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a HUGE-MONGOUS FUCK YOU to war hippies

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Invade Iraq, take the nutjob out NOW!

Fuck you, you dirty hippies, go hug a chrysamthemum. I hope there's a localized nuke that goes off in your house and then localized bio bombs on your soy-overfed activist friends.

Before any of you crakhead wannabe brainiacs rebute with some bullshit academic rhetoric, i am fully aware of the sutiation on all dimensions so dont bother posting 24234 lines worth of nerdy comments.

Damn hippies still complain "what's the clearcut objective? Why do we need to take out Saddam?"

Um...UN violations?

Kicking out nuke weapons inspectors?

History of Bio weapons use? against Iraqis and Iranians?

Every defected iraqi scientist can tell of nuclear programs going in iraq?

List goes on and on.

a big FUCK YOU.

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here's my take.

we're all entitiled to our own opinions. We all are allowed our own voice. People before us have fought and died to provide us with that luxury.

we are NOT allowed to go to ANOTHER fucking country and HAMPER in ANY WAY, the ability of our fighting men and women to do the job they are ordered to do. That is not called "defending peace", that is called "traitorious."

So to all those people who are ON THEIR WAY to Baghdad now in order to ACT AS HUMAN SHIELDS, and allow themselves to be used BY the Iraqis to help defend THEIR country, you are fucking traitors, and should we go to war, you will either be KILLED from your own country's bombs (because no, we don't give a fuck about you), or if you survive, it will be a traitor's welcome when you come back and hopefully PROSECUTION to the fullest extent of the law.

The voice of dissent has always been part of this country - it helps keep the system balanced. I accept that.

I do NOT accept aiding the enemy, spitting on our soldiers, burning the flag or doing things that show contempt for those very men and women who are putting their lives on the line to protect the values that allow those peacemongers to say the things they say, without worrying about recieving a bullet to the back of the head for it.

I have family over there who has seen combat before and very well may see it again. Some of them are in spec forces, some are navy pilots and some are in the army doing god knows what.

I pray that they'll return home. In the meantime, i'm also praying they kick a lot of ass if they're ordered to do so.

Just because saddam isn't invading another country today or killing more people lately, doesn't mean he's no longer a badboy.

It isn't a war of aggression on our part. He's proven before, MANY TIMES, that when we turn our backs on him and give him an opening, he takes it and does something atrocious.

Biochemical technology we gave him was for VACCINES and medicinal useage. What did he use it for? Germ warfare and bio-weapons. More to the point, he USED IT against the Iranians. Killed thousands upon thousands of them.

When HE agreed to the surrender terms after the gulf war (terms that he now says he never agreed to), part of that was "no aircraft may fly outside of a specified zone, and ONLY non-fixed wing aircraft at that. (helicopters)."

What did he do with those helicopters? Flew them north to attack and kill thousands of kurdish refugees - people who opposed his regime. He just lost a war - thousands of his own soldiers had been killed and what does he do the first thing it's over? Go kill some rebels.

Sure, we should leave him alone. That way if he finally DOES get ahold of powerful weapons, maybe he can just leave his weapons bunker doors unlocked and "whoops, i guess some terrorists must have broken into those bunkers and stolen them."

With shit like that bound to happen someday, can we really afford to be isolationist and passive about it?

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One easy rebuttal to the jerkie treat that started this thread: WE HAVE NO SUPPORT ABROAD

At least during desert storm, we had the support of surrounding nations and our European Allies. But now, No one.

I think all you people who say "Go to war" don't think strategically. 1st of all, if we do invade, and it doesn't work out, it could ingite other arab nations to attack our soldiers. 2) We must take into account the problems in Israel. The fact that the Palestinians are a powder keg will only make things more complicated in the middle east. 3) BUSH is a MORON, and his respect has dimished a lot since 9-11. His foreign policy sucks, and the only person in his office that i respect is Colin Powell

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Originally posted by gmccookny

One easy rebuttal to the jerkie treat that started this thread: WE HAVE NO SUPPORT ABROAD

At least during desert storm, we had the support of surrounding nations and our European Allies. But now, No one.

actually...that isnt true...

the UK is sending in 30,000+ troops to support our forces, as well as air support and intelligence ops

Turkey, UAE and Kuwait are providing us with bases....

it isnt enough to console me though...i would feel better if we had the military support of other european nations and Canada

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Originally posted by luiskain

Invade Iraq, take the nutjob out NOW!

Fuck you, you dirty hippies, go hug a chrysamthemum. I hope there's a localized nuke that goes off in your house and then localized bio bombs on your soy-overfed activist friends.

Before any of you crakhead wannabe brainiacs rebute with some bullshit academic rhetoric, i am fully aware of the sutiation on all dimensions so dont bother posting 24234 lines worth of nerdy comments.

Damn hippies still complain "what's the clearcut objective? Why do we need to take out Saddam?"

Um...UN violations?

Kicking out nuke weapons inspectors?

History of Bio weapons use? against Iraqis and Iranians?

Every defected iraqi scientist can tell of nuclear programs going in iraq?

List goes on and on.

a big FUCK YOU.

right on dude! here's some links for you:





with all that tough talk i wanna see you on front lines, so apply today and defend this wonderful country (with your life) against the evil clutches of terrorism.

warm regards.


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Originally posted by dr0ne

right on dude! here's some links for you:





with all that tough talk i wanna see you on front lines, so apply today and defend this wonderful country (with your life) against the evil clutches of terrorism.

warm regards.


Question to you - if we had a draft...would you fight if you were selected?

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

actually...that isnt true...

the UK is sending in 30,000+ troops to support our forces, as well as air support and intelligence ops

Turkey, UAE and Kuwait are providing us with bases....

it isnt enough to console me though...i would feel better if we had the military support of other european nations and Canada

Well, i agree... that isn't enough.

Turkey is borderline on helping us. Kuwait is always there. so is the UK. But that's far and wide from global support :blank:

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Indeed, this war is absolutely pointless. Of course Bush has his own hidden agenda. The turnout for that anti-war rally in D.C. was really impressive, I was watching it on CNN. Hell, there were even Hasidic Jews at the rally protesting the war.

Not trying to sound traitorous to this country, I enjoy the freedoms that I have hear, but at the same time, I hate the fact that our government feels the need to meddle in everyone else's business.

If Bush wants to start a war with Sadaam to try to finish the job that his father failed to do, then let him and all the other hypocritical beurocrats in Washington pick-up riffles and go settle his person vendetta like men, instead of sending this country's young men and women to fight and die for him.

Anyone else notice how Osama Bin Laden kinda just disappeared from the spotlight. The US failed there, so now they have to draw the attention away so something else. Truely a sad day it is.

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to the idiots who continue to use "WE"

its not we you asses its the united states government.....

if you want to be considreed in the "WE" then sign your ass up and stop posting on clubplanet.....

and no i do no support this war.......violence is never the answer

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Originally posted by luiskain

Invade Iraq, take the nutjob out NOW!

Fuck you, you dirty hippies, go hug a chrysamthemum. I hope there's a localized nuke that goes off in your house and then localized bio bombs on your soy-overfed activist friends.

Before any of you crakhead wannabe brainiacs rebute with some bullshit academic rhetoric, i am fully aware of the sutiation on all dimensions so dont bother posting 24234 lines worth of nerdy comments.

Damn hippies still complain "what's the clearcut objective? Why do we need to take out Saddam?"

Um...UN violations?

Kicking out nuke weapons inspectors?

History of Bio weapons use? against Iraqis and Iranians?

Every defected iraqi scientist can tell of nuclear programs going in iraq?

List goes on and on.

a big FUCK YOU.


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Originally posted by ou812

Not trying to sound traitorous to this country, I enjoy the freedoms that I have hear, but at the same time, I hate the fact that our government feels the need to meddle in everyone else's business.

dont worry...you dont sound traitorous..dissent is patriotic!


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Originally posted by spragga25

If you're a citizen of the USA...then yes, it's "WE"

they would like you to think that.....

last time i checked the gov't didnt ask the country if "WE" wanted to go to war....if that was the case they would ask and hold a vote.....

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If there's a draft, i'd rather volunteer than get signed up for the army.

I was in Air Force ROTC for a time. I even had a pilot slot reserved for me. I gave it up because at the time i thought it wasn't what i wanted.

Now i know it was the biggest mistake of my life.

I'd give anything to be out there with all of them, making a difference instead of sitting here still in school, trying to finish and get a degree.

as it is, i may still join AFROTC before I graduate. So, to me, when i say "yeah we should fight", it's not because i want to be an armchair general about it.

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Originally posted by msoprano13

they would like you to think that.....

last time i checked the gov't didnt ask the country if "WE" wanted to go to war....if that was the case they would ask and hold a vote.....

Dude - this is not the "X-Files"

Besides...if a vote was actually taken, how accurate would that be? Would all 250,000,000+ people actually vote?

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First of all, if there was a draft and i was picked, I'd draw a Peace sign along with "Born to kill" on my helmet.

Second, I expected the "oh why don't you go sign up and go over to die, har har durf durf" talk. That's 3rd grade comeback logic. That's like saying, all you people who complain about Bush, why don't you just drop whatever you're doing in life, your current career, and take up politics to become the president. It doesn't work like that. Only b\c i didn't chose military life doesn't mean I dont support it when it rightfuly should be supported.

And as far as foreign support...are you fuckin' kidding me? Do you know what kind of almost sci-fi like weapons your millions and billions of tax dollars have bought the US military? Short of a cloaked Romulan warbird, <snort> it's safe to say that sadam would just get whooped.

Foreign support is just a formality. Everyone knows what pussies the French are. Their greatest military heroes were a woman in drag and a 4 foot midgit with a complex. They always get invaded and occupied.

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I'm gonna have to say I'm undecided. I certainly wouldnt go over seas and fight. I admire those who risk their lives for us like that. It takes a lot of heart and balls. But at the same time, our own safety is at risk here. Saddam would use nucs or chemical weapons the second he had access to them, and he'd use them on us, if it were possible. Now I know there is a question of how would he transport them and use them on us, since they have no air force and are dirt poor. I dont really think that should matter. What matters is the fact that they'd use them if they could. Everyone is screaming about N. Korea and their nuclear power. I think they've proven to us that they won't use it on us. As long as we stay out of their business...which is what Bush is doing. The second we tried to interfere with whats going on in North and South Korea, they'd let us have it. Saddam, however, wouldnt need an excuse like that, he'd just use it.

So I think war is necessary, but I'm not about to sign up. If it did get so bad that our country needed a draft, I would sign up without being drafted. I enjoy the freedoms of the U.S. every day of my life and dont take it for granted. If our country's safety or freedoms were in so much trouble as to need a draft, then I'd be there in the mix of things.

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Originally posted by spragga25

Dude - this is not the "X-Files"

Besides...if a vote was actually taken, how accurate would that be? Would all 250,000,000+ people actually vote?

Would the vote format be like the presidential electoral votes? We'd get a real accurate then! :laugh:

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there are many reasons for war, and then there are the reasons the gov't gives us.

saddam is a madman and does need to be ousted, but i do not think a costly and lengthy war is the way. being the sole superpower in many ways at the moment, i honestly think the US could take him out without having to send troops in. but, of course the US gov't won't do that, it all comes down to the main reason they're invading Iraq: oil.

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Originally posted by sassa

there are many reasons for war, and then there are the reasons the gov't gives us.

saddam is a madman and does need to be ousted, but i do not think a costly and lengthy war is the way. being the sole superpower in many ways at the moment, i honestly think the US could take him out without having to send troops in. but, of course the US gov't won't do that, it all comes down to the main reason they're invading Iraq: oil.

i don't think oil is the main culprit as many people say it is.

We get less than a third of our oil from Iraq. Granted, if they shut off the taps, we'd have a major price hike but it wouldn't be the end of the world.

everyone is so quick to blame oil for the reason we're doing this, because it fits into the "aggressive, imperialist, capitalist" mold that the communists pinned on the US back in the cold war, and now a lot of people are adopting. [looks like the KGB was effective after all].

Saddam is a nutjob. We all know that. We all know that it would cost us a minimal amount of money to put a sniper in place, shoot saddam and have this whole charade over and done with in time for dinner.

However, the problem isn't just with eliminating saddam. It also lies with systematically destroying his arsenal so that the next guy behind him doesn't get any wise ideas about filling the position of tyrranical unstable dictator.

Therefore we have no choice but to assault his military complex as a whole.

Allow me to remind you all that we wouldn't HAVE to do this if Saddam had DONE what he AGREED to do, and dismantled his arsenal at the end of the gulf war. He agreed to the surrender documents that specifically highlighted the "you lose all your cool military toys" phrase. That's what happens in war. You lose and you lose big. Saddam decided he wanted to play a shadow game with us, hiding his arsenal, camoflauging it and then eventually evicting the UN weapons inspectors when they were becoming too much of a nuisance.

Don't forget he takes potshots at our aircraft on patrol, on a weekly basis.

so really, who gives a crap if people say it's all about oil. I think there are some more important issues buried here than spending a few extra cents at the pump and on my heating bill.

Those issues are buried in the iraqi desert under low, sleek looking expensive concrete bunkers with precisely controlled temperatures. Take a wild guess what i'm talking about.

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