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Anyone know if Carl Cox will be there again?


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if pod says carl cox will be here for conference then i put my money on carl cox bringing many smiles to miami very soon. pod one question for you. what break-beat parties will there be this year during conference? i want to hear freq nasty...hybrid...tayo...koma & bones.....james zabiela...cass.......evil nine......i wanna throw down my adidas and my sweats and FINALLY dance to some sick ass breaks......

carl cox =total dancefloor happiness

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It'd be confirmed or denied by now if he wasn't showing up, barring any accidents, etc...why wouldn't a big DJ (no pun intended) like Big Carl show up to WMC? Think about it, he'd be missing out on a very big paycheck.

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No disrespect Poddy but you should check your facts.

I am head of programing for a large euro dance company and live and breath the scene.I don't spread rumours or lies,I am the seeker of truth & justice.

Now as far as we know in europe Carl Cox is not coming to Miami winter Conference....

How do I know this?

Because I have just booked him to play in Holland on the 29th March2003 and I asked his agent.

Now lets see who knows best Poddy or Larry....mmm Pod a chap who seems to me to spend most of his time dissing this and that....or Larry Largefellow professional DJ programer. lol...

Pod mate you should stick to dissing night clubs and leave the forcast to those who know...

go to http://www.trustthedj.com/carlcox/

peace from the Large One

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Anyone can come on here and post that though. I don't care if you do programming for every radio station on Mars and are the seeker of the Britney Spears/Anna K. porn There's no "Hey guys I'm skipping conference" statement from Carl or his label/managment yet, so I'm banking on the fact that he'll come.

Besides, the 29th is 3 or 4 days after WMC...Carl could do what he's gotta here, and fly out to your little event in Holland.

I'm not saying he's confirmed, I'm just telling people it's not official yet. And while I may not be Mr. Programmer, I do work in the scene, and have my own sources as well.

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I am not just anybody pod m8 as I said b4 .....I live and breath the scene...The little party in Holland you talk about is a 25,000 people shake down (this might sound big headed but this is normal in Holland)...now think about it for a moment...maybe I am just some forum freak who's posting blah blah...or maybe I am somebody with almost 20 years of party production behind me....At the end of the day lets see who was right....:D :D :D

(take it easy mate ...some times bigger boys come along and take your sweets away... deal with it and move on)

go to http://www.udc.nl & see

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I'm not saying you're not who you say you are...I'm just skeptical of anything posted on here. Too many rumours get started on here that are so hard to shake down once they get out. I'd rather see on carlcox.com "Sorry guys, I'm not making WMC this year because I'm scheduled for a big party in Holland that my friend Larry's throwing" than a random post on here. I could come on here claiming I fucked Christina Aguilera, ya know...

If you can link me to something like that, I'll shut up. But for now, I'm thinking Big Carl will be here for conference.

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Respect to your new & improved tone.....Here is the break down....."He is not coming"...I just got a message from his agent...Carl Cox will be in Europe during conference............(Iam not happy about this as I thought I had a outside chance of bringing him to a event)...No Carl during confrence...please do not stone me for knowing these things in advance..I am the seeker of truth & justice...Its not my fault....

Pe@ce from the Large One...

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go to carls gig diary

Event: 287

Venue: 287 Studio

Location: Paris, France

Saturday 08 March Event: Angels of Love

Venue: Angels of Love

Location: Napoli, Italy

Saturday 22 March Event: Sluzewiec

Venue: Sluzewiec

Location: Warsaw, Poland

Saturday 29 March Event: Brabbenthal

Venue: Brabbenthal

Location: Den Bosch, Holland

belive the seeker as he will bring you justice.....(i am sure you will have something say back as its in your nature)

Pe@ce from the Large One

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Well the fact that the USA once again is teetering on the brink of International conflict, with an idiotic warmonger trying to out do the insanity of his father might have some knock-on effect regarding the attendance of guests and performing artists...

...belligerence is ignorance...

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Michel de Heij

I've been hearing alot about this guy. I heard he just signed with Cosmack .. Diggers and Coxy's agency in the UK. I hope we do get to see him stateside. Do you have any promo packs for him?

Contact me via pm if anything.


Ramon C.


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Michel is born & bred in Rotterdam Holland,he owns & runs Imaculate Music / EC recordings & a long running Tech-House/Techno night called FUTURE.

As a DJ he is second to none and can give the best of them a musical slapping and as a producer he has the likes of Car Cox, Dave Clarke, Josh Wink & more playing his tunes.

A very down to earth chap who is easy going and professional.

go to http://www.micheldeheij.nl for more info

Pe@ce from the Large One

PS Jakeaway

The reason Carl is not coming is non- political....just like this forum.

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Originally posted by jakeaway

Well the fact that the USA once again is teetering on the brink of International conflict, with an idiotic warmonger trying to out do the insanity of his father might have some knock-on effect regarding the attendance of guests and performing artists...

...belligerence is ignorance...

Nobody I know is skipping out of conference because of Curious George.

While I'm all for leveling Iraq, it has nothing to do with conference.

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keep a watch out on INTEC's site, and check out everything about this year's Winter Music Conference in Miami, Florida. It's almost definate that he'll appear at least a half a dozen times in Miami the week of March 18-22!!! . Stay tuned.

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for somebody who only has 11 posts you sure talk alot of shit. like i said before.....i'll listen to pod as he knows his music the scene with his heart and soul. carl cox will be here during conference. if you got anything to say about look for the big ass motherfucking roider with the tight shirt this friday night @ crobar dancing his arse off to nick warren. try talking some shit to my face homeboy and i'll fucking kick ur ass all around the fucking club.

now stop dissing pod who is a true pioneer in our scene homeboy. with 11 posts to your credit you sure do know how to make friends. damn i hate fucking people like you. who think you know so much. let me find out who you are homeboy your fucking ass is mine.

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larrylarge - For someone who claims to be this person of such great and infamous stature as you yourself do, you sure have a lot of time to be 'playing' around on this board. Why do you feel it neccesary to try to be 'the man' here on this board on The Internet?

If you were/are 'the man' you would have made one or two posts an left it at that. This constant bantering back and forth with others here is pointless. Why don't we all just wait and see just where Carl Cox will be during the WMC and let that speak for itself? This is a bit childish of you larrylarge. You wouldn't be engaging in this "No... no! I'm 'the man'!!! This is where Carl Cox will be!!! I'm 'the man'!!! I know these things!!!" if you were 'the man'. This talk of you knowing his agent and your experience and wisdom in the scene is funny. What do you have here to prove? Ae you an old balding man who is now feeling insecure about yourself or what? I guess I just don't understand your insecurities and how they are so blatantly projected here. If your dick is that small then go buy an Viper or a Corvette...

Your attitude smacks of that of a 'wannabe'.

Just my opinion of your posts so far...

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Sorry.....If I upest you and Pod.This was never my intention,but sometimes it happends.Please forgive me.

As for the other fellow I am also truly sorry for offending you with my show off attitude,you are so right about the small member thing & the bald head.I am proberly more of a "wish I was " than a 'wanna be' but all the same you are spot on.

I am vey small fry.

Please forgive me

I would like to say sorry and take back all the inside info on Mr Cox, as this was a unwise move, I can now see this could lead to death at the hands of some very upset people.

Also am very sorry to all members of this forum and all forums members in forums all around the world.

Pe@ce from the Large One.

PS Wil I still get beaten up at crowbar?

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What the fuck is the deal with you low life fucking bastards that think you can come on this fucking forum and and start a fucking fight with Larry. Are you sick in the fucking head. Didn't your mom ever teach you some god damm fucking manners on how to react with people. You now put yourself lower than what you think Larry is, by eating him alive. That's because you fucking feel great and all powerful that you know the fucking scene.


And for your fucking information, I"M A NEW MEMBER, coming on this forum thinking I can read some vital information and try to build a network with new people. What do I get. LOWLIFE's like: pyrrosdimas & mrmovement33, disturbing the scene with hostility and causing unnessesary RAGE. FUCK THIS SHIT.

You want to know the real facts and politics about this scene, LARRYLARGE. He's been in the scene when you where still in Mama's womb swiming like a GUPY.



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it's all good larrylarge. i am sorry for threatening to beat you down. that was very unclassy of me. as you can see the anger of not getting to hear carl cox was deeply inside of me. it's all good my friend. anyone who knows me knows that i am not the kind of person to beat somebody up. i welcome anymore posts from you. don't worry i am bald as well. mother nature has not been kind to me in that respect.

the bottom line is that we are all brothers and sisters in the scene. we all love the music and love to dance and have all of our problems and stresses taken away by beautiful electronic music. hope to meet you someday and spark you up to a bowl of crippy. so we can laugh about the anger of not getting to hear one of the most exciting and special dj's in the world.

peace out


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It is all cool and the gang.

I totaly understand your thing about Carl Cox not coming this year.I had excactly the same thing happen to us last year at the

Dance Valley 2002 festival in Holland.

This is the one event we have in our small country that normaly

gets the pick of the worlds best DJ/producers.Last year we lost both Carl Cox & Tiesto to the Moby tour in the states.

As head of programing for the event quite a few people saw it as my fault and I had to lie low for a bit....(realy...some Tiesto fans got truly scary).

Tiesto will play a SOLO set in Holland may 10th this year to 35,000 people....this might give you some idea of how big the man is in his own counrty.

We are prehaps a little more open in the Dutch scene about these matters of who's playing and who's not and because of our location in Europe we are truly blessed when it comes to hearing top talent in all areas of Dance.

(plus we realy do have the best bad boy killer skunk on the planet)

As for talking to much on the forum,this might be true for few reasons...

I am new to the whole internet thing still & find it very usefull

in many areas of both my work and play.I am also truly looking foward to the conference this year & spend a lot of time in contact with our production team in the USA.

Healthy honest debate in the scene is always good.

As for the cars....I can't drive.......I own a little red scooter with the words"Top Boy" on the panel....LOL (realy)

:D :D


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i know tiesto is an amazing dj to be voted world's#1 dj this year. over sasha & john digweed. i still unfotunately have not heard him. fearing that he would spin too much trance. then i was ignorant as our own george acosta here in miami has enlightened me to trance once again. i hear tiesto works magic behind the decks. hope to catch him someday.

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