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a HUGE-MONGOUS FUCK YOU to war hippies

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Originally posted by kiko2o1

heres my .02, since being a marine on 72 hour leave... ;)

first of all... there's a big difference between conquoring a country, and liberating it... then you get the statement, "it's not our right to go to other countries and impose our beliefs on them" and the answer to that is freedom is not a right, u don't impose freedom on someone, its give when they are not enslaved by a ruthless dictator...

2nd of all, im tired of the "blame america first crowd" who think it was our fault for the world trade center, saying it was because of our foreign policies... no other country has attained more power then the US in the last century and abused it less...

Finally, I'm also tired of the UN supporters, who say give the inspectors more time, we need a smoking gun... Smoking gun?!?! lol, this man has been breaking UN resolutions since before the Clinton Administration...for the people who say let the inspectors do their job... ok, send 100 people in the state of california and say find this "smoking gun". Seriously...like he couldn't hide them in the last

8 years since the inspectors were there last.. the more time we give Iraq, the more time they have to dig into their positions, thus causing more allied casualties...

I suggest some of you stop getting your intel from liberal media bias ex: CNN/New York Times...

ok, im done... had to do that tho ;)

Amen bro...I have two cousins and one of my best friends there as we speak...best of luck if you go and I truly appreciate what you're doing for our country.


P.S. If peeps think that Bill freakin' Clinton is the greatest president ever...then this country might be going to shit after all.

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i was bein sarcastic when i said that Adam...i hate him..i cant stand him...he's a hypocritical bastard who had the audacity to question the morality of my people when he was gettin SuperHead in the oral office...

he was an interesting individual...but no one did more to damage the US in the long run than him...these scandals and problems the US is goin thru now...are all a result of Clinton Era Politics

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

heres my intellectual rebuttal...


while motherfuckers ur age go and fight in a war u post about it on the internet...therefore U HAVE NO FUCKIN RIGHT TO CALL FOR WAR...pick up a fuckin rifle...if ur so damn ready to fight

:mad: yeah that's what i though good looking out..... if peeps want to desperately see a war why not join a branch and see for yourself how it is. Trust me its not too cool being out for hours:blown: on the dirt and stuff just my 2 cents!!!

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Originally posted by luiskain

First of all, if there was a draft and i was picked, I'd draw a Peace sign along with "Born to kill" on my helmet.

Second, I expected the "oh why don't you go sign up and go over to die, har har durf durf" talk. That's 3rd grade comeback logic. That's like saying, all you people who complain about Bush, why don't you just drop whatever you're doing in life, your current career, and take up politics to become the president. It doesn't work like that. Only b\c i didn't chose military life doesn't mean I dont support it when it rightfuly should be supported.

And as far as foreign support...are you fuckin' kidding me? Do you know what kind of almost sci-fi like weapons your millions and billions of tax dollars have bought the US military? Short of a cloaked Romulan warbird, <snort> it's safe to say that sadam would just get whooped.

Foreign support is just a formality. Everyone knows what pussies the French are. Their greatest military heroes were a woman in drag and a 4 foot midgit with a complex. They always get invaded and occupied.

:rolleyes: uhhhhh born to kill is all hollywood stuff.......

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Originally posted by luiskain

First of all, if there was a draft and i was picked, I'd draw a Peace sign along with "Born to kill" on my helmet.

Second, I expected the "oh why don't you go sign up and go over to die, har har durf durf" talk. That's 3rd grade comeback logic. That's like saying, all you people who complain about Bush, why don't you just drop whatever you're doing in life, your current career, and take up politics to become the president. It doesn't work like that. Only b\c i didn't chose military life doesn't mean I dont support it when it rightfuly should be supported.

And as far as foreign support...are you fuckin' kidding me? Do you know what kind of almost sci-fi like weapons your millions and billions of tax dollars have bought the US military? Short of a cloaked Romulan warbird, <snort> it's safe to say that sadam would just get whooped.

Foreign support is just a formality. Everyone knows what pussies the French are. Their greatest military heroes were a woman in drag and a 4 foot midgit with a complex. They always get invaded and occupied.

:rolleyes: uhhhhh born to kill is all hollywood stuff.......

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to the idiots who continue to use "WE"

actually i went in the navy when i was 17....i did my time

so a big fu goes out to you

military should be mandatory like it is in some other countries....i think it would toughen up some of pussies that we have in this country

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Originally posted by jennifera

actually i went in the navy when i was 17....i did my time

so a big fu goes out to you

military should be mandatory like it is in some other countries....i think it would toughen up some of pussies that we have in this country

fuckin' APPLAUSE!!!!! :)

that says it all right there.

and Serge - dude you ain't gonna win this one. This land is as free as you want it to be. Sure it's fucked up sometimes and some people aren't always as good as they should be, but hey our government is made of the people WE elected. WE - as in all of us, the people. George Carlin was right - if we become incompetent, ignorant citizens, then that means we elect ignorant, incompetent leaders. They're only as good as the people who elect them.

so don't diss the US Gov. Sure it has it's problems but it's there so you can live your life as you do, everday.

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Originally posted by jennifera

actually i went in the navy when i was 17....i did my time

so a big fu goes out to you

military should be mandatory like it is in some other countries....i think it would toughen up some of pussies that we have in this country

I like this gal!! :D

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Originally posted by kiko2o1

heres my .02, since being a marine on 72 hour leave... ;)

first of all... there's a big difference between conquoring a country, and liberating it... then you get the statement, "it's not our right to go to other countries and impose our beliefs on them" and the answer to that is freedom is not a right, u don't impose freedom on someone, its give when they are not enslaved by a ruthless dictator...

This goes back to re-inforcing american ideals on other nations. We are proud of our freedom and democracy, yet I've noticed that the United States is interested in "liberating" certain countries. There are MANY nations that require American support and money (example: African nations that promote child slavery) yet see nothing of it because these nations are not profitable to the United States. Money takes the final word.

2nd of all, im tired of the "blame america first crowd" who think it was our fault for the world trade center, saying it was because of our foreign policies... no other country has attained more power then the US in the last century and abused it less...

Gee, I guess you're too young to remember the Reagan ERA.

Finally, I'm also tired of the UN supporters, who say give the inspectors more time, we need a smoking gun... Smoking gun?!?! lol, this man has been breaking UN resolutions since before the Clinton Administration...for the people who say let the inspectors do their job... ok, send 100 people in the state of california and say find this "smoking gun". Seriously...like he couldn't hide them in the last

8 years since the inspectors were there last.. the more time we give Iraq, the more time they have to dig into their positions, thus causing more allied casualties...

I agree with you on this one. It's actually an embarrasment on our part. America looks like an overbearing mother trying to catch her son in a lude act. It makes you wonder if Sept 11 slipped out of our hands?

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Originally posted by jennifera

actually i went in the navy when i was 17....i did my time

so a big fu goes out to you

military should be mandatory like it is in some other countries....i think it would toughen up some of pussies that we have in this country

It's great that you joined the navy. But mandatory military sevice? That's not democratic. In fact, that way of thinking is very UNAMERICAN. ;)



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Originally posted by iliana

It's great that you joined the navy. But mandatory military sevice? That's not democratic. In fact, that way of thinking is very UNAMERICAN. ;)



not really when you look at it. In other countries, "mandatory" military service is a short term commitment - training, basic military procedure and then a period on the reserve list.

It's like a 10 week "course", if you will.

But it sure helps to make people appreciate what it's all about.

Some countries use that military training as a requirement to graduate from high school... which isn't such a bad idea considering the other useless shit you are forced to take. (Home Ed, and whatever basketweaving courses are in public schools today).

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Originally posted by cintron

not really when you look at it. In other countries, "mandatory" military service is a short term commitment - training, basic military procedure and then a period on the reserve list.

It's like a 10 week "course", if you will.

But it sure helps to make people appreciate what it's all about.

Some countries use that military training as a requirement to graduate from high school... which isn't such a bad idea considering the other useless shit you are forced to take. (Home Ed, and whatever basketweaving courses are in public schools today).

In that respect, that would be awesome to have in our highschools. Sure beats home ec and gym. But it should be a CHOICE students have, perhaps an elective.

As far as enforcing it after highschool..NO WAY. Military is not for everyone. It has nothing to do with making "wimps" into heros. Having my son learn how to kill someone means nothing if he wants to go to school to study acting or medicine. Sounds like a waste of government time and money. Plus it will probably breed a whole new generation of Timothy McVeigh's.



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not everone in the military is 'trained to kill'

and i don't think that my way of thinking is 'unamerican'

you would appreciate the country more if you had to help defend it

i think that people taking living here for granted

and in some of the other countries you only have to serve a short time and you can go whenever you want between the age of 18 - 30

i think that sounds very fair if you want to live there

people should be proud to live here

if everyone had the same way of thinking as you there would be no military and there would be no land of the free

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Originally posted by jennifera

not everone in the military is 'trained to kill'

and i don't think that my way of thinking is 'unamerican'

you would appreciate the country more if you had to help defend it

i think that people taking living here for granted

and in some of the other countries you only have to serve a short time and you can go whenever you want between the age of 18 - 30

i think that sounds very fair if you want to live there

people should be proud to live here

if everyone had the same way of thinking as you there would be no military and there would be no land of the free

If I didn't have a vision problem...I'd defend my country in a sec!

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Originally posted by iliana

As far as enforcing it after highschool..NO WAY. Military is not for everyone. It has nothing to do with making "wimps" into heros. Having my son learn how to kill someone means nothing if he wants to go to school to study acting or medicine. Sounds like a waste of government time and money. Plus it will probably breed a whole new generation of Timothy McVeigh's.



well i agree it would make an excellent elective - like a summer course or such.

though the military isn't just about making "wimps" into heros.

Heros are for history books and flowery tv documentaries.

to me, the military makes real Men and Women who understand the value of the society they live in, and understand what discipline, honor and integrity are about. If that sounds flowery, i'm sorry, but every soldier functions under core values such as those. I'd think it's a better thing than what civilian society is teaching kids these days, especially with what you see in the way of school gangs, drug trafficking and lots of the subcultures that come from environments where adolescents develop their own values, not often good ones i might add.

I don't mean to sound like a recruiter, but not everyone in the military functions as a soldier on the front lines.

in the air force, only a very small percentage of members are actually pilots and combat crewmen. the rest do jobs ranging from media and journalism, to doctors, mechanics, band members and electronics specialists. so please don't think that they all carry a knife and can't wait to slit some evil person's throat ;)

That would be Spec Forces' job.

however, i do think your comparison of the military as a training ground for militant dissidents, is outrageous.

timothy mcveigh was a soldier at one time, and went on to become a terrorist who killed a lot of americans.

In my eyes, he is no different from a stock broker, nurse or cornerstore clerk who does the same.

do not draw comparisons that you cannot clearly link. it insults the men and women of our armed services to be compared to such an individual.

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Originally posted by jennifera

not everone in the military is 'trained to kill'

and i don't think that my way of thinking is 'unamerican'

you would appreciate the country more if you had to help defend it

Joining the military to appreciate america is an opinion. I've traveled the world and seen rich and poor countries and I know that I will always live in, love and support the United States. I didn't have to join the military to get to these feelings.

There's other ways of defending this country..joining the military IS NOT SUITED FOR EVERYONE-even for a short period of time. I can study law or politics, and still be able to defend my country.

i think that people taking living here for granted

and in some of the other countries you only have to serve a short time and you can go whenever you want between the age of 18 - 30

i think that sounds very fair if you want to live there

people should be proud to live here

if everyone had the same way of thinking as you there would be no military and there would be no land of the free

You obviously havent read my earlier responses. I absolutely support war when needed and therefore i support the military.

However, NATIONAL SOCIALISM died with the nazis, jennifer. Loving your country doesn't mean you have to "take arms" and learn combat. What does being proud of my country have to do with shooting guns and learning defense mechanisms????????????????

Get with the program. That 1940's bullshit your spewing is fucking dated.

Neither is this communist cuba, where boys are FORCED to join the military at a certain age. Thank god for that! Here's one AMERICAN THAT APPRECIATES HER FREEDOM!

Kudos to you that you enjoyed the navy and loved it very much. Don't try to impose those beliefs on people who don't want to take part in that and don't NEED to. We have people such as yourself who were born to partake in that.

If there's a draft, then military training is unavoidable. But it should only be reserved for extreme cases.

For the rest of us, our lives will consist of staying here, keeping the country running and going on with life.



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Originally posted by cintron

well i agree it would make an excellent elective - like a summer course or such.

though the military isn't just about making "wimps" into heros.

Heros are for history books and flowery tv documentaries.

to me, the military makes real Men and Women who understand the value of the society they live in, and understand what discipline, honor and integrity are about. If that sounds flowery, i'm sorry, but every soldier functions under core values such as those. I'd think it's a better thing than what civilian society is teaching kids these days, especially with what you see in the way of school gangs, drug trafficking and lots of the subcultures that come from environments where adolescents develop their own values, not often good ones i might add.

I don't mean to sound like a recruiter, but not everyone in the military functions as a soldier on the front lines.

in the air force, only a very small percentage of members are actually pilots and combat crewmen. the rest do jobs ranging from media and journalism, to doctors, mechanics, band members and electronics specialists. so please don't think that they all carry a knife and can't wait to slit some evil person's throat ;)

That would be Spec Forces' job.

however, i do think your comparison of the military as a training ground for militant dissidents, is outrageous.

timothy mcveigh was a soldier at one time, and went on to become a terrorist who killed a lot of americans.

In my eyes, he is no different from a stock broker, nurse or cornerstore clerk who does the same.

do not draw comparisons that you cannot clearly link. it insults the men and women of our armed services to be compared to such an individual.

There's absolutely no doubt that military teaches discipline, honor and integrity. Again, I stress the importance of a military. And there are many young kids who need that type of environment to grow and get their life in order. At the same time, there are young adults who don't prosper in a military environment. The military is not the ONLY educational institution out there. Just as there are many pro's there are also many cons to joining the military. Thank God it's an option and not mandatory.

As far as Timothy McVeigh, I wasn't comparing all soldiers to him, and i apologise if it was taken the wrong way. But that is a perfect example of someone who should HAVE NEVER SET FOOT ON MILITARY GROUND MUCH LESS, JOINED !!! It's apparent that army training isn't for everyone.



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"thanks... i don't know where i'm going yet, hopefully to the middle east... i wish i could keep a diary, but its not allowed... for the simple fact if i become a POW, it could hold valuable info...but as soon as i get a chance, i'll fill cp on whatever exciting stories im allowed to offer, depending on classification... "


I wish you a swift and safe return home, thank you for defending what all of us on occassion here take for granted...FREEDOM.

Godspeed my man


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Is it discipline, or subordination that the military teaches? A system of of tkaing orders discourages free thought. Free thought has been waht the country was built on, no?

I'd have to have a lot of trust in someone to go to someone else's land to point a gun at the chest of someone I had never met. If someone came to my house and did hte same you better believe I'd try to defend myself. The issue with iraq is that htey haven't done shit.

Under international law it is actually illegal to strike upon them first. What keep the rest of the nations in the UN charter from allying to put sanctions on the US? There doesn't even need to be a military effort against the US, jsut don't buy any shit coming from here and don't allow any shit to be shipped. How about cyber war? For all the money that would be lost by not selling products to the US, the revenue could be regained once hte power is tipped and prices skyrocket when the dollar falls in value.

CNN has done a very good job in celebrating the war effort. go to their webpage for some good propaganda.

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Originally posted by Randy

Is it discipline, or subordination that the military teaches? A system of of tkaing orders discourages free thought. Free thought has been waht the country was built on, no?

i hear this very often, the "mindless military drone" argument.

unfortunately for you, that argument doesn't hold any water.

Being in the military is about discipline and adherence to the mission at hand. It is also about initiative, personal perserverence and leadership.

I could easily come back and say that anybody who works at the DMV is all about subordination, or those of us who work in a corporate structure and sit in a cubicle.

as for the other things you've said concerning why we should or shouldn't do anything about iraq... :rolleyes:

Iraq is not a member of the international community. Plain and simple.

There is the family of nations - the UN, and then there are countries like Iraq, who have a history of stirring up trouble in the region and trying to suck other nations into a conflict in order to make it tougher for anyone else to do something about their conduct. Remember when they fired scuds into israel?

Invaded saudi arabia at Al Khafji? Just recently televise an awards ceremony where checks of 15000 dollars AMERICAN were paid to the families of suicide bombers?

sure, let's leave em alone.

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The difference is that DMV workers don't kill people.

Want leadership, go start a company. Think, come up with an idea. I'm not in favor of any organization that encourages subordination, If yo ucan point an example where I have, it would be a better argument than putting words into my mouth.

With leadership comes responsibility. If someone leads a group of people, does that person hold accountability for the group's actions? The people of the US do not support the president, you know, the guy that is considered the leader of the country.

How does my argument not hold any water? Does the soldier contribute any input towards his destiny? Does the soldier decide which batallion ot join, or where that batallion goes? About all he decides is what order to eat his food and sometimes whether to fire his weapon.

I'm not gonna knock those that choose this lifestyle. It is admira ble to put ones life on the line to protect the life of others. But for real, what has iraq done to establish a risk towards the people of the united states? There has been zero evidence that iraq was in cahoots with bin laden.

The US is a member of the UN. The UN does not support military action against iraq, one of those countries that "have a history of stirring up trouble in the region and trying to suck other nations into a conflict in order to make it tougher for anyone else to do something about their conduct."

If the US steps outside the UN and takes preemptive military action, what would make it any different than iraq?

No offense to Israel, but those scuds were not aimed at the US.

I would like to know where it says that the US is the police of the world?

Oh, I got rid of television a long time ago. Lil difference than the car magazines that offer advertisements disguised as articles.

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