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Fucking Jets!!!!!!!!

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can someone please tell me what the fuck that pussy motherfucker pennington was doing all goddamn day?!?!? kid looked like he switched his arm with some quadrapalegic still birth asshole. WTF!!!! every opportunity they had today, whether it was pennington or moss or coles or anderson, they just took themselves outta the game.

and don't let me hear that they got beat by a better team. as much as i love the raiders, the jets shoulda crushed them.

someone pass me some tissues.

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Dogekid...There is no Bigger JETS fan than myself....I am really pissed at that little bitch...he better start a heavy off season cycle Moss & Coles need to hold on to the fucking ball......

Its over...! Anyway, one of my Iron Brothers just called me and said he was.... "sorry about the JETS but at least you wont be going to parties and you can concentrate on your Training" -----NJbigtime

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only thing i have left to do that relates to the jets this season is to murder phil simms for being the worst commentator and biggest fucking retart on national television. never has the first clue what he's talking about. nothing but pure hatred for him and his ugly son.

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Originally posted by dogekid

only thing i have left to do that relates to the jets this season is to murder phil simms for being the worst commentator and biggest fucking retart on national television. never has the first clue what he's talking about. nothing but pure hatred for him and his ugly son.

:laugh: :laugh:

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i was in a bar in the city today watching the game with some friends. Now im not a football fan so wasnt really that into it, but it was fun watching everyone screaming and rooting for the team. and oh yeah.... wtf was pennington doing? he couldnt fucking throw the ball to save his life :mad:my freind was very upset they lost, i think she almost cried, lol

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If it weren't for Pennington, the Jets wouldn't have even been in the playoffs so why don't you cut the guy some slack. He's a young kid playing in his first playoffs, he was bound to make some mistakes. Would you have preferred Vinny to start?

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Originally posted by Kermzy

If it weren't for Pennington, the Jets wouldn't have even been in the playoffs so why don't you cut the guy some slack. He's a young kid playing in his first playoffs, he was bound to make some mistakes. Would you have preferred Vinny to start?

OMG you beat me to it girl.

Wake the fuck up you so call Jets fans!!!!

Yea, it sucks they lost, but like Kermzy said if it wasn't for Chad ,they would of been out of the play offs picture by week 12!!!!!

Now everybody is so quick to jump down this guy's throat!!!!

The "black hole" ain't an easy place to win for any QB in that kind of atmoshere!!!! Chad is the one who is going to bring us to the Super Bowl in the near future ,so you all should shut your mouths.

Nobody is perfect, even myself.

Then I had these assholes at the bar last night telling me "kid can't win a big game" "you see" I don't, I guess the last 3 do or die games the Jets played, before this past sunday weren't considered "big games" .

Jets future looks more then great, I liked the way Chad handle himself at the end of the game, a good sport. He grabbed Coles at the end and it looked like he had a deep touching talk, he probaly told him that this is just the start of it, we'll be back.

I can't wait for next year when he gets a whole season to give the Jets homefield in the play offs. He did take over a team that was 1-3 and going in the wrong direction and took them back on track. I'm really pissed about this lost too, but I got my head up high with Jets pride because I know we will be back strong in sept 2003, so all the other fucking fuckface teams in the NFL better watch the fuck out. JETS JETS JETS .

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i already told my old man to make sure he renews his 20 year old season tickets cuz they will be goin to the bowl next year. minus any unforseen injuries, there is not a single doubt in my mind.

in the meantime, i'll just have to root for my boys in black in silver.

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