstream and more accepted. Imagine if we had sensation here - we turned giants stadium into a hard dance storm. we have never had a summer outdoor massive on the order of dance valley (70-90,000 heads) while they broadcast live on MTV and radio. We don't have a Radio 1, which may be cheesy but it makes pseudo-underground dance music accessible to the masses - to hear the new trax as filtered by some world class (and some really shitty) djs - we don't have people calling in to KTU and saying "hey we're heading off to go see Maruo Picotto then going to drive up north for sundissential". Instead we have KTU announcing the winner for free tickets to the "DJ Sasha and DJ Digweed" concert. And we don't have holiday clubbing destinations (Ibiza, Ayia Napa, Thailand) within a short flight, so i get extremely jealous when hearing callers on radio 1 saying they're going to hop over to i-beefa for the weekend.

But these are things that we NEVER had in NYC - and maybe we don't need them, maybe we do, who knows. In the techno community, backlash against drugs is so huge that they're vigilant in keeping out anything that can even be construed as drug paraphanalia by da man (e.g. glowsticks). In Aria, Montreal they have the same cutting-edge techno (spun by the same techno djs) but the vibe of a trance party 3 years ago - no alcohol, only glowsticks. And yes, in Miami they love a good party... but then again that's Miami and this is new york - life isn't always a party - we work hard and we want to play hard.

I don't think NY nightlife sucks or is in a downturn - but we are at a pivotal moment here, where we can collective decide the future of our scene. If you're happy with the way things are then support the clubs, promoters and artists who have been showing you a good time. If you're not, the only alternative you have is to change things - start your own party or shut the fuck up.



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