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Paul Oakenfold-Giant


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Originally posted by ~surreal~:

...ya, and I heard that there was going to be a "special guest" at Giant last Sat.

yeh - I guess I deserved that! but I did hear it from a good source...but then again...a rumor is a rumor!

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Originally posted by ~surreal~:

...ya, and I heard that there was going to be a "special guest" at Giant last Sat.



"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

-Henry David Thoreau, Walden


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Originally posted by karma4:

yeh - I guess I deserved that! but I did hear it from a good source...but then again...a rumor is a rumor!

oops...I hope I didn't affend you. cwm6.gif The comment wasn't meant to be smart, I was just being sarcastic about the situation. cwm38.gifcwm9.gifsmile.gif


bathing.gif laluhlaluhlalala...

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Yeah, I agree.

He used to play alot of great tunes back when trance was very fresh but now he can play the crappiest tunes and people will still think he's the greatest.

And as a producer, he's waaaaaaaaay too over rated. Take for example his most popular production "bullet in the gun", it's mediocre and the lyrics make no sense.

But all in all, he is a great dj and man is he set. He is the world's first "celebrity" dj. Wouldn't be suprised if he was the star in the next "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, The shaolin dj".

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Originally posted by ~surreal~:

oops...I hope I didn't affend you. cwm6.gif The comment wasn't meant to be smart, I was just being sarcastic about the situation. cwm38.gifcwm9.gifsmile.gif

Ah! Don't worry-no offense was taken-I can appreciate the best of sarcasm!!

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Originally posted by siddeebeaux:

What skills??! Besides how to be a money grubbing ponce. He at one time had "skillz" but those days are long gone. Paul Oakenfold is now a businessman, and no longer a DJ.

yeah i know...i make joke. anybody who has a commercial for their cd on mtv...gots to go. yet we all went to see oakie way back when was that at the mayan. ok maybe not all of us but some of us. i thought he was alright too... wait...what was the question? argh...work sucks.

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But I love Paul Oakenfold, Trance has been and will always be the best music ever and forever. He is the best dj in the world and I love him. I want him to have my babies, I want hime to move next door to me so...my fawkin' dog can attack him and rip his fawkin' throat out. cwm6.gif

Wait, is this thing on? Did I just say that out loud? cwm24.gif

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Originally posted by msbobois:

maybe he'll adopt me and teach me some of his skillz...heh heh cwm16.gif

What skills??! Besides how to be a money grubbing ponce. He at one time had "skillz" but those days are long gone. Paul Oakenfold is now a businessman, and no longer a DJ.


His obsession . . . garbage, his profession . . . Sanitary Engineer, his avocation . . . Fucking

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