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How Much Allowance Did You Get When You Were A Kid?

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i got $5 a week but only if i vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned my room and dusted on top of that, i wasnt allowed anywhere til it was done

once i graduated grammar school (13 yrs old) i was made to get a job answering phones at my church which i did for 3 years

the sad part about this is I AM SOOOO NOT EXAGGERATING

my lil brother is 17 just got a brand new car, $50 a week and all he does is play video games


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Originally posted by crackaa55cece

i got $5 a week but only if i vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned my room and dusted on top of that, i wasnt allowed anywhere til it was done

definatly feel ya. To got my allowance i had to answer phones all day at my uncles shop when i was like 10 -13. The only call he would get was every 1/2 hr him or my dad would call to check and see if i was ok while they were at the track in the mean time he would give me these " character building " tasks.

cut down a 12 in diameter tree with a hack saw.

break the concrete out of a mason dump with like a 12 z hammer.

All this stupid shit that would take all day

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