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Do U ever feel SEXXXXXY??


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Originally posted by naughtybabe

Do I ever feel sexy??

Umm YES I do but then I realize that I'm just horny.. haaha!!


When you are in a super good mood and everything seems to be going how you want, your appeal is so much higher and attractive to others. I think sexy is a state of mind, as well as physical thing.

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Originally posted by linabina

confidence is sexy... lately ive been confident :) so lately ive been feelin sexy hehe... and imo- theres nothin better than being completely happy in ur own skin and feelin a lil... *growl* ;)

I actually could not have said it any better... And I have to add that when you feel this way. And you are full of confidence. Everyone around you feeds off that vibe and feels the same way about you... :)

Confidence is definately key...

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Originally posted by totallytrance

:laugh: oopss...

everyone has those sexy days and i look like shit days...

we all have our "i look like shit... i'm not going to meet any chicks today" days. strangely enough, WE are the only ones that see it. we look perfectly regular to everyone else... it's just our temporary self-preception.

i went to lunch the other day with this brunette. when the waitress came to serve us, the chick told me "there goes a blonde for you" because she knows i like blondes. when i looked at this girl though, she had NOTHING! no attractiveness whatsoever. yes, her hair was long, blonde and curly. she was average-looking facially. her body was not worth mentioning. the main thing was that there was nothing to her. no AURA of sexiness. you could tell that she was going through her day making money and would NOT be very much fun if

you were to fuck her RIGHT THEN in that state of mind. THAT'S what shows through. I have seen women that fit a similar description that looked like they could suck THE FUCK out of my dick! they just looked sexually hungry... like they feel horny and are looking for a man to satisfy their needs as women.

like they appreciate a man's attention and will MAKE SURE they satisfy him as well. I will ALWAYS go for a girl that looks like that and feels good about herself and feels sexy and wants to rock-N roll over some superhot girl that couldn't suck a dick until I came in her mouth if her fucking LIFE depended on it and was more worried about her makeup and clothes than scoring some sex for herself and POTENTIALLY a partner to share sex, fun and life in general with.

If you love yourself... not necessarily how you look, but if you are CERTAIN that you can satisfy a man and show him a good time if he does what you need him to do to make you feel that warmth radiating throughout your body just before your favorite orgasm, it will show through. men will come after you to get that feeling for themselves. yes... you need to look good to get a DECENT guy (any girl can get laid regardless of how fucked-up she actually looks... it's not the same for guys, except for strip clubs and direct prostitution) but FEELING good about yourself and knowing that you have the intelligence, skill and desire to please a man will put you over the top and get you more action than you asked for :)

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