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To my friend Whateverman

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Since you’re such an asshole

And I'm sick of what you say

I wrote a little poem

For you and CP today

Lets start with you and your butt buddy

Who both like to attack me

If you saw my face in public

You both would hide instead of smack me

Sometimes I think you're gay

And you and fag boy are just lovers

I bet he farts when you’re in bed

And you stick your head under the covers

And the riggity tiggity thing

You just don't have a clue

If the real truth got out

Three guys from CP would kill you

No owner will hire you

You’re like an instant party kill

Where ever you go

I'm sure there's a closet that you can fill

Remember that time at platinum

When you asked me to turn my music down

And I send you away crying

I have as much respect for you then as I do now

You show your face in Platinum

And you act like nothings wrong

You shake my hand, you send out props

You ask me to play your songs

Then you get on CP

And you think you're really tough

You should put a mirror next to your computer

One look should say enough

Unlike you, our new light guy

Can change the lights to the beats of the songs

But then again you were the strobe king

Guess that’s why no one stayed on the dance floor for very long

Your friend Mark Amatucci

Nothing but class

The only problem he’s got

Is you’re so far up his ass

If I were you I would think twice

Before your post is sent

Because as I've come to know you

Your ambitions outweigh your talents

Before I go I'll just say this

What’s up with your chafed hands?

Is it because of all the wacking off you do?

Instead of “Whatever” it should be Brillo man


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Originally posted by davisg

Since you’re such an asshole

And I'm sick of what you say

I wrote a little poem

For you and CP today

Lets start with you and your butt buddy

Who both like to attack me

If you saw my face in public

You both would hide instead of smack me

Sometimes I think you're gay

And you and fag boy are just lovers

I bet he farts when you’re in bed

And you stick your head under the covers

And the riggity tiggity thing

You just don't have a clue

If the real truth got out

Three guys from CP would kill you

No owner will hire you

You’re like an instant party kill

Where ever you go

I'm sure there's a closet that you can fill

Remember that time at platinum

When you asked me to turn my music down

And I send you away crying

I have as much respect for you then as I do now

You show your face in Platinum

And you act like nothings wrong

You shake my hand, you send out props

You ask me to play your songs

Then you get on CP

And you think you're really tough

You should put a mirror next to your computer

One look should say enough

Unlike you, our new light guy

Can change the lights to the beats of the songs

But then again you were the strobe king

Guess that’s why no one stayed on the dance floor for very long

Your friend Mark Amatucci

Nothing but class

The only problem he’s got

Is you’re so far up his ass

If I were you I would think twice

Before your post is sent

Because as I've come to know you

Your ambitions outweigh your talents

Before I go I'll just say this

What’s up with your chafed hands?

Is it because of all the wacking off you do?

Instead of “Whatever” it should be Brillo man


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Your right bitch boy I was always nice to you when i walked into Platinum because there was no beef. But when I find out from people you work with and moderators how you acted like a pussy and had to hide behind a fake screen (riggity diggity) name to talk shit it became personal. But hey if you want to waste your time and make a poem dedicated to me be my guest. I will add you to my fan base pussy. Have I been warned again? Lets talk about maturity levels and how you want to beat me up cuzz I called you out you fucking homo.

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Originally posted by whatevaman

Your right bitch boy I was always nice to you when i walked into Platinum because there was no beef. But when I find out from people you work with and moderators how you acted like a pussy and had to hide behind a fake screen (riggity diggity) name to talk shit it became personal. But hey if you want to waste your time and make a poem dedicated to me be my guest. I will add you to my fan base pussy. Have I been warned again? Lets talk about maturity levels and how you want to beat me up cuzz I called you out you fucking homo.

somebody's buttons got pushed? Fighting you is a waste of time, I'd rather have a battle of wits, but I can see I'm battling someone that's unarmed. And you "Talked" to people. LOL. Then you should know the truth.

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i think u should win the nobel prize with that poem... you just cant handle the heat.. you should have never posted under a fake name rippin on people.. talk about class. you work in the business.. u should learn what class is.. now that its turned around on u you have nothing to say but to make gay poems.. pretty pathetic if u ask me..

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Originally posted by davisg

somebody's buttons got pushed? Fighting you is a waste of time, I'd rather have a battle of wits, but I can see I'm battling someone that's unarmed. And you "Talked" to people. LOL. Then you should know the truth.

Like I said those who know......KNOW. Now go back to mixing your cd's bitch boy, that takes allot of wit.

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Originally posted by muzikman

i think u should win the nobel prize with that poem... you just cant handle the heat.. you should have never posted under a fake name rippin on people.. talk about class. you work in the business.. u should learn what class is.. now that its turned around on u you have nothing to say but to make gay poems.. pretty pathetic if u ask me..

keep trying to put the riggity thing on me...I have nothing to hide. I know who it is, and they know I know who it is. So try to pin it on me, it will backfire.

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Originally posted by davisg

keep trying to put the riggity thing on me...I have nothing to hide. I know who it is, and they know I know who it is. So try to pin it on me, it will backfire.

your a fucking homo you and your gay ass poam what did u gain by that nothing yea it was funny but the only thing u gained is the fact when you go out u gotta look over your shoulder now

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Originally posted by davisg

If that's your idea of class then you have no clue what class is!



Registered: Jan 2001

Posts: 150


....for making me look like a fucking jerk off. "Stale" Real nice! I'll be sure to return the favor someday soon.


wisdom comes suddenly

Friday January 31st @ Platinum




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