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check em out: "The roof" Underground Music & Clubbing


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"The Roof" is a new (underground music & clubbing) tv show on the national cable/satelite network "Mun2". They've done some features & interviews on some of today's biggest in the industry.. (Deep Dish, PVD, Okie, Satoshie, etc...)

Their show airs Monday - Friday from 8-10pm.

Lets round up and give these guys some support.. They are workin' on building & supporting our Underground music & clubbing scene here in the US & that only means they deserve our backing...

They've also recently featured & interviewed some of our finest locals in Oscar G, Edgar V, Stryke & Roland. www.djoscarg.com Tune in on Friday nights if you are sittin' behind the tube or just before headin' out...

See the websites below for more detail...



If you've caught their show, let the rest of us know what you think...

Dave & the roof Staff-

Keep up the good work, I'm behind ya all the way!! :aright:

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Guest saleen351

putting "underground" club scene on tv, makes it commercial.... just like 93.1, space will never get the respect of being an underground club, since they sell out 3 hours a week. NO CLUBS IN NYC OR NJ GO LIVE FROM THE CLUB, EVER!!!!! You wanna hear beats, then you listen to prerecorded sets or you go out...

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Originally posted by saleen351

putting "underground" club scene on tv, makes it commercial.... just like 93.1, space will never get the respect of being an underground club, since they sell out 3 hours a week. NO CLUBS IN NYC OR NJ GO LIVE FROM THE CLUB, EVER!!!!! You wanna hear beats, then you listen to prerecorded sets or you go out...

Your "positive" attitude never ceases 2 amaze me:rolleyes: :blank:

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by sunnyhost

Your "positive" attitude never ceases 2 amaze me:rolleyes: :blank:

how can anyone think positive when it comes to the current state of clubs in south florida?

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Give 93.1 & shows like The Roof a break.. I mean, before stations or tv shows like this exsisted, we had nothing but Pop & Hip Hop oriented Networks like MTV & radio Stations like Power 96.

Some of these guys are only tryin' to help the scene if you ask me. Example: give 93.1 credit for keeping the sunday global broadcast alive. It might not be much in your eyes, but at least they are working in something real.

If "The Roof" features some of our local guys like Oscar, Roland, Edgar & Stryke thats obviously a good thing... Further more, having a few of the big boys as well (Deep Dish, PVD, Satoshie, etc..) doesn't hurt...

I mean, if they influence a few hundred, new "would-be" supporters in the Miami-dade county area, that's a good thing & it's a start...

Much like "the scene" needs new Djs & music evolution, it also needs new crowds to provide support, in order for guys like Oscar, Roland, Edgar & Stryke to stay in business...;)

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by biznation00

Give 93.1 & shows like The Roof a break.. I mean, before stations or tv shows like this exsisted, we had nothing but Pop & Hip Hop oriented Networks like MTV & radio Stations like Power 96.

Some of these guys are only tryin' to help the scene if you ask me. Example: give 93.1 credit for keeping the sunday global broadcast alive. It might not be much in your eyes, but at least they are working in something real.

If "The Roof" features some of our local guys like Oscar, Roland, Edgar & Stryke thats obviously a good thing... Further more, having a few of the big boys as well (Deep Dish, PVD, Satoshie, etc..) doesn't hurt...

I mean, if they influence a few hundred, new "would-be" supporters in the Miami-dade county area, that's a good thing & it's a start...

Much like "the scene" needs new Djs & music evolution, it also needs new crowds to provide support, in order for guys like Oscar, Roland, Edgar & Stryke to stay in business...;)

what the scene needs is: give stryke his own sat night, 12am till 6am, then we'll talk about this tv show... until then space caters to the crowd that likes big names, not talented ones.. Jimmy t opening, and og and roland on the patio....

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Originally posted by saleen351

putting "underground" club scene on tv, makes it commercial.... just like 93.1, space will never get the respect of being an underground club, since they sell out 3 hours a week. NO CLUBS IN NYC OR NJ GO LIVE FROM THE CLUB, EVER!!!!! You wanna hear beats, then you listen to prerecorded sets or you go out...

dude, do us a favor and go "underground" with Osama and listen to some beats there. :D

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Originally posted by saleen351

what the scene needs is: give stryke his own sat night, 12am till 6am, then we'll talk about this tv show... until then space caters to the crowd that likes big names, not talented ones.. Jimmy t opening, and og and roland on the patio....

Obviously THIS thick headed guido has been fist pumped too many times in the head to realize that LUIS PUIG IS A TRANCE FANATIC!!!! WHAT DO YOU FUCKING THINK HE BROUGHT ACOSTA TO SPIN! WHY IS EDGAR STILL AROUND! WHY IS PADILLA AROUND TOO! dude...u are about as useless as it gets...

face facts...nobody will pack space to hear techno..and luis knows it. besides...if i were greg i would go someplace intimate and not well known...that way they can give him what he deserves and he can build the place up with his own type of music...and get started much like deep dish and oscar g.

LP understands that the music business is changing and so is music itself...but to take something totally left field and put the future of your club behind it is not something that ANY club owner would do...you start off with a small deterrant...then when the people take it...you bring in more...and more...and soon enough they evolve into a crowd that is into a new type of electronic music.

if i were stryke..however...i would go one night to maze ... go ask marcus to talk to him privately in the bathroom...hit him over the head with a stack of records...and go back to the booth and mix:D you would see that place light up instantly!

now...with a new club...thats what they need

something new...or different...and i think stryke would fit the bill for them.

just my 2 (more like 20) cents


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for those with Direct Tv, its channel 410. i just caught a glimpse of the show, FINE women. Felix Sama it appears is the host of the show. Today they have a hip hop/reggae dj on the show. it cant be electronic music all 5 days i guess. nothing wrong that...

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Saleen, i talk with label heads of under ground dance labels pretty much every other day & they are collectivly shitting their pants right now. the world of recorded music is in the worst place it has ever been & the underground suffers the most. even commercial hip hop which has become a world wide phenomena, has slipped in sales by over 20% this past year. the reason for this is: a CD is just not worth $18, especially when you only want 1 or 2 of the tracks. i'm not going to get into the whole debate about how much the majors labels suck, distributors suck, downloading is killing every one, the market is flooded w/ crap music & the whole industry is corrupt.

i will say this however. you can expose yourself to a wide audience & at the same time mantain your integrity. those who do at the expense of their creativity & integrity will always suck. those who do it well will survive. those who do not will die. is that underground enough for ya.

it's our job to wade thru the crap.

my 3 cents... tomas

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I've seen The Roof a few times now and it has always been a pretty cool show ... mixture of hip-hop, reggae and dance music. Thankfully they also speak in English like 80% of the time ... so gringos like me can follow the interviews and such :D

I've seen much better music videos on that channel then I have on MTV, that's for sure. They're a more specialized market so they can do something a little different. Just the fact that they had Merly B on there spinning d'n'b on NewYearsEve gives me hope ... you'd never see that on other channels (except maybe a3, which also seems to have a good grasp on the more accessible Underground styles). It can only be good for the local DJs if they give us a chance. Don't talk shit on them before you've even seen the show ... that just reveals your ignorance.

Like tbooty said, so long as the artists stay true to their sound and do their set/interview/video sincerely, the music can only benefit from the exposure.

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Originally posted by tbooty

i will say this however. you can expose yourself to a wide audience & at the same time mantain your integrity. those who do at the expense of their creativity & integrity will always suck. those who do it well will survive. those who do not will die. is that underground enough for ya.

it's our job to wade thru the crap.

my 3 cents... tomas

You are so right Tom. People who "prostitute" their talent hurt the true essence of any scene.

I watched the show in more detail. I'll rather search the web for coverage. The formatt is more "hood" than anything else. Wannabees in search of exposure to become commercial. Where does electronic music benefit from this?:confused: I didn't invent the wheel nor want to, but are you guys serious??:rolleyes:;)

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Guest saleen351

well i have friends that are big name djs and produce and work at labels.

but the first people to blame for the lack of sales in club music, is the djs and producers. Those idiots can't keep the tracks from leaking... Even the most anticipated track for the upcomming wmc is on a live mix..... not smart.. why buy a club cd when its months old or everyone is ripping it. i'd rather buy it then rip it, but i'm not gonna wait 5 months..

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