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ny new york nightlife (what is going on)

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Originally posted by heretic909

And our once-a-month Sat nite Harlem parties have been bringing in some good numbers lately. These parties are actually my favorite to play for since I get to drop some of the hardest shit you've ever heard for the freakiest people you've ever seen til the sun comes up.

can you post or PM me details of this... if i fail my comprehensive exam i think i'm going to have to revert to hardcore lest i risk going postal. its been a long time since i heard some good hard shit...

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dialectics: You made some excellent points. The thing is that those large venues w/ big crowds ARE going on within the United States. To say that its just a U.S. thing is not accurate.

Miami & LA definitely have it going.

LA on New Years has Giant Village, three straight years featuring PVD. Last year was awesome, over 10,000 people, it was huge taking up the LA Sports Arena (old home of the Clippers) and two other outdoor venues, featuring many DJ's including Sasha, Lee Burridge...

This year Giant Village was a little more intimate w/ 7000+ people, and PVD, Howells, Tall Paul (who was awesome), Farina, Crystal Method.

LA however lacks a dance station like KTU, Miami has just assembled one 97 somethin, where they record Tiesto's sets at Club Space.

The other problem for NY is that when a top DJ does come, the cost is up the roof. Oaky, PVD, Tiesto... its usually 25-30 bucks max in all the places I've seen them. Here 50 bucks or more... in a small venue? its just not worth it.

As a dance fanatic I would love for the dance scene to be blazin here, but its just not mainstream. Out here its about lounges, social clicks, and networking. not dancing your ass off, without a worry in the world until the sun comes up.

I'll have to wait until Feb 20 when PVD comes to Avalon in Boston, and i'll drive up.

I'd love to go to WMC this year, but won't be able to...

I'd even be willing to say Washington D.C.'s dance scene is kinda happening, I mean they do have Ferry Corsten as a resident at Glow.

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"Dallas has been going for years now"

Actually I doubt many have scene the adds, but Texas is doing an ad campaign to try and generate revenue through tourism. So they've made commercials.

And of course everyone thinks of texas as the cowboys, oil, etc... So their add features a couple taking a stroll on an ol horse carriage doin the nice sweet little texan things... and then they say, let's go dance...

you expect them to go line dancing, and just then they pull up to a club, blastin hard house. It's sweet... their gimmic is texas isn't what you think it is...

But if the state does a promo featuring their dance scene, you know its bumpin there.

Isn't Bad Boy Bill from Texas? He is ranked amongst the elite DJ's in the world (even though not exactly my taste)

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the NYC club scene isn't dead. It's what you make of it. The talent is there. Look at the line-up that Arc had this past year, or even Exit at some points, or Roxy towards the end of the year, or Centro every thurday and every other smaller club the city has to offer. It's crazy. What sucks is people's attitudes about going out nowadays. I don't know what there is to bitch about. We live in or around the biggest and greatest city in existence. The nightlife is certainly no exception. Enjoy it, or bitch about how it isn't what it used to be.

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Sorry, I'm an objective out of towner now currently residing here. And I'll tell you it stinks by first hand knowledge!

I'm comparing it to other cities. And yes its what I make of it, but I've brought others from elsewhere out here exclusively for the dance scene and they've been disappointed.

I'm sure there are some that have seen the changes in NY's nightlife, but I haven't witnessed them.

NY is almost exclusively about lounges/bars/networking and hip hop. That's all.

I went to arc when Marco V was spinning and at 3 am I was surprised how dead it was in there. I was very impressed by the venue itself, and the sound system (b/c the others in NY, that I've seen were god awful). It was intense, too bad nobody was there. More evidence that the scene is dead.

Roxy losing its dance night, clubs like Limelight, Twilo, and others shuttin down, and the fact that most if not all lounges exclusively cater to hip hop is all the evidence I need to show that the dance scene in NY is dying or dead.

The DJ's do make it out here, but I'd expect that, they do make it out to other cities as well.

I guess I'm used to better where I come from, there is a dance scene here, but not up to par w/ my own expectations.

A large venue, good crowd, not all drugged up, no kids, great sound system, decent lighting.

Is that too much to ask? apparently in NY it is. The biggest & greatest city apparently is lacking in a huge department.

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Originally posted by dialectics

can you post or PM me details of this... if i fail my comprehensive exam i think i'm going to have to revert to hardcore lest i risk going postal. its been a long time since i heard some good hard shit...

The Hidden Shadows party is gonna be Jan 25th at 2234 3rd Ave btwn 121 & 122nd Sts. There's a strict dress code for these parties, but we can play past 4am there. More info at http://hiddenshadowsrod.com

And for a weekly dose of hardcore, check out the third floor of Shelter every Friday starting Jan 24th. I'll be playin some Rotterdam-type stuff towards the end of the nite every week. 18+ and no dress code for this party. More info at http://funhouseparty.com

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we still have JUNIOR!! Loyal to NY, creates the NY Sound, has that diverse NY crowd. Other cities are missing that diversity that makes NY a unique place. He is unique with all his own mixes and music, evolves with the times still a Superstar after 15 years. There are places to go (Roxy Sat. nights, Estate, Sun. Nights, Earth, and Be Yourself, but it seems a lot of people on this board are homophobic. NY is recovering from the Guliani days of drug busts and shut downs. He knocked three legendary clubs out Tunnel, Limelight, and Twilo. With economic times low people can't go out without money. In the 90's when those clubs flourished it seemed everyone had money everyone had jobs in that DOT com economy. With terrorism, war, and bad economy its an overall tough time.

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Originally posted by leftymo

Sorry, I'm an objective out of towner now currently residing here. And I'll tell you it stinks by first hand knowledge!

I'm comparing it to other cities. And yes its what I make of it, but I've brought others from elsewhere out here exclusively for the dance scene and they've been disappointed.

I'm sure there are some that have seen the changes in NY's nightlife, but I haven't witnessed them.

NY is almost exclusively about lounges/bars/networking and hip hop. That's all.

I went to arc when Marco V was spinning and at 3 am I was surprised how dead it was in there. I was very impressed by the venue itself, and the sound system (b/c the others in NY, that I've seen were god awful). It was intense, too bad nobody was there. More evidence that the scene is dead.

Roxy losing its dance night, clubs like Limelight, Twilo, and others shuttin down, and the fact that most if not all lounges exclusively cater to hip hop is all the evidence I need to show that the dance scene in NY is dying or dead.

The DJ's do make it out here, but I'd expect that, they do make it out to other cities as well.

I guess I'm used to better where I come from, there is a dance scene here, but not up to par w/ my own expectations.

A large venue, good crowd, not all drugged up, no kids, great sound system, decent lighting.

Is that too much to ask? apparently in NY it is. The biggest & greatest city apparently is lacking in a huge department.

I like the out of town perspective. Thanks for sharing. I hope it's just complete. You speak of the 'name' places that out of towners probably hear about. I mean I have heard people from L.A. come in to town and say they want real NYC nightlife, 'Let's go to Webster Hall'. Based on that, I would say NYC sucks too.

Have you been to Centro-Fly? What's your opinion of that? Shelter? Just curious if you are saying that it sucks here because places like Twilo or Limelight are dead so there is no huge venue but are not factoring in the smaller venues that can more than make up for that, i.e. Centro...

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I think what CWA pointed out about the economy is a really big point. When the money was flowing, so were the drinks, the drugs, and the good times.

On this board I've heard a lot of mention of overall lower volumes of people going out, and that if anything is enough to stop investors from putting together a new Mega-club that has been asked for here so much.

And if there is to be a new mega-club anyway, what is to say that it wouldn't become over-exposed immediately like Exit. I agree there has been a trend towards smaller more intimate venues, but that may not be so bad.

Arc is slamming, has a great system and a sick lineup, but still can't fill the place for DJ's like Jeff Mills, Marco V, even Piccotto wasn't that crowded, .... well this IS the international talent. If it can't fill Arc in this city, then why all the cries for a bigger venue?

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johnnyutah: I've only been here a few months, but I go out almost every weekend trying to "catch up" and check out different places.

I haven't been to Centro-fly there, but some that know me say that I will like it. I know DJ Dan was there when I first got here, so perhaps that maybe a venue I will like. I've never heard of Shelter...

My problem is knowing the names of all the places.. I've asked several times on this board, and the fact that the club names change like there's no tomorrow its tough keeping track with Vinyl/Arc or Exit no Exit 2, etc...

I look forward to Centrofly though.

As for the crying for a bigger venue. I'm not saying NY needs a bigger venue. Like you said, Arc isn't filling up for Marco V. I can guarentee you if he's in LA, it would. Hence there the dance life is in full swing. Here is isn't.

More proof that the dance scene is dead or dying. Another thing, the big clubs here in an attempt to draw in more of a crowd have gone to 18&over.

In other cities where the dance scene is kickin, they don't need to do that, the big clubs fill up w/ 21& over. Having a venue 18&over can be a strong deterrant for a mature crowd.

And while smaller venues are more intimate and may provide the same quality of music, it doesn't fit my taste, when I'm a little intoxicated, I like to wander around, disappear, go from one place to another...different faces, different rooms, different music, different ambience... enhances the overall experience.

I don't think its necessary to whine & complain about the NY scene but I'd strongly recommend those to check out Miami, LA, even Vegas does an all dance weekend for Labor Day Weekend. All clubs play exclusively trance/house/electronic, its called Pimp&Ho and features celebrities (tommy lee was there last year) and its pretty decent. I don't think they have international DJ's there, but they might.

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Originally posted by heretic909

at the very least, you gotta be all in black, but more creative attire is encouraged (cyber, fetish, graver, etc.). no blue jeans, sports wear or sneakers

i think i can handle that... do you remember the click&drag parties at mother? omfg that was fun as hell.

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Originally posted by heretic909

Well I don't know about your guys' shit, but the darkside of NYC clubbing is actually doing pretty decent right now.

The turnouts we've been getting lately convinced Shelter to let us have the third floor (and possibly top floor when it warms up) for our Friday nite party. Thankfully, we can finally move out of that Flamingo East shithole since we've seriously outgrown that joint and need the extra space. Plus Shelter said we can play whatever we want on their Phazon, unlike Flamingo which banned me from playing certain styles, so I'll be able to spin some hardcore/gabba every week after 3am.

And Opaline asked us to come do a weekly Wed nite party at their space which should be pretty fun. I just hope they don't recognize me since I puked in their DJ booth one time when I did a guest spot there.

And our once-a-month Sat nite Harlem parties have been bringing in some good numbers lately. These parties are actually my favorite to play for since I get to drop some of the hardest shit you've ever heard for the freakiest people you've ever seen til the sun comes up.

I know these parties aren't on scale with your guys' big clubs, but getting to play the music we want alongside the performances we want for 500+ people on a regular basis is cool with me. Besides, we're the underground and we like it that way.

SHelter/Speed.. should get torched down.. i almolst got arrested at that shithole last time i was there for Joy i think it was.. anyway the bouncers there are more gangsta then some of the niggas on 125th.. and what the FUCK is up with their ventilation?? i almost sufficted in there.. THR ROOF THE ROOF THE ROOF IS ON FIRE< WE DONT NEED NO WATER LET THE MOTHER FUCKER BURN!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by heretic909

at the very least, you gotta be all in black, but more creative attire is encouraged (cyber, fetish, graver, etc.). no blue jeans, sports wear or sneakers

even if u a ex-goth?? haha im sure i could still walk up into any one of those parties wearin my northface and timbs and be comped in.. *flings hair back* " absolutely fabulous darlinnn":rock:

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its all gulliani's fault.. he got all the best clubs in nyc shutdown.. and then alotta people stopped goin out. cuz there was nowhere to go, besides the obviously tacky clubs we got left. and yeah sure, they may have a good dj spinnin there once in a while, but the crowd is horrid.. and when the crowd is horrid, the vibe is horrid, and when the vibe is horrid, its kinda hard to have fun... even if hte music is bangin.. id rather listen to my walkman then deal with the crowd at places liek SF or the new Limelight... but hey thats just the opinion of a klub kid whos been goin out for 8 years.. and with all these anit-drug anti-smoke anti-dance anti-rave laws bein passed, things arent lookin any better in the future.. i hate to be pessimistic. but it just FEELS DEAD>> i remember the feeling i got when i used to walk into tunnel everysaturday.. coutin down the days... the butterflies in my stomach.. now its like "UGHHHHHHH.. i guess ill go, i have a comp, and drink tikets all nite long.. so i might aswell.. ":blown:

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Originally posted by dialectics

i think i can handle that... do you remember the click&drag parties at mother? omfg that was fun as hell.

ya know, i think i'm the only one that couldn't stand that place. whenever someone's talking about how fun mother was, i have to keep myself from rolling my eyes or else listen to a backlash of "omg are you fuckin serious?"

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yeah apparently you're the minority opinion on that one... it was fun. i did the goth/industrial thing for a little while, then got into black metal, then anything with a distorted 909, then hard trance, and the rest is history... i cried when save the robots and coney island high closed.

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Originally posted by dialectics

yeah apparently you're the minority opinion on that one... it was fun. i did the goth/industrial thing for a little while, then got into black metal, then anything with a distorted 909, then hard trance, and the rest is history... i cried when save the robots and coney island high closed.

mother was pretty dope.. but i was always a Bank person myself.. when CIH died... st.marks DIED

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Originally posted by kandykidkilla

but i was always a Bank person myself..

Believe it or not i never went to the bank - all of my little goth friends said that place was played... so sadly i never had the experience.

and though they all got married or dropped off the face of the earth when exedor moved to the bank, at least some part of them were wishing their words were sweet becuase they had to eat them.

when CIH died... st.marks DIED


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