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Where will you be in five years?

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

hopefully married and on the way to having a family and have been back in my own business making serious cash for a few years by then.

if not

derfinatly dead lol:laugh: :laugh:

I'll have to agree with you doing my own thing and making some serious dough. Hopefully I'll also be outa the scene by then.

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Five years from now,

I will be working on my 3rd or 4th book, possibly in my villa in Tuscany, and would have allready graced the pages of many magazines with modeling and possibly be working on my 2nd feature film as a lead or supporting actor.

Also by then Id hopefully perfect the list of forbidden dances that Id learn, and of course be living also in the city..

So ya, Im making those small goals to start....

BOOOyaa...can you say...COFFEEE:eek:

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does everyone realize 5 years is not a really long time.............?

i'll only be 27-28 so by then i hope to have established a decent income and cliental in whatever salon i will be working at.

Maybe engaged, but i wont get my hopes up, thats at the bottom of my list....................

i like living each day as it comes, not really dreaming much into the future.....................

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Originally posted by crackaa55cece

i like living each day as it comes, not really dreaming much into the future.....................

I understand where your coming from, I mean too far-fetched dreams and low enthusiam can be a major buzzkill during those, for example five years.

Even though my ideals may seem a bit outlandish and un-realistic I can say Im sincerely going to rock them out....

But the same time, they do hover, and I prefer to live each day as it comes as well...


Oh ya, for those who are just noticing my new ass on this board, Im a bit contradicting...with everything...so Im apoligizing ahead of time...lol

One thing I did notice, which warms the heart (in a oh so heterosexual mannar) is that most if not all people who responded put love as a the main thing....

And I was told that CPers do not have hearts....ha...


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Originally posted by eccentricmofo

I understand where your coming from, I mean too far-fetched dreams and low enthusiam can be a major buzzkill during those, for example five years.

Even though my ideals may seem a bit outlandish and un-realistic I can say Im sincerely going to rock them out....

But the same time, they do hover, and I prefer to live each day as it comes as well...


Oh ya, for those who are just noticing my new ass on this board, Im a bit contradicting...with everything...so Im apoligizing ahead of time...lol

One thing I did notice, which warms the heart (in a oh so heterosexual mannar) is that most if not all people who responded put love as a the main thing....

And I was told that CPers do not have hearts....ha...


awwwwwww Sticky getting all deep with us and sharing his thoughts how cuteeeeeeeeee

you clicked YES on that test right????????

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