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PM Sent to me By Joe Mp3 Gio


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Originally posted by whatevaman

haha i heard more like 135-140.. u should be called screech not stiffler

And that means what???????????? That I can't have an opinion or are you saying that we should fight to settle this? I don't understand why dumbfiucks like yourself resort to this shit? Its simple.............I am not a promoter.........I have an opinion.........and your an asshole........

Oh yeah.......you say how you heard im small like its some big secret and I pretend to be some big juiced up guido......... uhhhhhhhhhh.......my pics are all over this board #1.....I posted my size and weight a while back..................Im not hiding behind anything............I never said words like "ill kick your ass'...........what are you getting at? The fact that you again attact with no basis so you resort to stupidity.................goodone:laugh:

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Originally posted by stiffler

And that means what???????????? That I can't have an opinion or are you saying that we should fight to settle this? I don't understand why dumbfiucks like yourself resort to this shit? Its simple.............I am not a promoter.........I have an opinion.........and your an asshole........

Oh yeah.......you say how you heard im small like its some big secret and I pretend to be some big juiced up guido......... uhhhhhhhhhh.......my pics are all over this board #1.....I posted my size and weight a while back..................Im not hiding behind anything............I never said words like "ill kick your ass'...........what are you getting at? The fact that you again attact with no basis so you resort to stupidity.................goodone:laugh:

ur a typical message board blowjob tough guy.. go hit the gym small fry

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Originally posted by muzikman

ur a typical message board blowjob tough guy.. go hit the gym small fry

Go fuck yourself faggot....................again you have no clue how to read or even be honest........you say shit that makes no sense because you can't respond with any real balls. Go thru and read all our posts back and forth.....you attack like a little fucking girl. My size has nothing to do with wit or truth. Just cause I curse does that mean I am being tough. Fuck off and while your at it go buy yourself a clue................

have a nice day jerk off

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Originally posted by muzikman

its more like ur letting the boards get to u.. how about we have mr moderator validate that it was a pm sent by u.. and see who is the real liar.. shows alot of class.. . i hope every promoter sees this and see what kind of class u show.. this looks really good for cherri and riverstreet.. just when u thought things couldnt get any worse.. loser

No matter how many people see this, it will still not reflect badly on Joe b/c everyone knows he is genuinely a nice kid. Anything he said was justified by the fact that you two kept pushing and talking so much shit for no reason. No matter how much you think this is gonna affect his career, it will do NOTHING! As you can see, you are the only 2 people in agreement about what you are saying:blown:

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Originally posted by stiffler

And that means what???????????? That I can't have an opinion or are you saying that we should fight to settle this? I don't understand why dumbfiucks like yourself resort to this shit? Its simple.............I am not a promoter.........I have an opinion.........and your an asshole........

Oh yeah.......you say how you heard im small like its some big secret and I pretend to be some big juiced up guido......... uhhhhhhhhhh.......my pics are all over this board #1.....I posted my size and weight a while back..................Im not hiding behind anything............I never said words like "ill kick your ass'...........what are you getting at? The fact that you again attact with no basis so you resort to stupidity.................goodone:laugh:

i never said once i was going to kick you ass ever. i sm a lover not a fighter. it's your blowjob friend who said he was going to kick my ass and rape my mother for having an opinion.

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Originally posted by stiffler

Go fuck yourself faggot....................again you have no clue how to read or even be honest........you say shit that makes no sense because you can't respond with any real balls. Go thru and read all our posts back and forth.....you attack like a little fucking girl. My size has nothing to do with wit or truth. Just cause I curse does that mean I am being tough. Fuck off and while your at it go buy yourself a clue................

have a nice day jerk off

and when did i insult a girl?? where do u peopel come up with this shit.. and me insulting ur size is because u act like a fuckin tough guy on here.. dont try and be someone u are not.. faggot

Originally posted by psychosweetie9

No matter how many people see this, it will still not reflect badly on Joe b/c everyone knows he is genuinely a nice kid. Anything he said was justified by the fact that you two kept pushing and talking so much shit for no reason. No matter how much you think this is gonna affect his career, it will do NOTHING! As you can see, you are the only 2 people in agreement about what you are saying:blown:

well in the long run he will learn.. as a dj he has a lot to learn.. and how to act.. cause obviously his true colors shined through.. i know alot of people and i will be sure to spread the word and make sure he is not spinnin at any of their parties.. yeah u might think he is nice.. but i think he is a fake.. i gave him the opporunity to squash this by postin an appology.. but i guess mr nice guy is not man enough to do so.. so get ur story straight

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Muzicman...........again Ill tell you to learn how to read! After you accomplish that then reply to me. #1. I never said you attacked a girl............I said you attack"like a girl".............#2 Me acting tough, maybe.......so what, because I am small means I am not aloud to defend someone when others are acting like complete classless fools. I didnt know there was a rule book.#3 Also, I didnt say you said you would kick my ass, I said you resort to stupidity in your comebacks cause you have nothing else. No real argument or basis for it so you lash out with ignorant remarks which you will no doubt do again....................This is typical when dealing with a lower life form:blank:

This can go back and forth forever and quite honestly its not worth it. I know joes a good kid and I don't know shit about you or even care to for that matter. So go about your day thinking you know when you don't!

when you get a chance, please send me the rule book on how to behave on a message board.........

Thanx, Mike

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well in the long run he will learn.. as a dj he has a lot to learn.. and how to act.. cause obviously his true colors shined through.. i know alot of people and i will be sure to spread the word and make sure he is not spinnin at any of their parties.. yeah u might think he is nice.. but i think he is a fake.. i gave him the opporunity to squash this by postin an appology.. but i guess mr nice guy is not man enough to do so.. so get ur story straight

Why on earth do u think he should apologize????????? You should apologize! You started shit w/ a nice person for no reason. Its one thing to say that u are not a fan, but the way u did it was classless and tacky.

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Originally posted by whatevaman

Dominic...do you and your brother really get off starting drama..it's so funny, but none of us are kids and really have to be tough guys on a public board...so that is why I am pm'ing you. Keep up the good work though because you are just digging yourself deeper and deeper of a grave. You south jersey kids really think you are tough shit....hey how is that lightboard treating you at Platinum. I heard that you weren't on your "A" game the other night...try not to get the blue mixed up with the green. You are honestly a faggot punk who thinks that it is cool to play a mp3 that you got sent to you a couple weeks back. Please though, keep it up, because I am only a 30 min. drive from where I am being told that you live...oh and toughguy...don't even think about responding because I will fuck you and your little faggot brother up also....actually maybe on the way to your house I can rape your mother as well.

save for the archives when cherri and gio are gone

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Originally posted by psychosweetie9

Why on earth do u think he should apologize????????? You should apologize! You started shit w/ a nice person for no reason. Its one thing to say that u are not a fan, but the way u did it was classless and tacky.

people are aloud to have opinions. if their opinions are that someone sucks then so be it. when you are a dj you have to take the good with the bad. not everyone will like someones style, and most people will be vocal about it. if you can't take it then you are in the wrong business. but telling someone they will rape their mother is fucking sad and classless. but it's ok psychosweetheart joe appologized publicly and this is over with. thank you and have a wonderful day.

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All, I know is if anyone fucking anybody else's mother, I would love to join in.

I always wanted to have sex with a mother.

Of course, I'm not into rape, so thats out, if anyone runs into a mother that wants to fuck, give me a call.


Thank you for hours of extremely useless,childish, bullshit!!!!

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