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WMC plans update????


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Originally posted by revaluation

fuck that. I don't give a shit about the vibe or the people. SnD could play in my back yard and I'd have a blast. Not to mention its benn forever since we've seen 'em...the weekly sets just ain't cuttin it for me...:(

Dunno dude, its gonna be a tough toss-up for me if the Tronic party is the same night.

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Originally posted by revaluation

fuck that. I don't give a shit about the vibe or the people. SnD could play in my back yard and I'd have a blast. Not to mention its benn forever since we've seen 'em...the weekly sets just ain't cuttin it for me...:(

of course you'd have a blast if it was in your backyard - duh :tongue:

I'll probably go to this. I haven't seen Digweed in almost a year. Decisions, decisions!

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i'm sure S&D will be great, but it will get MEGA packed, but we just need to wait until the official line ups come out, but were all going to have to make some tuf decisions in choosing one party over another, it will just come down to who do you really want to see more?

for me if tronic and s&d are the same night, i'm choosing tronic, 'cos i love techno and there isnt a lot of it around here, and a lot of these dj's dont leave europe almost at all through out the year. i'm sure i'll probably get another chance througout the year to see s&d.

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

I wanna see Buster's white ass on the beach!

i'm glad that you are comfortable enough to admit that here on this board shady.

tiny-yep, i'll be there. used to go every year until this damn school thing got in the way. got some big plans too!

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  • 2 weeks later...



&^#$%^@ moderators



dunno if you guys had noticed, but i hadnt.


Name: Subliminal Sessions

Presented by: Subliminal

Sponsored by:

Location: Crobar - 1445 Washington Ave.

Price: TBA Time: 9pm-???

Website: http:///www.subliminalrecords.com

Contact: robyn@robynrosspr.com or (305) 604-9197 (Press only)


Lineup: Subliminal Sessions Main Room - Erick Morillo, Harry "Choo Choo" Romero, Jose Nunez, Who Da Funk, Richard F, Melvin Moore, Live PAs - Shawnee Taylor, Terra Deva, and Angelica de No.

Tribal Sessions Back Room - Jon Carter, Yousef, Lottie, Medicine 8, Stanton Warriors, Greg Vickers


i had not noticed the tribal session backroom...this is on wednesday, i think i'll be there. no where the fuck are steve lawler and superchumbo going to be?

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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and this is on Sunday before the conference starts:

Name: Miami Version 1.0

Presented by: Modernism, Kindergarten

Sponsored by:

Location: Maze - 1290 18st St @ West Ave

Price: TBA Time: 10pm-5am

Website: http://www.kindergarten.co.uk

Contact: info@kindergarten.co.uk , modernism_miami@hotmail.com


Lineup: Second Hand Satellites (Three and Sean Cusick), Kindergarten, Deep C and Udoh, Steve Gerrard with more TBA

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

Damn, my head is spinning! I don't know what the hell i'm gonna be doing all week. Decisions, decisions! hehe...

Vic please please please please please tell me that the Made party is NOT on Friday. :( :( :(

your referring to DH right? i havent seen anything about that, but they are saying that friday will be his thing. last year he was at 3 parties, so who knows.

dunno man, pvd vs. dh, i would choose pvd if i were you. you can see dh every month at arc, pvd is around 4 -5 times a year.

its more or less the same logic i'm using for not going to S&D on thursday, i'll probably have a chance to see them at some point during the year (along w/ dave seaman) but lots of those dj's at tronic almost never come over to the US.

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Originally posted by vicman

dunno man, pvd vs. dh, i would choose pvd if i were you. you can see dh every month at arc, pvd is around 4 -5 times a year.

Well I'm definitely going to PvD. I just hope that Howells isn't on the same night because I want to go to both! We'll see. PvD did a 2 to 8 am set last year. I might be able to go to both if Danny Howells is spinning all night :D If not, I'm seeing him next weekend anyway :cool:

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